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Bautista tried to injure the second baseman Odor with that shit slide. Then he tries to square up and gets a short right hand that stuns him good ha ha ha ha ha... 


This is how Baseball should be played. If a cheapshot sparks a fight then let the players have it out like in hockey. The sport will be the most popular ever lol

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The funny part is the lipstick on their fucking teeth....you would figure that after 200 years of looking at each other being twins and all they would know by now that if your fugly sister has lipstick on her teeth SO DO FUCKING YOU, dumbass

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Dumbass? Look up the word campy. Although not intentional, a lipstick smudge is't as big a faux pas as you feel it is. These old hussies are knocking it out of the campy park. 

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Hagmayer twins in 1984 ^, Hagmayer twins today v




Trump can have'm


I think those two went to SF gold rush heaven.


Used to see them everyday when I lived by Union Square, along with that cartoon artist Crumb. SF hasn't really changed much. Basically there are two hot European super models, one single gay dude, and 3 batshit panhandlers on each corner.

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