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Don't forget what I said about the news. Here's the break down. "Russia better not fuck with us 'cause we can kick your ass. You want to have a go???? were ready"


Remember the Donald was criticized for being too chummy with Putin. This is a great way to show he isn't..... even if he is.  

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Don't forget what I said about the news. Here's the break down. "Russia better not fuck with us 'cause we can kick your ass. You want to have a go???? were ready"


Remember the Donald was criticized for being too chummy with Putin. This is a great way to show he isn't..... even if he is.  


What news?


President-Elect Trump has effectively bypassed the mainstream media by utilizing Twitter;


Here is his Twitter quote verbatim;


"The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes."

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^ easy, tax payers.  Just read an article that social security benefits got lowered because students are not paying their student loan debts so govt' have to find another source to rob.  Same thing with nukes, if that ever happens, they will find a way.

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Says nuclear capability. That doesn't have to mean more nukes. Could be better intelligence, better deployment of resources. Running your mouth and verbal threats , this is known as saber rattling. You know, drawing attention to your sword and rattling it in preparation to drawing it out to give an enemy cause to re think his position. It's all bullshit smoke and mirrors.   

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^ easy, tax payers.  Just read an article that social security benefits got lowered because students are not paying their student loan debts so govt' have to find another source to rob.  Same thing with nukes, if that ever happens, they will find a way.

You need to read that article a little slower.Benefits WERE NOT cut ! The Feds are garnishing SS payments from retirees that never paid back their student loans to the Government.That's not lowering payments to recipients,it's making people pay back what they owe.This only targets those that didn't pay back their loans.How does somebody work until eligible for SS and never pay back a student loan ? 

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What news?


President-Elect Trump has effectively bypassed the mainstream media by utilizing Twitter;


Here is his Twitter quote verbatim;


"The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes."

Smart move bypassing the MSM.They spin it into something it isn't.


My only question is; " Who's going to pay for all these extra nukes?"


I guess it is really easy for some people to spend money which is not theirs...

There won't be any extra nukes,we have plenty already.Trump's advisors will remind him of that.

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You need to read that article a little slower.Benefits WERE NOT cut ! The Feds are garnishing SS payments from retirees that never paid back their student loans to the Government.That's not lowering payments to recipients,it's making people pay back what they owe.This only targets those that didn't pay back their loans.How does somebody work until eligible for SS and never pay back a student loan ? 


Easy. Middle aged who lost jobs and went back to school to re-train for another field. Like picture straightening or house sitting.

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You need to read that article a little slower.Benefits WERE NOT cut ! The Feds are garnishing SS payments from retirees that never paid back their student loans to the Government.That's not lowering payments to recipients,it's making people pay back what they owe.This only targets those that didn't pay back their loans.How does somebody work until eligible for SS and never pay back a student loan ?

Easy. Income based repayment plan. Earn below threshold. Pay interest only. When you have 1/4 mil is student loan debt, interest is hard enough to pay.

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Most of the courses that these private schools, like Heald, taught and is now defunct could have been had at your local adult ed. or vocational school and who knows maybe it would have been free, based on income level. Heald college always advertised that they are accredited and people saw that as legit but not realizing that those units will not transfer to a 4 year college, if lucky maybe a few.  A friend of mine graduated from Heald with an "Engineering Degree" and then he tried to transfer to San Jose State Univerisity and he was so pissed off because they only accepted on fricken class from his A.S. degree.


The one by my house closed down like a year ago and now another questionable school "Stratford University" took over where Heald was at. 

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Says nuclear capability. That doesn't have to mean more nukes. Could be better intelligence, better deployment of resources. Running your mouth and verbal threats , this is known as saber rattling. You know, drawing attention to your sword and rattling it in preparation to drawing it out to give an enemy cause to re think his position. It's all bullshit smoke and mirrors.   


I think you are taking too many liberties in assuming what President-Elect Trump means.


Here is another quote; 


On Friday, he had an off-air phone conversation about the tweet with MSNBC TV host Mika Brzezinski, who said Trump told her: "Let it be an arms race. We will outmatch them at every pass and outlast them all." MSNBC did not play his comments on air.


In case you have forgotten this what an arms race is here is a definition; competition between countries to achieve superiority in quantity and quality of military arms.


