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That's what "forced" means. If I want to drive, I am forced to have insurance, I am forced to wear a seat belt, etc.


No you are not forced nor singled out...By mutual agreement by everyone, you are required to have car insurance for protection of others and yourself. Imagine if you could choose to not have protection and someone at fault without insurance runs your dime off the road and totals it. Hey it's OK because they choose not to be able to compensate you for it. You ok with this?


You can choose to not wear a seat belt but it ends with you being fined or horribly dead.... and stupid. Brakes prevent accidents and death and you use them, why not seat belts? 



But they do it by choice. And they can choose to strike out on their own any time they like.


Not everyone can choose to strike out on their own. No job, no money., no choices.... you stay with parents until you can move.


Well, good luck with all that...   :rofl:

Apparently it's fuck everyone else I'm looking out for me.

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 No you are not forced nor singled out...By mutual agreement by everyone,


We obviously think "everyone" means different things. For you, "everyone" means D.C. legislators influenced by the car insurance lobbyists. 



you are required to have car insurance for protection of others and yourself. Imagine if you could choose to not have protection and someone at fault without insurance runs your dime off the road and totals it. Hey it's OK because they choose not to be able to compensate you for it. You ok with this?


I'm old enough to remember when the government didn't require it. It's not as though the streets ran with blood back then...


And I never said I didn't want to have it. I said I shouldn't be forced to have it.


It seems like you want the government to choose for me because you think I won't choose correctly for myself? If so, that's the problem. I believe in people. I think they will choose correctly. I don't think they need the government choosing for them. 




Apparently it's fuck everyone else I'm looking out for me.


Yeah. That's kinda how this whole thing works.  :rofl:


I see you're very big on hyperbole and exaggeration to try and prove your point... 


Well, you proved it. 

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You can choose to not wear a seat belt but it ends with you being fined or horribly dead.... 


The second option is fine. That was my choice. The first option is a bullshit way to generate more revenue. 


Brakes prevent accidents and death and you use them, why not seat belts? 


I use them all the time. I'm not stupid. But see above. 

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speaking of VA, this happened a few days after the election:


VA drops plans to cover surgery for transgender vets


The Department of Veterans Affairs has dropped plans to start covering gender transition surgery for veterans amid concerns about costs.


The proposed rule change that would have allowed the VA to pay for such surgeries was withdrawn from the Fall 2016 Unified Agenda, a biannual publication of proposed regulation changes that was due Monday.


“VA has been and will continue to explore a regulatory change that would allow VA to perform gender alteration surgery and a change in the medical benefits package, when appropriated funding is available,” the VA said in a statement Monday.


VA officials sent a letter dated Thursday to six members of Congress informing them of the decision. The lawmakers previously wrote a letter asking the VA to “move swiftly” on lifting the ban on payment for such operations.




kinda hope this means VA budgeting and accountability are going to improve:


'New low': Dead vets left to 'decompose' in VA morgue for weeks without burial


An Illinois Veterans Affairs hospital already under fire for excessive wait times, festering black mold and kitchen cockroaches faces a new shame – the bodies of dead patients left unclaimed in the morgue for up to two months without proper burial, whistleblower documents allege.


The whistleblower, whose identity is not being revealed for fear of retaliation, complained last month to the VA’s inspector general about the Edward Hines Jr. VA Hospital’s handling of veterans’ remains in cases where families have not come forward to claim the body. The complaint singled out Christopher Wirtjes, chief of Patient Administrative Services, saying “The Chief of PAS has the funds available, yet has no sense of urgency to lay the veteran to rest.”


On at least one occasion, a body had liquefied and the bag burst when staff had attempted to move it, said Alissa McCurley, Kirk’s deputy chief of staff.



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This sort of stuff kinda shits me.




Show the man a bit of respect FFS, and at least either give him time to get shit right, or monumentally fuck it up. Not sure what happened to the adage of "innocent until proven guilty".


Further, using your skin colour, and the theatre to push group ideology, bad shit!


RW has first hand experience of this, hence my comment. In 2007 when I was in Murica I saw two shows on Broadway (Rent, and a Chorus Line).


Loved them both.


After both shows though, the audience had to put up with the cast banging on about Aids, social injustice and the plight of the homeless.


Heres a hint you hippie fucks, keep the theatre apolitical!



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We obviously think "everyone" means different things. For you, "everyone" means D.C. legislators influenced by the car insurance lobbyists. 



