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Hillary lost every state she did a campaign event. If that is not total rejection then nothing is.

She won by 60k votes in VA......Terry McAuliffe released 60k inmates in that state plus gave them "voting rights" right away....


Not saying....



Just saying....

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This, the first 100 days in office are crucial to shaping the direction of your administration, Obamacare needs to go, but first and foremost there has to be an up and running replacement BEFORE PULLING THE PLUG ON OBAMACARE, you cannot just undo, that will create more chaos hurting the people who really need healthcare and cannot afford it in the private sector, again, you can't just pull the plug.


Wow , that's mighty liberal of you Diego!

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Fuck her. I'll drive the special prosecutor to her house. 

What is the point?


The old right won, she will never be president.


Are you still that programmed with hatred and bitterness ?


Bashing Hillary has made a lot of people on the old right a lot of money.


I wonder what they will do now that they do not have her to kick around anymore?



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What is the point?


The old right won, she will never be president.


Are you still that programmed with hatred and bitterness ?


Bashing Hillary has made a lot of people on the old right a lot of money.


I wonder what they will do now that they do not have her to kick around anymore?



You send a message to the politicians....no you may not set up a charity and sell out your country's interests for profits.

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You send a message to the politicians....no you may not set up a charity and sell out your country's interests for profits.



I think President Trump could do that if he gets his ethics reform ideas passed.


Although trying to get politicians to voluntarily remove their hands from the honeypot...well it might be difficult.

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the CEO of some eatery called "grubhub" (never heard of them) is asking employees who voted trump to resign.


They are a meal delivery service.


Sounds symbolic more than anything...yeah how are you gonna enforce that Mr. CEO?


And now YOU know who Grubhub is...

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Can you imagine the s!@$storm he is facing?


And at age 70?


Blows my freakin' mind!

Yeah and yesterday that piece of shit Mich McConnell when asked about the term limits that Trump wants, he disagreed, Republican party of cronies in display, it won't be easy but if Trump comes to the american people for help on issues like this it can shake things up really good, he needs to expose the cronies every time they show their face.

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They are a meal delivery service.


Sounds symbolic more than anything...yeah how are you gonna enforce that Mr. CEO?


And now YOU know who Grubhub is...

ain't got no food dee-liv'ree places round heer unless you wanna count the time I rassled a passin' possum fer sum hunny comb he was a-gnawin' on. honestly, that isn't even sarcasm. can't get any food delivered within 15 miles of here.

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What is the point?


The old right won, she will never be president.


Are you still that programmed with hatred and bitterness ?


Bashing Hillary has made a lot of people on the old right a lot of money.


I wonder what they will do now that they do not have her to kick around anymore?




Not all your posts are idiotic.



This one is though.



She's corrupt as fuck and a liar, so turn a blind eye to the past because she lost???  News flash, her deeds haven't gone anywhere. Accountability! When people get away with shit it emboldens others to do the same. If they don't have a moral compass to stop them, the fear of eventual prosecution damn well should. She's got away with shit all her life and why we are where we are. When it's Trumps turn to jump on the pyre I'll help him up the steps too.

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Not all your posts are idiotic.



This one is though.



She's corrupt as fuck and a liar, so turn a blind eye to the past because she lost???  News flash, her deeds haven't gone anywhere. Accountability! When people get away with shit it emboldens others to do the same. If they don't have a moral compass to stop them, the fear of eventual prosecution damn well should. She's got away with shit all her life and why we are where we are. When it's Trumps turn to jump on the pyre I'll help him up the steps too.

Oh please, so she is the first and only politician to be corrupt and the only reason why we are where we are?


The rest of your post just echoes what Kohearts already stated.


And then when it is Trumps turn to jump on the fire you'll help him up too?


I was right, your hatred is pathological.

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What is the point?


The old right won, she will never be president.


Are you still that programmed with hatred and bitterness ?


Bashing Hillary has made a lot of people on the old right a lot of money.


I wonder what they will do now that they do not have her to kick around anymore?





It proves, no one is above the law.


What she did was a major risk to national security! Cannot stress this enough. There is a guy in prison for taking a selfie in a submarine.... Put that into perspective.

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