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Anyone who carries $50,000+ around with them is a fucking moron. It should be taken away.



You should be able to carry anything you own, wherever you like, without threat of others taking it from you.


Now if you use that stack of bills to beat someone, then it should be taken away and used as evidence against you in a court of law. If you are found guilty, then it could be used to pay restitution and court fees and you can rot in jail.  :)

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You and most of us don't realize that the US Constitution was set up to minimize [uSA spelling] the impact of the knee jerk opinion poles!  The "people" AKA the legitimate voters as determined by the individual States who are not bound to any political party or persuasion excluding territorities [didn't trust those new citizens BYW] the second Electoririly College voted one exception not to Elect the populryly supposed sucessor to George Washington so as to not set an example as to just vote to elect the popular vote and set an unexptexed heriditory sucussivly path to the Presidency,as opposed to the British version which put the whole government in to the hands of the Parliament]  BTW, the British Parliamentary system is still the most basic form of local government in the USA or did you not look at your ballot when you voted [or snoozed] for your local Board of governors or the equivalent!  It is still the old Parliamentaly system at the local municipal, One chamber combining the Legistivare and Executive branches [and the bribary that all that that promotes] into the one arm of government to the dismay of the "voters" the second Electorial convention BTW set an exemple!  One "Real" Ectoral voter chose not to vote for the popular electee, he voted to go with the choice of the heartland which was that George Washington should be the only unamasly elected President of the USA!  End of history lession!

You know GPA, as much as I'd like to get my vote in there for Bernie, I believe the electoral college is quite happy Californians don't have much of a voice in the primaries. We have 172 delegates where most other states have less than half that. We also have two senators and 53 congresspeople in the House of Representatives. Although California has some conservative districts, it is very liberal as a whole. We have more than our share of influence in American politics to the dismay of many other states. One benefit though, we don't have to watch as many insulting political ads here, so I guess to all evens out.

So Californian, so used to getting overrun by government that you guys are actually ok with not having a voice...I never said anything about the electoral college system....when was the last time your vote as a Californian actually mattered in a primary?

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So Californian, so used to getting overrun by government that you guys are actually ok with not having a voice...I never said anything about the electoral college system....when was the last time your vote as a Californian actually mattered in a primary?


Edit, I need coffee

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Bullshit scare tactics, you only have to worry about large earthquakes when a fault line goes dormant without any activity, as long as there's small earthquakes going on every day like it's been for the past decades, the plates are running their course.....do worry when all shaking does stop, that leads to a build-up of pressure and can trigger larger earthquakes.


Summary: scare tactics, economic shakedown in progress, they want masses to stock, it's always good to have water and extra non perishable foods anyway.

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HAHA, during Northridge in 1994 (6.7) I wasn't even sleeping.


I was downhill skiing nose first and everything started shaking....REALLY hard.


After everything and everyone calmed down in the light of the new day...


...I was psyched and relieved that my dealer was open for business as usual!

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I was in down town San Francisco riding a bus on Market street during the 89 Earthquake. Seriously mind blowing the amount of energy released. It literally felt like we were hit by another bus multiple times. It wasn't a rocking motion, it was sharp and violent. Thousands of people came pouring out of the buildings and the streets were instantly flooded. Windows exploded out of high rise buildings so there was glass all over the sidewalks. Walking home I could see the Bay Bridge, and the Embarcadero freeway were falling apart, and fires were breaking out around the city. The creepiest thing was everyone and everything fell silent, so quiet.


The Hayward fault runs 2 miles from my house and every few months in the dead calm of night I can hear little quakes come rolling down the valley. Do I see that as a good sign? I have no sense of ease knowing a few little tremblers are releasing nowhere near enough energy to avoid a massive event. What you may not take into account is that small quakes could be transferring a tension build up, not releasing it. 

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You should be able to carry anything you own, wherever you like, without threat of others taking it from you.




Absolutely, Steve, you should be able to. The reality is you can't and now the police will take it too.

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