I'm old enough to remember when the government didn't require it. It's not as though the streets ran with blood back then...


And I never said I didn't want to have it. I said I shouldn't be forced to have it.


It seems like you want the government to choose for me because you think I won't choose correctly for myself? If so, that's the problem. I believe in people. I think they will choose correctly. I don't think they need the government choosing for them. 



Yeah. That's kinda how this whole thing works.  :rofl:


I see you're very big on hyperbole and exaggeration to try and prove your point... 


Well, you proved it. 


To be clear when I said everyone I meant every US citizen. Technically that would include lobbyists but not specifically them only..


But every car on the road needs insurance. By insurance I mean liability insurance, and not collision, to protect the other guy, which would be YOU. So you're saying you trust everyone,would like to think that everyone will choose correctly and have liability insurance when driving? That's like praying to god for a cure instead of using penicillin. Not sensible at all. Maybe you have little to loose?



It's not an exaggeration that there are douche bags out there driving around with expired insurance. The state pays for the damages by the 'at fault' party and they pay the state back. Roll the dice.


So Americans hate their government so much that if they are told to do one thing, they do the opposite? Even if it is counter to their well being? Curious.

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           Like RW's post,I'm totally irritated with the protesters,

who are upset with the results of the election.They remind

me of Earth first protesters,who acted like idiots,most not

even knowing what they were protesting,& not willing to

have any kind of civil discussion with their opposition. 

           Why do they keep bringing up accusations,when Trump

hasn't even been able to govern yet?Why weren't they pro-

testing when Obama took sides in the shootings,saying the Black

guys were always right,& the Whites were always at fault.He had

the chance to help unite this country better than anyone,but blew it.

           I guess I'm just tired of protesters always turning it into a

race problem. 

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This sort of stuff kinda shits me.




Show the man a bit of respect FFS, and at least either give him time to get shit right, or monumentally fuck it up. Not sure what happened to the adage of "innocent until proven guilty".


Further, using your skin colour, and the theatre to push group ideology, bad shit!


RW has first hand experience of this, hence my comment. In 2007 when I was in Murica I saw two shows on Broadway (Rent, and a Chorus Line).


Loved them both.


After both shows though, the audience had to put up with the cast banging on about Aids, social injustice and the plight of the homeless.


Heres a hint you hippie fucks, keep the theatre apolitical!





They also have the right of 1st amendment.


And those in audience have the right to get up and leave at any time (specially once the show is over) so there is no "had to listen to anything" aspect.

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They also have the right of 1st amendment.


And those in audience have the right to get up and leave at any time (specially once the show is over) so there is no "had to listen to anything" aspect.

You didnt strike me as a tree hugger my Aussie brother!


Fuck their first amendment rights when im paying to see a show!

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You didnt strike me as a tree hugger my Aussie brother!


Fuck their first amendment rights when im paying to see a show!


I'm not one who is easily pidgeon holed into any one set category,I find such 2 dimensional concepts to be no different to being called a "deplorable"


Pence is a Politician - since when does fairness come into it for them?


Aussies are not known for their reverance of holders of public office.


The 1st amendment right is in my experience one that Americans love to pick and choose when they want it to be exercised,which is not how "rights" work (but then I also cynically take the George Carlin view on "ya precious rights"). 


Trump is pretty rich to be demanding an apology to his uber right wing Christian "God is real and religion is super important" spruiking VP Pence when Pence is happy to shout from the treetops about his religious views.


"Innocent until proven guilty" is about as real in the day to day world as Santa.


It's a nice idea but doesn't happen.


Trump better get used to the criticism from all circles of the populace,Obama got it,Bush got it,Clinton (Bill) got it and suck it up princess Donald I say.

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Maybe you have little to loose?


Assuming you meant lose and not loose, yeah. I have little to lose. It's just a car. I've already lost several.


Even when the other people have insurance, the insurance companies don't want to pay enough to fix it correctly. So it's not like I'm gaining much either...


It pays not to be too emotionally invested in a tin box. I'm just doing this for fun. My self-worth is not wrapped up in it. Win or lose (or loose), it doesn't really matter in the end. 




So Americans hate their government so much that if they are told to do one thing, they do the opposite? Even if it is counter to their well being? Curious.


Time to rename this thread to Datzenmike trolls the shit out of people...    :rofl:

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