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A new Ratson philosophy?

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The hang up is trip'n on the POS metaphor. The guy is a self admitted POS, and yes he does use a bunch of silly rationalizations (bordering on irrationalization) and false data to support his silly little thesis, but in essence the guy is saying what Mike said  "Hey... you know what? I think the world would be a better place if we all were a little more humble". To help put this into context he lives in Manhattan, owns a very small cafe in the village and is therefore colorful and extreme in his eccentricities.  See the film I Like To Kill Flies and you'll see what I mean.

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Earlier Mike suggested this thread should be dumped into insomniacs, and I get where that's coming from. No disrespect towards the kind of fun they'er having, but I don't think this topic would have gone anywhere there. This guy is NOT a modern Aristotle, or cultural savior by any means, but he razes an interesting point if you're willing to look passed the NY style showmanship.


Maybe we are a bit more entitled and myopic because we are lead to believe we are all special. He's saying this concept places very high expectations to live up to. If we have an ordinary life, did we fail to live up to our specialness? Like having a new car and trying to keep it "perfect", we are bound to get scratched and show flaws. If we accept ourselves as he says "a piece of shit" aka flawed, we might be more humble, and self accepting. 

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Well I'm officially on vacation.  When did we start Insomniacs #2?



dude, day 3 vacation.

My lady and I are staying at this hostel on the coast. Unfortunately we have to share a bathroom with this old couple and holy shit can they tear up a bathroom.


walked in there and had instant involuntary gagging,

the guy keeps telling my girlfriend that he likes her hat, 

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Sorry, habit from work, a misspelled work in a technical document , meant stop work and get the paperwork corrected, even if you knew what was really being said. If you were caught doing it you would win the prize of a few days off. And there were people checking all the time.



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Earlier Mike suggested this thread should be dumped into insomniacs, and I get where that's coming from. No disrespect towards the kind of fun they'er having, but I don't think this topic would have gone anywhere there. This guy is NOT a modern Aristotle, or cultural savior by any means, but he razes an interesting point if you're willing to look passed the NY style showmanship.


Maybe we are a bit more entitled and myopic because we are lead to believe we are all special. He's saying this concept places very high expectations to live up to. If we have an ordinary life, did we fail to live up to our specialness? Like having a new car and trying to keep it "perfect", we are bound to get scratched and show flaws. If we accept ourselves as he says "a piece of shit" aka flawed, we might be more humble, and self accepting. 


Now sounding like 'lower your expectations'

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Now sounding like 'lower your expectations'


You are absolutely right Mike, my expectations were too high.


Wow, I had no idea this little clip would be so threatening. From the word go it's been; Piece of shit? I'm not a piece of shit. That guy's a piece of shit, The rapist is a piece of shit. He should have said this, he shouldn't raze his kids like that. Holy fucking shit guys, relax. I honestly thought it would make for interesting conversation, but it instantly turned into the Salem Witch Trials 2.0.



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This guy?

deleted oic (Vladimir Putin)



This guy?

deleted oic (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad)



This guy?

deleted oic (Kim Jong Un)



This guy?

deleted oic (Osama bin Laden)



If you want to have some stupid negative self image, go for it, but I'm not a peice of shit because these F*@k sticks are what the real pieces of shit in the world really look like



Lock this stupid thread!!!

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