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(INSOMNIACS) balls deep.

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For the record i was trying to say we are all the same in the grand scheme of life, love, hate and death....  i have no control over what others type as they instigate for their twisted pleasure.




I learned all i know from watching this documentary on the subject a few years ago.










 And to get us off to a more up-lifting comradery type morning,,, here's a inspirational video about Texas.



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Hey out there PNW ,I just got back from Buena Park Elks club car swap meet Pickers Paradise (20-25sellers ) , you guys should go start one at your nearest Eelks club once per month,they are happy to sell food and charge entrance fee and rent their parking lot This one mostly old car stuff and bikes ,was an Schwinn Applecrate even forsale , anyway Elks clubs are big up north.

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Dude the Elks Club is a full on CULT! The "Secret Room" is notorious for sacrifice, book burning and some of the hardest pagan sex orgies ever recorded.


I'm in, but I don't wanna bring my Datsun or Girlfriend

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