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Here is some silly, well intentioned stuff, it's genre is "pagan-folk".


The chicks are hot in a post hippy, post hardcore, post rave kinda way, but they probably don't groom and getting past the patchouli stench might prove to be too much.


Notice the concert in the first video, I think the audience is in danger of slipping into a mass nap.


What kinda drugs would you take to go to that kind of show?


Only in Europe I guess!

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Uh, there's no accordion in this stuff Dude... ?   :lol:


My brother's wedding was Pagan. Huge community in the Bay Area connected to Burning Man and such. Kind of hybrids of new age hippies and dead heads, but cleaner and less LSD. No spiritual connection to patchouli either but they burn the fuck out of sage up here. I used to belong to a men's circle that was mostly pagan guys. started all gatherings with the burning of dry sage. Not Pagan BTW, stolen from native American spirituality.


The truth is, pagan belief systems today are 90% fabrication. Most of Pagan belief and spiritual practice was wiped out during the crusades and puritanism.  Even then, pagan belief systems were unique to ethnicity, military industrial structure, region, etc. Just like Christianity today. If there are any universal themes, it's a spiritual connection to Earth, astrology, and the idea of faith by example. 


As for my survival drug of choice in a show like that, Pocket Love MDMA

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I dated a pagan for a while. It was fun and exciting and a freaky minefield all at the same time. Going out to eat, it very soon became clear all normal places were out of the question. Hole in the wall vegan places that smelled funny were the only places I could take the woman. Would only drink drambuie, but took on a bottle like I would drink ice water after mowing the lawn on a hot day. Crystals and knives, I could talk on that for a long time. Sex was like how I would look at a car, given the chance I am going to take it for a test drive. After a few times wondering what number I was that day, I brought it to an end. Find yourself one and give it a ride.

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