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(INSOMNIACS) balls deep.

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Jehovah witness asked if dog is nice,, i said just as she nuzzles up to the guys hand  to get pet on head,, " Yeah just don't stick your hand out to it" ... So the lady closest to door reaches into purse for pamphlet,,,,,,,, "or make sudden moves as "it" didn't make it outta police dog training  because of "its judgement" . 


The dogs name is piglet fer christs sake.


It's the little things in life that make it worth sticking it out sometimes.. :rofl: :rofl:

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Reminds me of a story. When I was little my dad had a full guard trained big ass Doberman, no one EVER came to our door period. Knock on the door two Jehovah's witnesses and the dog sitting right next to the like "look what I found" dad looks at the dog and says "what the fuck is you're problem?"....and that's the last time any one came to the door while we had that dog.

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You should once in a while, get you a good 4-5 psi of oil pressure.....from zero....

Oil pressure?


Makes me think of the very first V8 engine I built when I was like 14 or 15. I had zero help, so it was all just a bunch of guesswork, wrong guesswork. I got it all together, got it in the car, fired it up, sounded good. I let it run at a high rpm for a bit, then brought it back down to normal to notice it had like 5 psi of oil pressure. Must be the gauge, so I changed it...NOPE. Well, fuck it, I'll run it until it blows up. Now, this engine even when wound up to the moon would never built more than 25 psi. To top it off, it was an 11.5 static compression engine, with a cam that started to work really good at about 3000 rpm. 


I ran the absolute PISS out of that thing for like three years. I mean drag racing at least three nights a week, leaving the line at 7000 rpm, shifting at 8000 and all the killing I tried to give it in between that time. I sold to car to a guy I knew, he drove it for over a year and decided to put a set of gauges in it (I had taken out the oil pressure gauge to fix the problem). He calls me and tells me the engine is shot, it hardly has any oil pressure. I said "is it making any noise or smoking?" "No", "then leave it alone". He did. He drove that turd around for like 10 years, replaced the engine with some fancy big block from Summit, but he pulled that old one out still running good, it's been sitting on a stand in his shop for at least a decade. I want to get it from him, open it up and find out what I fucked up. I'm thinking cam bearings due to how I installed them.

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A friend if mine had a jeep tj that he took piss poor care of. We jump in this thing none day to drive over an hour away and he says "huh, non oil pressure, I'll change the filter quick". Go rumage around his garage. No new filters, reaches in to 5 gallon bucket of used oil "hey I found one!" Puts it in "WOOHOO 3lbs!" And all I can think is are you fucking kidding me?

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Ah yes, another story of tweakerville across the street.  So today there's a guy in the Thunderbird with the broken window who actually tries to talk to me as I open the gate to get into my yard.  I gave him the cold shoulder, tersely answered his attempt at small talk.  I actually felt a little bad, he seemed like a good guy.  Of course, with the general tweaker nature at the house we've all been having problems with, I'm not holding my breath.  So the day goes by, worked on the red truck, and I just finished watching the 10 o' clock news.  I look out the window, the Thunderturd is parked in front of my gate.  Nothing gets me more annoyed than having people park in front of my gate.  I park all my vehicles inside so I don't have to leave them on the street.  It's a lot safer for vehicle prowlers.  


Anyway, I'm starting to get annoyed, so I go look at the car.  Yep, in front of my gate.  So I grab the pepper spray and strap on the .45, then go and get the floor jack.  I jack the rear end up, can't push it by hand due to the angle of the street.  So, back to the red truck, get the logging chain out of the back, fire up the white truck since the red truck is currently inoperable.  Get across from the ass end, and proceed to swivel it around in the middle of the street so it's parked 90 degrees to the curb.  About the time I'm letting it down off the jack, I see a car down the street pull up.  I pull back into the yard, and sure enough, I see a guy walking towards the car.  I'm thinking here we go.


"I'm apologize for parking in front of your gate man."  I'm like, what?  Seriously?  Hmm.  And I say to him "I just don't like people parking in front of my gate."  "It won't happen again."  "I appreciate it."  Lol.  So maybe this guy they have helping out is actually alright.  I didn't fuck up his car on purpose, I just moved it gently.  Figure he knew that, he fired it up and moved it down the block.  We'll see if he's there tomorrow.  Perhaps there's light at the end of the tweaker tunnel.  (Still gonna be carrying though.)


That is all from the ghetto tonight.  (See what you miss in Canada Mike?) :D

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It's okay, man - if there's one thing I know, it's how to drive when I'm stoned. It's like you know your perspective's fucked so you just gotta let your hands work the controls as if you're straight.




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