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Well if you stop giving them money and weapons... they will stop fighting also.


Remember the 'War On Drugs'? Yeah, that just does not work. Somewhere, someone.....  will provide you with what you need. Ideology.... you have to destroy or neutralize the idea of Issis.




It was the reason to take out Gadafi. He was overthrown just so Hillary could funnel weapons to isis through Libya.


Gadafi said no and they moved on his country to further the arms Expansion.


Wut the fuk???

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It was the reason to take out Gadafi. He was overthrown just so Hillary could funnel weapons to isis through Libya.


Gadafi said no and they moved on his country to further the arms Expansion.

Not the reason. The Gold Dinar is the reason.



Arming Isis needed no overthrow.


And Mike, Isis would be socially de-constructed if it didn't serve our interests.

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Remember the 'War On Drugs'? Yeah, that just does not work. Somewhere, someone.....  will provide you with what you need. Ideology.... you have to destroy or neutralize the idea of Issis.





Wut the fuk???





recently the Obama DOJ dropped its suit against him when he threatened to go public.  So yeah WTF. Libya was about arms dealing that ended up arming ISIS quite well.

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recently the Obama DOJ dropped its suit against him when he threatened to go public. So yeah WTF. Libya was about arms dealing that ended up arming ISIS quite well.

Libya was about taking down Gaddafi to my knowledge (gold dinar). Arms deals were part of that effort. Still, this is the dirt we need to be looking at. This is the right direction. Hillary will hide emails all fucking day to keep daylight off Libya
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James OKeefe doing Q & A on reddit. I'll post some of the questions and answers here. Background: Guerrilla Journalist. Filmmaker. Muckraker. President of @project_veritas foundation. Author of NYT Bestseller; Breakthrough. Rutgers alum.



Q: We've seen over the past week that the MSM is quite happy to ignore the videos put out by the Project Veritas team. Have you considered working with the Trump campaign to release the video at the right time in order to have the greatest impact? I had commented before that Trump announcing the video during the debate ensures the audience would watch it and the MSM would cover it. There is still time until Wednesday's debate; a few well-put-together videos and articles could turn this race around.


A: Thank you for the question. Great to be here. We are not coordinating in any way with the Trump Campaign or HRC campaign. We are, however, partnering with Mainstream Television news agreements on the release of the first bombshell. We have bombshells lined up everyday next week. It will be on Television around the Country. James




Q: Got a dead man's switch on your videos? Clinton's don't fuck around son.


A: Yes.


    We do have our own server and a headquarters with a top notch security system. Also the footage has been embargoed with many mainstream Television Stations around the country that will air it on Monday afternoon/Evening. (As well as another, possibly juicier story Tuesday afternoon/Evening. If anything happens to me, this story will still get out.





A: The answer is yes.


   Our Investigation has required EIGHT full time undercover investigative reporters embedded throughout the country from the bottom to the top of many political entities. Because we have hundreds of hours of footage, we needed to connect the dots and the scenes into a storyline that links it all together. It will be more impactful and more powerful instead of just putting it all out there at once or as soon as I got the video money shots individually.

Long story short, everything you've heard about back room deals and smoke filled rooms are verified. We have smoking gun evidence and it is incredibly damning.
Q: Was it hard to act as a cuck, beta neckbeard to infiltrate these DNC offices?
A: We have a great team who spent months training how to speak their language and use the appropriate disguises to gain credibility and access to these high level officials. We get training from former CIA and FBI guys on how to behave while undercover.

So it wasn't hard.



Q: Release before the debate? 


A: Yes, the first launch is Monday at noon EST and the second launch is likely to be Tuesday at noon EST. We'll access what to do on Wednesday after we gauge any reactions / coverups.



Q: James, how bad is what you are dropping next week? Election changing?


A: It's definitely evidence of criminality.



Q: Hi James, thanks for everything you've been doing to save America. My question is if you are going to continue on trying to expose George Soros and his all tentacle organizations?


A: There are many individuals filmed in these tapes that I plan to release next week. One of the entities involved is funded by George Soros.

That we know of, anyway.



Q: If the video doesn't include, her, it's literally wasting everybodies time



A: We have video confirmation of things mentioned in Wikileaks. Wikileaks is important, bus as they say, on paper it's one thing. But when people can see and hear it, it's 100x more impactful.



Q: Since your videos have come out, I'm guessing there have been threats on your life. Are you worried?


A: If you think the Govt or its affiliates have the power kill people, then yes, then yes, I should fear for my life

However - I don't give it a lot of thought because there is great joy in fighting. It's also not in the interest of the power structure to potentially turn someone into a martyr. It's more likely they will use the legal system to issue injunctions (like they did with David Daleiden). Or ban me on Facebook, Youtube or Twitter. (like they tried to do this week).

I'm also a Christian. So I believe it's important to fight for things greater than one's personal physical welfare.


Q: Do you go into situations knowing what to expect? Or do you just hope something sketchy comes up?

Why do you choose the targets in your recent releases?

Have you ever felt in danger from situations you've been in which undercover?


A: In this case, one of our alias was the creation of overseas offshore account. We created an actual overseas company. By representing a dark money source overseas we gained access and credibility in places previously unimaginable. At one point we were invited to the White House.

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@JamesOKeefeIII - Via Twitter


I’m already receiving threatening text messages from anonymous phone numbers. They know it’s coming next week but they don’t know the extent

We shall see. The only time you tell your opponent that you are about to swing, is when you won't. It's either non existant, weak, or he'd rather sell it

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We shall see. The only time you tell your opponent that you are about to swing, is when you won't. It's either non existant, weak, or he'd rather sell it


More info in the AMA I'm posting. Says one video per day all week next week. Also, this guy doesn't work for either campaign. He is just exposing corruption..

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I had to take a break from the AMA to drive home. Here is the last tidbit he posted before signing off:


"I know people want me to clarify that the footage directly involves HRC. Again, the answer is yes. And it's more than that. We've exposed the whole network. The dirty tricks, how they commit the voter fraud, illegal coordination -- is delegated from the top down. And we have all that on tape. And we're releasing different tapes everyday."

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