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My dog is my best friend....

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This happened with my beloved KD in 2012.


Vet said she was riddled with bone cancer (which the xrays proved without any doubt).


Sometimes, as gut wrenching, and soul destroying as it is, the decision has to be made about their quality of life.


The hardest thing ive done in my life is say goodbye to a couple of my best mates, all of whom ive had since they were puppies.


The two things that have helped me get through those terrible times were:


1. The wonderful life they had, and


2. I knew, no matter how much they would never be replaced, somewhere out there was another dog who was waiting for the chance to be given the awesome home theyd get with me.


Whatever happens, stay strong!


Best wishes Mike, I genuinely share your pain at this terrible time.

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Well I don't see how they could say cancer of the liver and spleen. I don't believe it but I agree he mustn't suffer if he does somehow. I'm watching and waiting. He's acting normally in every way otherwise. Thanks for the words. I'll get back if there's news otherwise I'll let this thread alone for now...

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I had a German Heeler for 16 years. Never had health issues until about 10 years old. She couldn't jump on the couch/bed anymore, run, had troubles going thru the dog door, even walking was more cautious. Everything else was normal for her. Turned out that anal glands were impacted. The vet ended up expressing them. As she got older, it needed to be done more frequently (every 6 months or so).

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Mike, I'm sorry to hear this.  12 years is about that age for larger dogs.  Molly is only 9, but she occasionally has little seizures.  Not bad, but enough to freak me out when they happened a year ago.  Very infrequent, but I do worry about her getting on in years.  As for your pup, it sounds as though he may be living on borrowed time.


The last dog I had was my dog all the way through high school and college.  Got her when I was 14 in 1994, she lived until 2008.  She had been getting deaf and her hind quarters didn't work so well.  She still had a reasonable quality of life but then one morning mom backed out the car and ran her over.  Interestingly enough, she lasted through the night and in the morning mom called me and we took her down to the vet.  She rallied in the car as she was always excited to go for a ride and go to the river or the park.  We knew she probably had internal damage though and at 14, there wasn't much to be done.


It's the hardest thing I've done but we went with her into the vet while they put her down.  I'm tearing up writing this, but she was on the table and panting while mom and I were crying and stroking her head and giving her lots of loving, and she breathed a little faster when they fed the drugs in to stop her heart, but right up to the last she knew she was loved.  As much as it still hurts, I'm very glad I was there for her final moments.  I'm not looking forward to going through Molly's last moments, hope I have a few years left.


Stay strong Mike, its terrible when a good friend goes, just make him as comfortable as possible.

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Well, no bad news. I didn't post earlier to say things were better only to have to say I was wrong. It's been four days and no repeat of the loss of balance. He's back to jumping the porch steps again. Gets very excited to go outside, does his bushiness normally. Good appetite and drinks as noisily as ever. Pesters me for a taste of my coffee.

The Big Dog has been steadily getting better. What a tremendous relief! Thanks everyone, I was very down about this and you all helped me keep positive. I have no idea what this was or how the vet could say such a thing. I have my friend back... for now and hopefully for a long time to come..



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Yeah, I paid no attention to it either, he always dug at his ears and shook his head. Then one day it looked like he was trying to walk across a boat on rough seas. Vet gave them a good cleaning and gave me some ear drops. He cleared up in a few days. Just sounded really familiar, so figured I should mention it.

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Yeah, I paid no attention to it either, he always dug at his ears and shook his head. Then one day it looked like he was trying to walk across a boat on rough seas. Vet gave them a good cleaning and gave me some ear drops. He cleared up in a few days. Just sounded really familiar, so figured I should mention it.

This is a good point.


Like humans, middle ear infections in dogs can cause varying symptoms including unsteady gait.


Hopefully the vet checked this for you, if not, could be worth a check?


Epi Otic is a (non veterinary prescription) ear and skin cleanser which i've used for minor ear infections and cleaning on my working and pet dogs.


  Not sure if its available in Canada?


Either way, your veterinary surgeon can advise

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The vet who told my wife he was failing and had about 4 days left? Wanted another $500 for further tests? Got her and me very upset? That vet?


He may be failing.... but not for the immediate future. Even I can see that. I'm going to watch him and love him and enjoy his company even more now.

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The vet who told my wife he was failing and had about 4 days left? Wanted another $500 for further tests? Got her and me very upset? That vet?


He may be failing.... but not for the immediate future. Even I can see that. I'm going to watch him and love him and enjoy his company even more now.

:thumbup:  :thumbup:  :thumbup:

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