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Sure I'm projecting into the future, something I was not going to do in this instance, I'll cop to that.


One day at a time and all.


But if you reread my posts pertaining to this topic, I am a little more concerned with how this potential military build up gets paid for than I am with nuclear annihilation.


If the world gets destroyed no payment is due ever again, for anyone, hooray!


Here are two opposing views on the financial standing of the United States;






If President-Elect Trump really wants to "Make America Great Again", he should get us out of debt.


But both he and Hillary Clinton were strangely mum on the subject when asked about it at the second or third debate.


F!@#ing baby boomers, they took all the drugs, had all the sex, and spent all the money!

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I think you are taking too many liberties in assuming what President-Elect Trump means.


Here is another quote; 


On Friday, he had an off-air phone conversation about the tweet with MSNBC TV host Mika Brzezinski, who said Trump told her: "Let it be an arms race. We will outmatch them at every pass and outlast them all." MSNBC did not play his comments on air.


In case you have forgotten this what an arms race is here is a definition; competition between countries to achieve superiority in quantity and quality of military arms.


Notice quantity comes first? At any rate the U.S. and Russia are pretty evenly matched;




  • Total nuclear weapons: 7,300, according to the Federation of American Scientists.
  • Number that are operational: 1,790
  • Number retired/awaiting dismantlement: 4,490
  • Total nuclear tests, approximately: 715, according to the Arms Control Association.
  • First test: August 1949
  • Most recent test: October 1990
United States
  • Total nuclear weapons: 6,970
  • Number that are operational: 1,750
  • Number retired/awaiting dismantlement: 4,670
  • Total nuclear tests, approximately: 1,030
  • First test: July 1945
  • Most recent test: September 1992


Part of president-Elect Trump's appeal is that he says exactly what he means, build a wall means build a wall, drain the swamp means drain the swamp, arms race means an arms race.


I see where President-Elect Trump's advisers, particularly Sean Spicer are trying to walk back these comments and tell us all what he really meant and yes it had everything to do with sabre-rattling and projecting strength.


This is what happens when one uses Twitter to dash off 140 character blurbs on foreign policy and other issues of importance instead of f!@#ing Kardashian gossip or some s!@#.

To tell you the truth not really worried about Russia, Iran on the other hand is another story. Recent reports say Iran is real close to being able to make weapons grade ore. The one country that is more then willing to sneak a small device into one of the States major cities and lighting it off.

0bama unfreezing money, giving them millions in cash, on top of letting them have free control of there own nuclear program. It is all a massive disaster just waiting to happen.

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To tell you the truth not really worried about Russia, Iran on the other hand is another story. Recent reports say Iran is real close to being able to make weapons grade ore. The one country that is more then willing to sneak a small device into one of the States major cities and lighting it off.

0bama unfreezing money, giving them millions in cash, on top of letting them have free control of there own nuclear program. It is all a massive disaster just waiting to happen.

Bad deal yes but they are more interested in taking out Israel than the U.S. at this point.
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All you need are "Kryton" grade relays for the implosion type warheads unless you go with the cruder "shotgun Warheads like the Hiroshima bomd"!  Let's not forget that Japan has been recycling their "Nuclear waste" both domestically and through France and has litterly tons of Plutonium availably.  Nominally aimed at their recyclable "Breed up / breed down / breed neutral" ,essentially French design. power plant [since declared obsolete due to poor performane] which is scheduled for demolition.  So what is the future of all that Plutonium?  North Korea should carefully consider this in their stupid fortune planning!

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Russia and the US are not going to resort to nukes, JFC!!! There's no winning (surviving) in a nuclear war and you and them know it. Use your heads.



A religious war (jihad) is a totally different story. The win in a religious war is going to a heaven of virgins, feasting and smoking hash. Beware the person that would run at you and blow themselves up, for they are not rooted in your world and would rather be in the after life..

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Russia and the US are not going to resort to nukes, JFC!!! There's no winning (surviving) in a nuclear war and you and them know it. Use your heads.



