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(INSOMNIACS) balls deep.

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Overthinking it, I don't think you could donate more than 50k to a food bank.  They'd have a big problem with that financially and it probably violates some sort of non-profit agreement.  As for the $1 mil, I suppose they thought it was important enough to donate that much.  No different than me donating a can of food to the food bank in a yearly food drive and spending a lot more on something else.

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They gave a mil, balmer gave 500k Starbucks douche gave like 300k Paul Allen gave like 250k, the campaign is not lacking in funds. What it is lacking in is proper statistics and educated decision making.


Baden said it best "we dont have the funding or the man power to enforce the laws that are already in place". So how about these rich idiots give all that money to enforcing existing laws? Oh yeah because they cant write that off and make a politic stance that way. Even if its "not about politics".

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My wife.


Walks around and suddenly says something, usually a question. I reply "If you want, I don't give a fuck either way." She snarls "I'm on the PHONE!"


Me... Well what the fuck did you expect?"

She... just leaves

Me... Borg!!!

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My wife.


Walks around and suddenly says something, usually a question. I reply "If you want, I don't give a fuck either way." She snarls "I'm on the PHONE!"


Me... Well what the fuck did you expect?"

She... just leaves

Me... Borg!!!

It's hard to fold laundry with one hand.

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I hate phones of all kinds but there is a separate circle of hell for cell phones and cell phone users.


We have a land line phone set to three rings and take a message. Ring... ring....  (no sounds of her rushing to answer)


Her...  can you get that?


Her... you get that??

Me... no

Her... wtf??????????

Me...  I knew it's not for me.

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Holy crap, wonder where that was?  Probably Russia.


There was a huge problem with faked accidents for insurance rip offs. To protect yourself it's best to have a dash camera. It's unbelievable what drivers there try to get away with..... and end up dead.

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That's why my cell phone ring tone is the sound of a Datsun accelerating Mike.   :D


It's this exact one, to be exact:



I need to make one from the Maxima.


Damn, must be me but sounds like an L6. (crazy, I know)

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