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How to use the new "For Sale/Wanted Classifieds"


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This post is more to raise awareness than anything of the new system.


You must have 25-posts to be able to post either a

---- For Sale Classified

---- Wanted Classified

---- (Basically anything related to the new classifieds section)


If you are a New Member you can acheive the 25-posts by

--starting an introduction thread

--starting a thread about your datsun

--Maybe you have a slightly more extreme datsun setup ? start a thread under "project datto"

--replying to other's threads

--general , techanical , and specific car forum areas


--etc etc


Since it's been announced Ratsun is changing classified direction and format I decided to copy and save my old ads.


I'd highly recommend you do the following as well for when the old classifieds are made to walk the plank.

*(1) Go to your old for sale/wanted to buy/etc classified ads and save them to (2) different sources on your thumbdrive and or computer.

*(2) Continue to contact members from the old classifieds ads as well as new classifieds and PM/Message them since we're not able to respond or reply. At least until they are deleted.

*(3) Take time out of your day to PM a couple members about the new classifieds even if it's random :)

*(4) Familiarize your-self with the New Classifieds.

*(5) Re-post your classified(s) in small spurts (1-2 at a time maybe ?)


I have 25-30+ classifieds so I thought I'd post this for those who are more visual learners or simply don't know where to find them since questions and reply's to my old ads have ceased to exist.

It looks to be we're on a transition period for old and new classifieds.


Start by clicking on the "NEW" classifieds button located towards the top left hand of the screen.

The green arrows in the picture are pointing straight at it.



This is the screenshot you will see after clicking the button mentioned above.


^^^ referring and looking at the picture above.

There are now time-limits on the classified ads which seem to work out to 14-days until expired.

Notice on the top left hand side (orange square) highlighting the different categories to search in the classifieds.

Price shows up directly before clicking on the ad (circled in green and in green lettering).

Time left on the ad and views are counted on the right hand side of the screen.

If you wish to make a for-sale or wanted classified look to the top right corner of the screen and click "Add an Advert" (green arrows pointing towards the button in the picture above.)


After clicking the "Add an Advert" ..this screen pops up in front of you.


Add any pictures by upload or attach at this point if you wish (circled in black in the picture below).

You can also still drop photobucket photos in the main text body if you wish to do it that way ( I do this as well ).



In this case I choose the category "drivetrain" (edit: opps needs to be cooling ... )

Select a category by clicking you wish to post an ad on the bar that the green arrows are pointing towards , then click "continue" (circled in red).


This screen pops up next after clicking "continue"


scrolling down a bit further on the same screen shows this...


Now that you've reviewed the above 2 pictures (which we are still talking about)

Notice you can go back and change a category at this point if you wish (circled in green in pic above.)

Everything circled in green is an option = (exception "listing price" seen above in the picture)

*Phone Number

*Email Address

Everything circled in red or orange is mandatory =

*Item Name



*State or Province



*Advert Type


^^^ Once satisfied with any information , pictures , prices , contact information and everything seems correct after a double check click the "Add Advert" button.



This picture below is the resulting ad after you click "Add Advert" button.


Again talking about as well as referring to the above picture ^^^


The Title , Price and Time left are all circled in Green.


Just below those ^^^ Is a big red arrow pointing to 3 sub-categories on the left hand side

= (Overview , Additional info , Questions)

Overview = Description with pictures typically

Additional Info = Location and Country info,

Questions = Just that Questions... where you can ask them !


The orange circle indicates a "for sale" classified.

As you look to the top right corner of the screen notice the (3) options all circled in green to Edit an Advertisement , Close an Advertisement , or Watch an Advertisement.

Two green arrows pointing the right just below the (3) options discussed above allow you to see the sellers other items , and seller name history.


In the bottom right hand corner is the "report" button that is circled in green !

In this case I will be using this as I posted a cooling product that should be in the cooling category and not the drivetrain category.


Have fun and enjoy !


Hope I was clear enough on this



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One more important fact is that you need to have at least 25 posts in your account, as I was made aware of this fact by my fellow ratsuners.


Updated :) . Thankyou cimarronlibre75.


This should be a sticky, cant believe you went thru all the trouble pops, great job.


lol thanks son !

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There is an issue with people not getting notifications about questions in their ad. If you post and ad, please make sure that your notifications are turned on.



Disregard the PM thing, I think I have found the problem. You will need to go to your profile settings.

Click on your user name on the top right of the screen.

Click 'My Settings'


On the menu left of the screen click 'Notification Options'


Scroll down to the bottom and check 'Notify me of new questions for my own classified adverts' you can set it to email you and/or send you a notification.

Save Changes


Now might be a good time to adjust the other settings as well...I didn't have any notififications set for the classifieds, I went ahead and turned them all on :lol:




DTP thanks for the excellent tech thread :)

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Question regarding advertisements for items being sold with no specified amount and an obo in place. The question is: If I’ve bid within the time frame indicated, roughly 14 days?, and I’m the sole contender at the end of that advertisements due date, how is it that I’m not notified? Being the only respondent and therefore the only interested body for said item, yet no response from the seller and the advertisement miraculously is reset for another 14 days.

If the seller wasn’t satisfied with the offer they should at least put a price on the advertised item and exclude the obo.  

To me, my obo was indeed the only and best offer they had received in the first time period.

Can Ratsun clear this up for all sellers please?!

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I think buying and selling is a contract that should be hammered out by those individuals involved. I can't make the seller sell to you even if he said OBO. Nor can I make you pay them what you offered if you should change your mind later. On the face of it OBO would imply the best offer wins. Lets say a seller has an L20B carburetor worth $100 and there are lots of $100 L20B carbs for sale, but doesn't want to wait and hope it sells. He can offer it for $90 to speed it up but perhaps has an amount in mind that is the absolute lowest rock bottom amount he will go below what it may be worth. Lets say $50, anything less is more than he put into it. He can't advertise this number, $50, or he may as well just post it. Instead he posts $90 OBO and hope an offer, any offer, is higher than their $50. Your 'winning' bid of $45 isn't enough. It's just the way it is.


In general terms the seller has to have the most advantage here. If selling becomes too much of a bother then stuff just sits and is wasted or the worst thing is that it's thrown away. Once a vintage part is gone, it's gone forever and that's a shame. These parts need to be available to those who want them to restore or keep their old Datsuns on the road. We encourage people with old parts to use our classifieds


If the seller posts again make the same offer and he may realize this is all he will ever get and raise his hidden minimum amount, or you can offer more and hope this is at or above his minimum.

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