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Why not make "luxurious" seats from a nice durable smooth cloth?

Spill something on it. I dare ya. That's why its not cloth. It's a pain in the ass to clean and gets stains out of. I do like cloth seats (just ordered some) but I'll be taking my coveralls of when I get in the car now lol.

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North Americans are just slobs when they eat in their cars. Remember when there were those seat-belt failures here in Jap made cars? The makers said it was from spilled food like McD fries stuck in the mechanism and I believe it. People were outraged...but it was true. If you don't eat on your new couch why on your good car seats?

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Spill something on it. I dare ya. That's why its not cloth. It's a pain in the ass to clean and gets stains out of. I do like cloth seats (just ordered some) but I'll be taking my coveralls of when I get in the car now lol.



North Americans are just slobs when they eat in their cars. Remember when there were those seat-belt failures here in Jap made cars? The makers said it was from spilled food like McD fries stuck in the mechanism and I believe it. People were outraged...but it was true. If you don't eat on your new couch why on your good car seats?


Mike sums it up. I used to hate dealing with moronic soccer mommies (and daddies) complaining about and expecting a free warranty replacement of crap THEY or more than likely their children destroyed. Seat belt buckles, audio and video electronics, electronic shifters, you name it.


Eat in your car, that is YOUR problem. It is a vehicle, not a damn restaurant. No one eats or drinks in ANY vehicle I own, or smokes, including me.

And as for "getting dirty" at work, that this what rubber mats and a change of clothes is for!

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Like she had to point out she had boobs






A Datsun takes out Grand Champion at Summernats.





Rain,, hard freeze,, then apparently 3.88 inches of rain again,, then add in a 8 ton vehicle , and you get what we have here.









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North Americans are just slobs when they eat in their cars. Remember when there were those seat-belt failures here in Jap made cars? The makers said it was from spilled food like McD fries stuck in the mechanism and I believe it. People were outraged...but it was true. If you don't eat on your new couch why on your good car seats?


This. Nothing more disgusting then getting into a car that looks/smells like an cafeteria dumpster that didn't make it to the curb on time. I've had to work on my fair share of these appliances for the entitled and unsanitary.. nothing worse than having to pull a center console that's had the cup holder fashioned elegantly into a bog from spilled soda pop, taco sauce packets and half cigarette butts. The smell alone of these roach half-way houses is enough to make your my innards lurch.


Some countries out there don't even have cup holders in their car. "You do WHAT?? When I'm in a car, I'm driving; not sitting down for pierogies and poutine ".

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About 1990 i turned down a really cheap first gen sunbird because the guy had been delivering pizzas & philly cheese steaks in it for two or three years. Yo tank yer gonna git the smell o'onions an' pepperonis outta a new joy zee car dat cam from da factoree with velour uphostery!?! Fuggetaboutit!

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Canadian's look at car culture much more differently than say North Americans 


There are just too many wrong things here.






Yeah, we call them coolers, and whoever called the tow truck was just being a smartass.

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