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I think we should rename this thread "Lying crook vs. racist bigot." :)

Leave my beloved thread alone Matt :)


I started Cuz Merica as a light hearted poke against Murican gun laws.


Ive been fascinted to watch it grow into a discourse on Murican politics and related issues.


To kinda paraphrase DM, though I dont remember exactly what he wrote a while back, the fact it hasnt descended into a bitchy name calling shitfight is probably why it survies to this day, and for this I am immensely pleased! Its been great to read the arguments and counter arguments as well.


In the meantime, dont even think bout eating a round, I got a funny feeling the Don will be Prez.

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I can't wait for all the voter fraud that will be exposed in the weeks to come, you'll all see how not close this race really was, Hillary pulled all the stops and still might lose....how sad....NOT!


Project Veritas was exposing it all day today.

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I can't wait for all the voter fraud that will be exposed in the weeks to come, you'll all see how not close this race really was, Hillary pulled all the stops and still might lose....how sad....NOT!


....and without wiki & veritas exposing their deviltry we'd most likely be gathering here and lamenting a crushing Hillary defeat while suspecting we'd been fooled but with no way of knowing for sure, eh, my friend?


I agree - I think the coming days and years will still shock us with the details of what the old skank's crew of miscreants attempted. Assange and O'keefe risked their necks to save us from a Hillary presidency. I sincerely hope Trump will grant a pardon to Assange. He's an equality opportunity offender who has pissed off both Dubya and Killary - that must mean he's doing something right :)


*BONUS* If hilldawg is as ill as we suspect the old cow will be in no shape to run (or even hobble) for President in '20. Bill can't run again sooooooooo that means the Clinton Crime Family (1st Gen) is fucking done and I don't think Chelsea has the brains or looks to be elected party pig at a freshman frat boy's orgy.


Can you imaging all the ridiculous meme's we will see for days.. meme magic is real.


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....and without wiki & veritas exposing their deviltry we'd most likely be gathering here and lamenting a crushing Hillary defeat while suspecting we'd been fooled but with no way of knowing for sure, eh, my friend?I agree - I think the coming days and years will still shock us with the details of what the old skank's crew of miscreants attempted. Assange and O'keefe risked their necks to save us from a Hillary presidency. I sincerely hope Trump will grant a pardon to Assange. He's an equality opportunity offender who has pissed off both Dubya and Killary - that must mean he's doing something right :)*BONUS* If hilldawg is as ill as we suspect the old cow will be in no shape to run (or even hobble) for President in '20. Bill can't run again sooooooooo that means the Clinton Crime Family (1st Gen) is fucking done and I don't think Chelsea has the brains or looks to be elected party pig at a freshman frat boy's orgy. blaspheme_blues_brothers.gif

Im going to paraphrase this post by saying, it is RW's personal opinion, the Clintons (based only on my personal Interwebs research) are as crooked as a dogs hind leg!


Just sayin...........


P.s. God bless you America!!!

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Funny to watch these liberal democrat news reporters, These states with 96/97% reporting and holding on to strings hoping some how in that last % the vote will change to Hillary.

They just called ME for Hillary with 87% reporting...uhm...ya your case in point!

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Im going to paraphrase this post by saying, it is RW's personal opinion, the Clintons (based only on my personal Interwebs research) are as crooked as a dogs hind leg!


Just sayin...........


P.s. God bless you America!!!

Thank you, rat. maybe your kin can salvage Brexit. I hope so. leftist scum never play by the rules. I hate 'em.



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