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Bill recognized it was the most powerful job over the president and has been working towards this ever since...


True for the few first women who step up to use that power, Hildy, Nancy Reagan, and Eleanor Roosevelt. Most are just along for the ride. What roll would Bill play in Hildy's fun house cabinet? Here's a question, can a president appoint a spouse to a cabinet position, eg, could Hillary appoint Bill to her cabinet?  


No, as a result of Kennedy appointing Robert as Attorney General, Congress made rules to prevent an acting president's family members from being appointed to federal positions. 


If Hildy is elected, I'm sure those two will find a way to side step those silly rules... If you remember Bill appointed Hillary Chair to the National Task Force on Healthcare Reform. Not "Officially" a federal position, but trust, she was the most powerful person to ever chair that office. 

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True for the few first women who step up to use that power, Hildy, Nancy Reagan, and Eleanor Roosevelt. Most are just along for the ride. What roll would Bill play in Hildy's fun house cabinet? Here's a question, can a president appoint a spouse to a cabinet position, eg, could Hillary appoint Bill to her cabinet?  


No, as a result of Kennedy appointing Robert as Attorney General, Congress made rules to prevent an acting president's family members from being appointed to federal positions. 


If Hildy is elected, I'm sure those two will find a way to side step those silly rules... If you remember Bill appointed Hillary Chair to the National Task Force on Healthcare Reform. Not "Officially" a federal position, but trust, she was the most powerful person to ever chair that office. 


Half the women in U.S Government were appointed by Bill Clinton as a means of hush, hush. 

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And sharks,crocodiles,stinging jellyfish and a ton of other poisonous/toxic creatures and then when on land the crocs will still chase you and then there's the snakes/spiders etc. 


as long as Olivia Newton John doesn't kick me in the balls, I can hang with the other biological obstacles. 

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Austrailia lets nobody in.. right


red cap on guns is pretty unmistakable, milania dont f*** with fake. cellphone quality dates that pic


Hillary will do what ever she wants. Czars, Cabinet , Broads like Valery Jaret.. etc.

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The political establishment's shit is coming unglued and both parties are in free fall denial as they try to rally around their shiftless candidates. Both have more shit trailing behind them than a Tijuana outhouse, and it bares naked how F'n ugly the Washington power structure really is.


Even died in the wool Democrats are SICK of the Clintons bald faced arrogance, and their trail of lies that float around the letter of the law. The Dem establishment want's everyone to look the other way and accept that her character is worthy of the highest office in the land? Yah, right. I wouldn't trust her to walk my dogs.


Trump's political record is based on his self promotion as a real estate pimp business man, a reality TV show character, and his fumbled 2012 "Birther" campaign. His platform remains all ego, zero content. During his entire highly publicized life, the only real contribution he's made to politics were self serving campaign contributions. He's a great sales man, but his integrity is no better than the Bull Shit pile he stands on.


Ugly enough already, but it's about the get much worse, because the only thing these anal warts have to run on is throwing shit at each other. If there was ever a perfect moment for an independent, pro liberty, government For and By The People candidate, it's right F'n now. Seems ripe for the picking.

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The political establishment's shit is coming unglued and both parties are in free fall denial as they try to rally around their shiftless candidates. Both have more shit trailing behind them than a Tijuana outhouse, and it bares naked how F'n ugly the Washington power structure really is.


Even died in the wool Democrats are SICK of the Clintons bald faced arrogance, and their trail of lies that float around the letter of the law. The Dem establishment want's everyone to look the other way and accept that her character is worthy of the highest office in the land? Yah, right. I wouldn't trust her to walk my dogs.


Trump's political record is based on his self promotion as a real estate pimp business man, a reality TV show character, and his fumbled 2012 "Birther" campaign. His platform remains all ego, zero content. During his entire highly publicized life, the only real contribution he's made to politics were self serving campaign contributions. He's a great sales man, but his integrity is no better than the Bull Shit pile he stands on.


Ugly enough already, but it's about the get much worse, because the only thing these anal warts have to run on is throwing shit at each other. If there was ever a perfect moment for an independent, pro liberty, government For and By The People candidate, it's right F'n now. Seems ripe for the picking.

Agreed 100%, both parties are in self destruct mode and they haven't realized it yet, we might be living in one of those periods where future historians will look back on and say "that election year was the beginning of the end of the corrupt two party system, kids"......that's how I feel right now....maybe I'm too hopeful?

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Agreed 100%, both parties are in self destruct mode and they haven't realized it yet, we might be living in one of those periods where future historians will look back on and say "that election year was the beginning of the end of the corrupt two party system, kids"......that's how I feel right now....maybe I'm too hopeful?


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The political establishment's shit is coming unglued and both parties are in free fall denial as they try to rally around their shiftless candidates. Both have more shit trailing behind them than a Tijuana outhouse, and it bares naked how F'n ugly the Washington power structure really is.


Even died in the wool Democrats are SICK of the Clintons bald faced arrogance, and their trail of lies that float around the letter of the law. The Dem establishment want's everyone to look the other way and accept that her character is worthy of the highest office in the land? Yah, right. I wouldn't trust her to walk my dogs.


Trump's political record is based on his self promotion as a real estate pimp business man, a reality TV show character, and his fumbled 2012 "Birther" campaign. His platform remains all ego, zero content. During his entire highly publicized life, the only real contribution he's made to politics were self serving campaign contributions. He's a great sales man, but his integrity is no better than the Bull Shit pile he stands on.


Ugly enough already, but it's about the get much worse, because the only thing these anal warts have to run on is throwing shit at each other. If there was ever a perfect moment for an independent, pro liberty, government For and By The People candidate, it's right F'n now. Seems ripe for the picking.

I just have to ask is there or was there ever a politician you have ever approved of ? 

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The president doesn't rule the world. Even a Canadian knows your system isn't set up that way. He has some powers but HE doesn't 'push the button' HE doesn't decide international policy HE doesn't run the country or do much actually. HE is an omnipotent king in name only. And every 4 years you can replace him.


Your 'system' has a lot on inertia and one person won't change things very fast if at all.

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The president doesn't rule the world. Even a Canadian knows your system isn't set up that way. He has some powers but HE doesn't 'push the button' HE doesn't decide international policy HE doesn't run the country or do much actually. HE is an omnipotent king in name only. And every 4 years you can replace him.


Your 'system' has a lot on inertia and one person won't change things very fast if at all.


























































at least we try,,,,,  I'm sure everyone votes for this guy every 4 years.

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Agreed 100%, both parties are in self destruct mode and they haven't realized it yet, we might be living in one of those periods where future historians will look back on and say "that election year was the beginning of the end of the corrupt two party system, kids"......that's how I feel right now....maybe I'm too hopeful?


The problem is systemic, and much more serious than the number of parties we have to choose from. There will always be corruption as long as there's money being made, but our ill informed Mercan public created the super shit stained mess we see today. Our democracy was commoditized as our "Well informed citizenry" stood by sucking their thumbs.


Watch the campaign coverage on any channel you choose, and it's all zero substance soap opera sensationalism. I can't believe Trump won the republican nomination without a platform, or even shared a single ounce of his policy plan. But somehow "conservative" Americans are satisfied with nothing but rhetoric, and conjecture like they were choosing a meal combo at Jack In The Box. WTF happened to critical thinking?


The people have spoken! Trump & Hillary... duuuuuh, Okay. What a fucking joke.

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Nominating Trump is a painful suicide for conservatives. And may just be a painful homicide for The United States if he is elected.


In regards to his lack of a policy, I guess that's why no one attacks his policy positions...

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