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1971 Datsun 521 Snack Shack

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alright so im back ...well friday at work i got a chance to make a jobsite delivery it was fun ......luckily it was small enough for my back pack....




seen adam jass and d money derrick sat morn at the shop ...w e met at the squirrel door...that led to this for the next 7 hours .....woot woot goldfish .....shhhhhh





so the datsun got alot of work done while i was at work wes thiurs...hans went nuts and finsihed everything ...jesus i guess i should brought my welder and plasma sooner ....

















swapped the side gears from the 521 to his 3.88 out of my goon tonight but didnt get it back in...maybe tomorrow 







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yeah so the rear is done.....I got the gears swapped but haven't had a chance to put them back in the housing ........found out she did break my nose :crying:  .....lol but I forgot to update the front .....my plasma is gonna be wore out ..... hans was nice enough while working on the rear to blow apart the front end and trim all the stuff I trimmed off his frame off for me ... no more droop snubber,   no more stock snubber mounts ... re contoured the arc of the crossmember mount to allow for more articulation of the front... between the raised shock towers I did months ago and this it should be Cadillac low and ride good too .....im excited ...















and we had discussed driveline angle and building some degreed blocks but we also decided to do mod the tunnel ... piue cut and stretched the seam ...... this cabs going away anyway .....probably still gonna build the degreed blocks too .....






went over to goldfishs house last night on the bike to hang with him and phixius ....heres gold fish getting my google lecture at the shop yesterday ...yo goldfish ....go Centralia tigers!!!!!!




watched my soldering iron and mulitmeter get abused while they worked on the ratz nest.....then we had a fire ...... and a blower and fire are fun ... franks got some good video of us smelting nature...fun times










probably should went and datsuned it up after the day I had I wanted to just have some fun......... my face hurts my pride is shit and I just needed to see my two favorite poepl and act dumb with them....... for the record yes I wanted to catch bitchell on fire and almost did .....but that was a cold ride home too .......

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lets just say in 15 years I prolly did something to deserve it but I like my beatings to be seen when there coming.....getting blasted when u don't see it sucks ....heres the worse part,   dried bloody boogars that I cant pick so I cant breath and every now and again I shoot one out during a conversation....I fucked up the shower this morning with gross ass farmer blows ...so back to datsuns .. prolly get my gear set in this week and the air shocks on too ......I need to see this btich on the gorund to see how much we fucked up the back and hopw much lower I will have to go in the front to make it sit level .... that's when I will know if I just sacrificed turning for the lows... which I hope I did...

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remember ratsun is my facebook so I share things on here I would only share with my friends ....I like to think I can come here let off some steam joke a bit and tell u guys some things that maybe I need to get off my chest ....thats why I miss the nwd boys .... I don't like telling storys twice ....maybe we can laugh about it at the fest red,  I definitely got caught with a shot....been awhile since I had to take sometime to get my vision back ....... I told my buddy it was a 100 bux if he didn't pick it up personally at the fest ....

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exhaust ...

gear set.....done just needs installing...

um tune su's


theres a few other little things that I would like to get done like a stereo but till the bitch is dd again  I may just wait on the tunes part of it ....


yes my plan is to meet up with red there and be there .. trying to get the red 521 and ratz nest and franks still on the fence... oh yeah im still waiting for the air shocks to show up from Istanbul I think ... jesus I think there coming by messenger dog



all of which could be done but Friday I will be trying to get another 510 on the road ... just texting u Friday is a go tristin .... after work im gonna try to get off a little early ... tell tyler we like coors and im gonna poop on his lawn while im there...

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holy moly you cut all the stuff off the frontend!


if you sit on the front does it get the engine crossmember on the ground, or do the tires or anything else hit before then?


i almost cut out everything on my 620, but the firewall and the clutch master are in the way now. ive angled the clutch master up on mine to keep it clear. with the 17s it would still barely rub on big bumps.


i figured i needed to have some sort of failsafe position, in case i bust a torsion bar or somethin...


oh yeah, did you move the rear shackle point on the frame up? i like that idea.

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remember ratsun is my facebook so I share things on here I would only share with my friends ....I like to think I can come here let off some steam joke a bit and tell u guys some things that maybe I need to get off my chest ....thats why I miss the nwd boys .... I don't like telling storys twice ....maybe we can laugh about it at the fest red,  I definitely got caught with a shot....been awhile since I had to take sometime to get my vision back ....... I told my buddy it was a 100 bux if he didn't pick it up personally at the fest ....



Still around man, always got my number too :D

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holy moly you cut all the stuff off the frontend!


if you sit on the front does it get the engine crossmember on the ground, or do the tires or anything else hit before then?


i almost cut out everything on my 620, but the firewall and the clutch master are in the way now. ive angled the clutch master up on mine to keep it clear. with the 17s it would still barely rub on big bumps.


i figured i needed to have some sort of failsafe position, in case i bust a torsion bar or somethin...


oh yeah, did you move the rear shackle point on the frame up? i like that idea.



the 18's already rub the inner fenders .... the crossmember wont be able to touch it will lock out before that happenes and the tires would be barking the inner fenders first too ....its all in the name of the lows..... plus if its totally fucked up I guess I will just bag my extra frame real quick....should be ok .... im most concerned with how low he rear is and if I will have to come down in the front and how that will affect my ability to steer ....... its making it to the fest if I have to back around ever corner on the way there...

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I throw nor pull no punches ... I definitely don't sucker punch people either, even in the dark and I def def def don't hit chicks ...take a lickin keep on tickin...fwiw Fridays work party may become more workin on our twerkin then getting a l series in minty

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