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Here is a news article for those who also don't know yet.  Horrible tragedy.  I hope they find those responsible and kill them.  Forget classy, the people responsible for this need to die, period, so they can never do it again.  I just watched the video and I can't even fathom this kind of thing at a running event.  Who would do such a thing?  Why?  It makes no sense whatsoever.  



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This is horrible for all those involved.  I feel for those affected and their families, but I also fear for our liberties as a nation.  Events like this tend to elicit knee jerk reactions leading to more government and more liberties taken away under the guise of safety & security, but it's a catch 22 with the types of people that would commit such acts.

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

So sad, I too hope no one close to any here were effected by this.

And to the people that were effected, prayers








Hope they are caught,and hung by their eyelids , and they're balls are beatin until they blink.

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I was just talking to mom who has a friend with a daughter in the marathon.  Fortunately she's okay.  Of course mom pointed out the inevitable unpleasantness of whether this will turn out to be a foreign al-qaeda  type, or a homegrown nutcase.  It's terrible no matter what, but I really hope no one from our country was deranged enough to do this.  Of course, if you look at the Colorado theater shooting, that kid is as American as anyone else.  Doesn't mean he isn't fucked up.

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I have had a knot in my stomach since I heard the news. The cowardly f***s intentionally hurt and kill people based on their sick and twisted beliefs and drag innocent children into their messed up plots.

To think we were looking across the Pacific to see what North Korea's next move is, and the threat was right in our own home...Is this really the world we live in???

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This just goes to show the mental health of the citizens of the USA. The increase in these mass murders/terrorist attacks/etc is insane.


The media blowing (not meant to be a pun) these stories up over the span of months isn't helping either. 

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I hope it works out as well as it can.


I am glad it was not a shooting spree. I am sorry but I am glad it wasn't.


I hope the perps are not domestic terrorists.



It would be different if they flew over here from somewhere else and did this? Of course this is domestic terrorism!

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The more I watch the news feeds, the sicker I get.  It's horrible for the people who died, but just as much so for the people who are now missing limbs.  These people are runners and generally people who have the use of their arms and legs.  And they get cut off by shrapnel from bombs at a marathon.  It's a war zone.  I'm a runner, this is fucking scary to think that I could have been there just as easily as someone else.


The JFK library bomb was related they think, but not confirmed.  I don't know what's going on in this country anymore.  How did these bombs get placed without notice?

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The more I watch the news feeds, the sicker I get.  It's horrible for the people who died, but just as much so for the people who are now missing limbs.  These people are runners and generally people who have the use of their arms and legs.  And they get cut off by shrapnel from bombs at a marathon.  It's a war zone.  I'm a runner, this is fucking scary to think that I could have been there just as easily as someone else.


The JFK library bomb was related they think, but not confirmed.  I don't know what's going on in this country anymore.  How did these bombs get placed without notice?

What's going on in this country,wow I won't answer that for the fear of getting banned again.Imwill say this open your eyes and look around you,there's a start.

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I'm so sorry for all of those affected it is truly horrid what happened.



But what most Americans dont realize is nowhere is really safe anymore. You should always have an exit strategy when going in to any large event. And be aware chances are you may not notice anything strange but you could.


One of my girl friends was going to go watch. I was cleaning my bat terminals and helping a freind swap an alt in his delta 88 when it came over the radio. It made my stomach lurch, I called her immediately. She had stayed home thank god. I feel horribly about what happened but there is some relief in knowing no one I know was harmed

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Apparently the bombs were made from pressure cookers and filled with ball bearings and nails, etc.  Crude but effective.  From what the news I read said, it's a common tactic taught in Al-Qaeda training camps.


I had to call mom and dad last night, this was really getting to me.  As horrible as it is, mom pointed out this kind of thing happens daily in other areas of the world.  We're just insulated as we have it pretty good in the US from most standpoints.  Sure enough, there was a bombing that killed 20 people in Pakistan today.  It doesn't excuse the actions, but it does serve as a grim reminder that regardless of if you see it, it's still there, and we usually don't have this kind of thing happening inside the US.  We are still at war, however.


The key thing is to not let the fear get to you, or the terrorists have won.  I'm running Bloomsday and that certainly has a lot of national attention, and more people than the Boston Marathon.  I'm hoping they ramp the hell out of security as a result of this tragedy.  Either way, I'm not cancelling my plans to run the race.  Fuck the terrorists.  If it wouldn't suggest killing innocent people, I'd say the answer was glassing the desert.

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