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(INSOMNIACS) balls deep.

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so, I got passed over for an internship today. The HR lady said I definitely had the experience and showed great passion, unfortunately I was too outgoing and overshadowed the others in the group and so didn't appear to be well suited to a team environment. TOO outgoing? Fuckers wanted some khaki wearing corporate wimp.


classic case of the vibrant, aggressive monkey falling outta the tree first,


mother nature is a bitch

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Im drunk ..... Fuck you all ...... I'm going to eat. Rolled up beef in a corn ortillaa n gnight :fuckyou:



Wiitht rAnhh and Hoyt sAuss


I should rip apart my sons Honda 50 and make this,,,,,,,,,,, only,,,,,,,,







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It does seem rather odd with the disappearance of Smoke. Anyone live near him?  I doubt he's a doing a three day absence for the troll factor.  Of course, what little I remember of him, it is possible he got in a scrape and might be somewhere unpleasant with bars.  I hope not though.  I'm not going to put a "Where's Smoke" sticker on the back of my car just yet, but if anyone does know of him or his whereabouts, you might want to check.

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I have made contact with Kal El.  He is currently on a super-secret assignment to secure the sanctity of the sand shark and will be back in a week...riding an anteater. ;)

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Freakin' lucky!  It's snowing here, built a fire in the garage.  Just picked up two rear 96-99 Maxima rear struts which I think I can make work for the rear 810 Maxima struts.  Shorter body, shorter extended length.  Hoping that will cure my too short springs in my too long struts.  We shall see.  There are a couple of differences, but I think I can overcome them.  Making a cup of tea and having come biscuits, then going to go out and yank the rear suspension apart again and fiddle with the new versions.

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