Notice quantity comes first? At any rate the U.S. and Russia are pretty evenly matched;




  • Total nuclear weapons: 7,300, according to the Federation of American Scientists.
  • Number that are operational: 1,790
  • Number retired/awaiting dismantlement: 4,490
  • Total nuclear tests, approximately: 715, according to the Arms Control Association.
  • First test: August 1949
  • Most recent test: October 1990
United States
  • Total nuclear weapons: 6,970
  • Number that are operational: 1,750
  • Number retired/awaiting dismantlement: 4,670
  • Total nuclear tests, approximately: 1,030
  • First test: July 1945
  • Most recent test: September 1992


Part of president-Elect Trump's appeal is that he says exactly what he means, build a wall means build a wall, drain the swamp means drain the swamp, arms race means an arms race.


I see where President-Elect Trump's advisers, particularly Sean Spicer are trying to walk back these comments and tell us all what he really meant and yes it had everything to do with sabre-rattling and projecting strength.


This is what happens when one uses Twitter to dash off 140 character blurbs on foreign policy and other issues of importance instead of f!@#ing Kardashian gossip or some s!@#.

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hey! can someone check snopes to verify whether or not this is true?


snopes CEO spent $98,000 on prostitutes


The CEO of Snopes.com, the fact-checking website that was recently named as one of Facebook’s “fake news” arbiters, has been accused in divorce proceedings of appropriating company funds which he allegedly spent on expensive holidays and prostitutes.

It was announced last week that Snopes would be helping Facebook to determine and label “fake news” with the help of ABC News and Politifact. The Daily Mail reports that the CEO of Snopes, David Mikkelson, is currently embroiled in a vicious legal battle with his former wife and Snopes co-founder Barbara Mikkelson. The couple divorced sometime around 2014, but legal proceedings have continued between the couple.


Barbara has claimed that her former husband embezzled money from the company. Court documents obtained by the Daily Mail state that Barbara accused David of “raiding the corporate business Bardav bank account for his personal use and attorney fees.” Barbara also claims that David embezzled $98,000 over four years, which “he expended upon himself and the prostitutes he hired.” Barbara claims that David......



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I think you are taking too many liberties in assuming what President-Elect Trump means.


Here is another quote; 


On Friday, he had an off-air phone conversation about the tweet with MSNBC TV host Mika Brzezinski, who said Trump told her: "Let it be an arms race. We will outmatch them at every pass and outlast them all." MSNBC did not play his comments on air.


In case you have forgotten this what an arms race is here is a definition; competition between countries to achieve superiority in quantity and quality of military arms.


Notice quantity comes first? At any rate the U.S. and Russia are pretty evenly matched;




  • Total nuclear weapons: 7,300, according to the Federation of American Scientists.
  • Number that are operational: 1,790
  • Number retired/awaiting dismantlement: 4,490
  • Total nuclear tests, approximately: 715, according to the Arms Control Association.
  • First test: August 1949
  • Most recent test: October 1990
United States
  • Total nuclear weapons: 6,970
  • Number that are operational: 1,750
  • Number retired/awaiting dismantlement: 4,670
  • Total nuclear tests, approximately: 1,030
  • First test: July 1945
  • Most recent test: September 1992


Part of president-Elect Trump's appeal is that he says exactly what he means, build a wall means build a wall, drain the swamp means drain the swamp, arms race means an arms race.


I see where President-Elect Trump's advisers, particularly Sean Spicer are trying to walk back these comments and tell us all what he really meant and yes it had everything to do with sabre-rattling and projecting strength.


This is what happens when one uses Twitter to dash off 140 character blurbs on foreign policy and other issues of importance instead of f!@#ing Kardashian gossip or some s!@#.


Where is it written that he has to do what he says? Second he hasn't done anything as he isn't yet in charge. There's many a slip 'tween the cup and the lip. He can say anything he likes to impress or confound people. What politician has ever followed through on his promises????? Means what he says? I mean everything I say.... for the moment.


I remember Sputnik in '57 when everyone thought bombs were going to rain down without warning. (kids hear everything parents talk about) Every month it was Russia this, America that, the arms gap, the missile gap, atomic tests ongoing, fallout, fallout shelters, U-2 and Francis Gary Powers, Khrushchev hammering with his shoe at the UN: "we will bury you!!!".The movies, like Nevil Shute's On the Beach (57) and Fail Safe ('64) books like Alas Babylon ('57) painted a dark picture of the present and future. I wasn't yet 13 during the Cuban Missile Crisis when the world stopped for two weeks. I've seen what an arms race is. This ain't it, for now.

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