A religious war (jihad) is a totally different story. The win in a religious war is going to a heaven of virgins, feasting and smoking hash. Beware the person that would run at you and blow themselves up, for they are not rooted in your world and would rather be in the after life..


I don't think they are into smoking hash, maybe that hooka wax that smells like flowers and cat shit,

also the virgins are probably still wearing burkas at the orgy and the queers are lodged in some grey cloud over Israel.

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...and devout Christians don't do recreational drugs. Yeah maybe not hash. 76 virgins and only one dick? and 24 hrs? Then have to start all over again? I dunnow. Maybe after the first one they beat and stone the next 75 for being whores?

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Duterte: "I Will Burn Down The United Nations"


The United Nations is making a lot of enemies.


......Trump is not the only one to hold a prominent grudge against the international organization, which many have accused of being nothing but an ineffective, if material, waste of taxpayer funds: taking Obama's threat several steps further, Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte threatened to “burn down” the United Nations headquarters in New York, in response to mounting international criticism over his bloody crackdown on suspected drug dealers.


“You go and file a complaint in the United Nations, I will burn down the United Nations if you want,” Duterte said, quoted by the New York Times. “I will burn it down if I go to America,” he added during a speech at an army base in the country's southern city of Zamboanga.


Earlier in the week, Duterte called Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, a top UN official, an “idiot” and “son of a bitch” after the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights suggested launching an investigation into Duterte's own accounts of killings when he was mayor of Davao City, and the “shocking” number of deaths during the ongoing anti-drug war.


“This guy [Zeid] is ever the joker or crazy,” Duterte said during a televised speech, repeatedly calling him stupid. “You UN officials, sitting there on your asses, we pay you your salaries. You idiot, do not tell me what to do... Who gave you the right?” he said quoted by Reuters


Needless to say, the UN does not appear to be very popular among the Philippines ruling elite.


In September, the outspoken Philippines leader refused to meet UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, and even threatened to leave the UN after it criticized his ‘War on Drugs.’ A UN official told Reuters it was “basically unheard of” for a leader to be too busy to meet the secretary-general.




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One of the first things Trump should do is kick those kiddie-fiddling eurofags at the UN out of the country.  Let them enjoy their fail and aids from  Brussels, or wherever, as long as it's across the sea and they leave us the fuck alone with their gun-hating hand-wringing horseshit.

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After WW 1 there was the League of Nations which was dedicated to world peace through negotiations but lacked an enforcement arm. It lasted about almost 20 years but couldn't restrict Hitler and Japan and by '39 it was in dismal distress. 




Part Duex. The United Nations. Formed to foster peace but slowly and increasingly promotion economic and social development and stability  Took over directly after WW II and while it initially had great success there were so many new countries formed that by the '70s the US, who had had great control (as well as the USSR and others) were seen as corrupt and self serving, could be opposed and out voted. It slowly declined as the US had less and less control and eventually they (the US) said 'as the world's police force, if I can't have my way, fuck all you guys' and stopped their funding payments in the '80s. 


So it has bumbled on through all the wars since then (sometimes actively involved) till the present but mainly without help from the US. In theory to do good towards maintaining world peace but often at odds with America's views on world economic and political and military domination. Like someone who agrees to the rules of the game but then gets pissed at being beat, takes the ball and bat and goes home just like Japan and Germany in the 30s..

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If it's world peace and security from conflict, you have to have clear simple rules that everyone agree to, and everyone has to be a member. You would also need a method of arbitrating transgressions and delivering swift decisive intervention and punishment.


So keep the rules clear and simple and the punishment for failure to obey them.


Well it's been tried before and.... didn't work. Notice that it worked only directly after a WW? People get sick of the fighting and it's a vivid memory. Give it a generation and it's business as usual. Good luck with this.

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Yes.. and had about 2000 criminals executed???


Duterte, Trump... Telling the truth


Appreciate Kennedy too, just saw 'JACKIE'


Duterte is/was a fentanyl addict executing drug addicts and dealers in the Phillipines.


If he is sober hey that's great, if not just another bloody hypocrite.



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