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Hillary folks discussing meeting with Hillary talking about backdoors in what appears to be public application or companies for monitoring the public. Welcome to your government folks.


"But in terms of wanting a way to break in - couldn't we tell tech off the record that she had in mind the malware/key strokes idea (insert malware into a device that you know is a target, to capture keystrokes before they are encrypted). Or that she had in mind really super code breaking by the NSA. But not the backdoor per se?"



"so we can try to compel a whatsapp to unencrypt, but that may only have the effect of pushing terrorists onto emergent encrypted platforms."


"i do think going forward it will be helpful to be able to refer to her having pledged not to mandate a backdoor as president."


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It's time to clean house at the DOJ and FBI..  I hope someone Gowdy and Chaffetz grabs onto this email chain and goes to town. This is total bullshit.. COLLUSION.. CORRUPTION.. OBSTRUCTION... 




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Also twitter is for sale.. and no one wants to buy it. For some reason.. they can't make any money.



Eventually, it will be bought out.

huh.....wonder if milo put out that he's considering buying 4chan as a distraction from his real goal of buying twitter? milo literally owning twitter would be fun to watch.


meanwhile, in Canada......


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I say vote for Johnson, if he were to get a significant amount of the vote, that might scare them worse than Trump.

I am positive that they don't want another Party in these elections in the future that could threaten their organized crime racket, they want to be the only game in town.

Also vote out all incumbents, we need term limits in this country.

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Problem that I see with Johnson is that he forgets people's names and did not even know about Aleppo.  I hear you though that the 2 candidates can not be taken seriously, both lie, manipulate, mean spirited, not in touched with mainstream, questionable actions, etc... and it's common knowledge that each side or their surrogates or supporters will come out with shit that happened like 30 years ago.

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I am mostly concerned with the media censorship of news. If they are planting stories... fixing "fact checks", and simply NOT reporting major news.. its a big deal. If you control the media, you control the country. Scary stuff.

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Another issue is that media reports without knowing their facts. They will go to press with heresay. Like the Bill Clinton tape. I saw that reported on all over. There is no evidence that's been seen to my knowledge. So how to "news sources" report on shit like that? To control the news, all you need to do is deliver a rumor so big they can't help themselves. But really it's buyer beware. Turn off the TV. There is nothing there for us. Turn off the internet, there's nothing there for us. Go for a walk, hike, bike ride, etc... (This serves as a reminder to myself)

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Couldn't get past the guests first minute. Info wars has become more ridiculous than any other source of information available. They killed themselves by trying to sweep trumps audio leak to page two by saying there is a tape of a rape by our former commander in chief. I call bullshit to that, and it sounds like info wars is all but confessing to that. Excuse me. Taking credit for it. Saying Haha, you can't control the media narrative, we can disrupt the press with a story about a rape. If there is ever a tape released, I'll turn down a BJ.

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Inforwars is pretty far out there.. without a doubt. But they didn't sweep the Trump audio. They acknowledged it, and moved on as did Trump. It really was a non-story. He said pussy flocks to him cause he is famous.

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Couldn't get past the guests first minute. Info wars has become more ridiculous than any other source of information available. They killed themselves by trying to sweep trumps audio leak to page two by saying there is a tape of a rape by our former commander in chief. I call bullshit to that, and it sounds like info wars is all but confessing to that. Excuse me. Taking credit for it. Saying Haha, you can't control the media narrative, we can disrupt the press with a story about a rape. If there is ever a tape released, I'll turn down a BJ.


At this point I think we have a better chance of real journalism from the tinfoil hat sites than MSM.


You just have to come to grips its total left collusion now.

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I made a joke yesterday about siting the National Enquirer..   But then I found myself actually finding what appeared to be real information in the National Enquirer regarding Scalia... WTF has the world come to?

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Couldn't get past the guests first minute. Info wars has become more ridiculous than any other source of information available. They killed themselves by trying to sweep trumps audio leak to page two by saying there is a tape of a rape by our former commander in chief. I call bullshit to that, and it sounds like info wars is all but confessing to that. Excuse me. Taking credit for it. Saying Haha, you can't control the media narrative, we can disrupt the press with a story about a rape. If there is ever a tape released, I'll turn down a BJ.

Thanks for making America retarded.

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Hillary acknowledging there will be terror attacks on US soil.






Here's the problem.... There are lots of Muslim countries and the rest have large Muslim populations. Another is that Issis is an ideology, not a country. Members can't be defined by military dress codes in battle. Any volunteer or otherwise army will have agents provocateur mixed in their ranks. First with any army you would need to run an anti virus to clean them out.


You need to disarm the idea of Issis.  Make it unattractive and unpopular to it's members and future recruits. I said this before.... why isn't someone fucking with their websites? taking them over?  reverse propaganda? sting websites? Dirty tricks? For a country who condones torture this should be a no brainer.....

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