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"lautsu" - STUPIDIST Avaitars?

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Regardless Flat., YOU'RE gonna get charged double if you'd like to join 'cus due to your age, you're considered "past over the hill," bro!





Huh? Got a few years before 40 still, rookie. 








Get off my fucking lawn. 

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Huh? Got a few years before 40 still, rookie mookie!








Get off my fucking lawn.


Exactly! You pay double past twenty!


-We're all chilling at your lawn dropping turds.







Btw, I'm older than you son. ;)



Where's that old hacker so he can give me a 250K post count for respect heah?! Lol!!!!!

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Because a post is not liked is no reason to close it.

Truth can be ugly.

This isn't a democracy decided by a dislike/like button.

You can always choose to not read this


All of the above. This is not to say this will never be closed or locked.


Daddy has to go to work now so play nice.


I question the validity of this "Retroactive Abortion", and you respond with this? All the above is avoiding the question. OK, I'll make this simple, what's the point of having a bash the noddy troll thread? If you are offended by laotsu's attention seeking antics, you can always choose to block him completely. Tahdone! The Truth is, taking cheep shots at someone like this is ugly. I'm not voting, I'm saying this shit is weak. But if it makes you feel better... you the boss Daddy.

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I question the validity of this "Retroactive Abortion", and you respond with this? All the above is avoiding the question. OK, I'll make this simple, what's the point of having a bash the noddy troll thread? If you are offended by laotsu's attention seeking antics, you can always choose to block him completely. Tahdone! The Truth is, taking cheep shots at someone like this is ugly. I'm not voting, I'm saying this shit is weak. But if it makes you feel better... you the boss Daddy.


getting closer, we should ask our international friends whether or not this thread deserves to get " banged up "





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Because a post is not liked is no reason to close it.

Truth can be ugly.

This isn't a democracy decided by a dislike/like button.

You can always choose to not read this


All of the above. This is not to say this will never be closed or locked.


Daddy has to go to work now so play nice.

I question the validity of this "Retroactive Abortion", and you respond with this? All the above is avoiding the question. OK, I'll make this simple, what's the point of having a bash the noddy troll thread? If you are offended by laotsu's attention seeking antics, you can always choose to block him completely. Tahdone! The Truth is, taking cheep shots at someone like this is ugly. I'm not voting, I'm saying this shit is weak. But if it makes you feel better... you the boss Daddy.


So we agree that you have the option to not view objectionable material then?

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I question the validity of this "Retroactive Abortion", and you respond with this? All the above is avoiding the question. OK, I'll make this simple, what's the point of having a bash the noddy troll thread? If you are offended by laotsu's attention seeking antics, you can always choose to block him completely. Tahdone! The Truth is, taking cheep shots at someone like this is ugly. I'm not voting, I'm saying this shit is weak. But if it makes you feel better... you the boss Daddy.

Insert groaning noise here.


FFS, its "retrospective abortion", not "retroactive".


Sheesh, and this thread talks about Rookies!


If you dont know the difference, Google it and learn it you bloody amateurs!

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Truth X2



Have you seen Birdman? Would have been call The Batman, but the franchise wouldn't let them. Stars Michael Keaton, the OG Batman telling the story of climbing out from under the identity of that role. Best thing I've seen in years.

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Was watching a documentary about how evolution has never been proven to exist, they had some of the best scientists alive today talking about it, shit blew my mind

I think the concept is that Darwin's theory of evolution is incomplete. The question isn't wether evolution exists, rather is natural selection and mutation the sole factor in evolution. There is evidence of what is called speciation. Speciation is a lineage-splitting event that produces two or more separate species. If this splitting is not an event stemming from environmental forces effecting natural selection and mutation to bring about a new species than how did this mechanism come about? The probability of something this complex coming about through evolutionary processes is astronomical. This suggests intelligent design, or at very least intelligent influence. 


Geneticists have also discovered a genetic leapfrog effect called epigenetic referring to heritable changes in gene expression. There is more "unused" genetic material in our DNA than what is actually used to make us. Previously geneticists thought this was just wasted material, but what they are finding is this material has a working memory of passed solutions, or responses to environmental change that can be expressed as quickly as two generations. This suggests a much more complex, nonlinear state of evolution. The spooky thing is the sequence of events that make this memory thing happen, closely resembles computer programing. Again way too complex to just "evolve" that way. 


Dust off your Bibles boys and girls.

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