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(INSOMNIACS) balls deep.

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If somebody litters the guy gets up and policies the situation.


one day he was out trying to sell his photographs, my friend mike who just dumped 20 grand into eye surgery was like " hey cool photo, kinda broke tho.... Do you have a water mark and we can post it on carfien"


the guy was all " dude I've been doing photo journalism for twenty years, it has a copyright"


mike is like ok I'm going,


then the Mercedes guy is all

" boy mike is a dick today "

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I'mI just pissed off that the one thing I do really well (grow a beard) has been ruined. I have a strong suspicion that the pesron who coined anything metrosexualish about a beard can't grow one. It's why I statred saying that all men with large weiners are stupid.

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You know, now I get it.  There was this one chick online whose "Message me if" line stated "If you have a beard."  And then some other crap, and I'm like WTF, why would it matter if I did or didn't have a beard?  As a matter of fact I do have a beard but as soon as summer comes it's getting shaved the heck off because it's hot.  Winter's cold, grow a beard.  Summer's hot, shave it off. Simple.  I think she might have been a hipster chick, good thing I dodged that bullet!

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Hangin around real leather daddys and otters is not the worst place to pick up women.


for those of you that don't know what an otter is... Its the skinny German looking gay dude in blue denim with shaved head, John Lennon glasses and a massive sea otter mustache !

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I've got it. Give a hipster coffee served in a she she brand cup, then tell him it's Folders freeze dried. Instant loss of bodily function. I want Video!!!

Can't we just use a shovel......to the back of the head.....at the base of the skull...... that should repel them well enough.

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Gonna try n get some pics of Mercedouch and terry the recycler.

mercedouche is farthest thing from a hipster, he's 55 and looks like a roady for y.n.t or cheaptrick with short hair. Terry could waste him, he's like Apollo creds bully.

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Gonna try n get some pics of Mercedouch and terry the recycler.

mercedouche is farthest thing from a hipster, he's 55 and looks like a roady for y.n.t or cheaptrick with short hair. Terry could waste him, he's like Apollo creds bully.

I've named another one :ROFL:

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