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It was a cop. Cops carry pistols. The dead guy simply chose to do this with an off duty cop in the audience. It's what cops are trained to handle.



Same as if there was a car accident and a doctor was driving by. No one says we should all become doctors to save people in accidents. It's what doctors are trained to handle.



Not everyone can b/should be a cop or a doctor. Same with gun ownership. Seems like everyone is expected to have one like a cell phone.

I don't agree....I believe everyone should learn basic first aid and CPR.....but schools are too busy teaching political correctness instead.

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Back in the day, kids had basic fucking manners before they ever went to school.


When we started raising kids like buddies and counting on schools to teach kids everything, we asked the government to do a job. And guess what they did...

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I think teaching teenagers how to properly text and drive at the same time could save more lives than cpr.

Picked up my girlfriend at UC Berkeley last night. Is it me or are college students just getting uglier and uglier and more dorked out?


Fucking straight up nerd alert everywhere. I'm gonna start teaching private classes on how to pick up on college students. If you eliminate the bedhead, cell phone, $300.00 suade jacket and Cal sweats, at least there is an even playing field. 

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I think teaching teenagers how to properly text and drive at the same time could save more lives than cpr.

Picked up my girlfriend at UC Berkeley last night. Is it me or are college students just getting uglier and uglier and more dorked out?


Fucking straight up nerd alert everywhere. I'm gonna start teaching private classes on how to pick up on college students. If you eliminate the bedhead, cell phone, $300.00 suade jacket and Cal sweats, at least there is an even playing field. 

 Are you really using UCB as a litmus test for cute? Hello! Go to San Diego State University if you want to see how the other half lives.

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Wish I was a doctor last night.


The bartender and me went out for drinks after work. I had several, she had two drinks. She was driving me home on Gordon highway. It's six lane divided where it happened. The car in front of us hit a guy in the road at 60 mph. We stopped. It sobered me up real fast.



All I knew to do was not move him.


Wish I was a doctor last night

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Are you really using UCB as a litmus test for cute? Hello! Go to San Diego State University if you want to see how the other half lives.

Yeah cal is pretty nerdy lol, Engineers and English majors

It's also the school I'm aiming for.. lol

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Yeah cal is pretty nerdy lol, Engineers and English majors

It's also the school I'm aiming for.. lol


the world is your oyster my friend,  

maybe comb the girls soft ball field first, before hitting the lab

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So you're saying only fireman should put out fires? 


And only EMTs or paramedics should do CPR...even if bystanders are CPR trained.


And only bus/taxi drivers should drive?

I dont think he's saying that at all.

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Can I ad that conservatives usually come from successful lives and are called into gov, vs life time activists for equall pay or some bullshit. Those activists being funded by that corrupt campain finance.


Both corrupt, but only one "says" they'll protect citizens real rights


And for congress to have power they can't be pussies , and look like obstructionists


Fuck the left

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Yeah cal is pretty nerdy lol, Engineers and English majors

It's also the school I'm aiming for.. lol

Aim high Mr. DAT!!!


UCB, great education, getting laid... not so much. But you don't put your drunken conquests on your resume.


Best of luck.

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Lube with the right .. Be gentle

No lube and harder for those pricks....we know what to expect from the left....these assholes should all be fired, take away their pensions and turn them over to the inferno....Fuck those so called conservatives, fuck them hard!

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So you're saying only fireman should put out fires? 


It's what they are trained to do. I suppose I could manage to turn the garden hose on and run into my burning house, but I dunnow. Doesn't seem like the wise thing to do....


And only EMTs or paramedics should do CPR...even if bystanders are CPR trained.


Training....YES! Like a fire fighter, if you are properly trained and do more good than harm them you could, even should, administer CPR


And only bus/taxi drivers should drive?


I only have an operators permit so only vehicles under 10,000 Kg and single axle. The only bus and taxi drivers would be those with the proper license.



So to answer everyone ? I would say that only those who are qualified, trained and permitted, should put out fires, administer CPR, drive a bus or carry a gun.

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Lube with the right .. Be gentle



No lube and harder for those pricks....we know what to expect from the left....these assholes should all be fired, take away their pensions and turn them over to the inferno....Fuck those so called conservatives, fuck them hard!

Come on guys. We're all pretty bipartisan with who we want to fuck around here.

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