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This isnt quite the body work everyone is expecting... this is about me getting back into shape. 



A little back story: As a kid I spent almost every second of daylight playing outside. I alternated playing soccer and baseball for years. I played tournament paintball four times a week...Then I joined the Navy and  and became what we call "The 3 mile Club." You see, in the Navy to maintain fitness standards you have to do a certain amount of sit-ups, push-ups, and run 1.5 miles; you do this every 6 months. So... if thats all the exercise you do, then you run 3 miles a year. Anyway... thats my life.


I didnt just quit doing things, I kind of tapered off. I was doing Jui-Jitsu and backpacking and then things fell apart. 


Anyway, now things make me winded, I have stupid love handles and I cant even lift my own weight (pathetic). 




Now, unfortunately I dont have a lot of money-thats why my build thread has stalled a bit- but I plan to get back in shape for the New Year. I know I have a very little amount of motivation so I need to start slow and build up to being fully healthy. Since money is tight, the first few things Im doing is this:


1. Drink water (I literally drink no straight water. 98% of all liquids I drink is Coke)

2. Daily multi-vitamin

3. C25K




So I figured if I made a thread I would stick with it. And along with everyones tips and tricks I could get back in shape. Ultimately, Id like to get back out on the trail for more overnight backpacking trips as well as hit the mat again to continue my BJJ training. 



TL;DR: Im a fat slob and would like to get back in shape. Need help.

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but srsly lol conditioning is free.

drink water, dont eat like shit, and even walking is helpful progress

build regularity



even my broke ass does it, and I can hardly run.

my knees give out after about a mile, mile and a half.

so gotta come up with other shit to replace it.

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Lol thanks Skib... it really has nothing to do with "being soft..." Its just a motivation thing; I always seem to find something else less physical to do that takes me away from working out. No more though. This is finally the time to get going and stay going. Im pretty sure Im moving back to California and Im going to need a sweet beach bod when I get there. 

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just set a schedule. right it down so it physically exists.

set specific days and times for it so you cant tell yourself youl just do it later..


mark days you went out and did it and mark days you got lazy (put a big ass red X on it or something)

if you end up looking at the calendar and see nothing but red X's then you know you need to force it in gear lol

keeps you from forgetting just how much you slack off if you do


it makes it easier when you have someone doing it with you.

cuz then you both make each other do it lol

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Drink water, it is free.  I keep an empty orange juice bottle in the refrigerator full of water, from the kitchen sink.  I am lucky, I get water from a well in the back yard.  You may not be so lucky, and may have to buy good tasting water from a store.  Maybe even but a cooler for the five gallon water bottles.


Use money saved to buy Datsun parts.


There is nothing good in soft drinks.  I have seen some studies that drinking diet sodas actually screws with your metabolism, and your body actually craves more sugar and fat caloric intake than if you would just drink the normal pop, that has sugar.  But water is better than any pop, energy drink, or even sports drink.   I do drink some orange juice, with breakfast. 


Try to eat food that is grown, not made.  The closer you are to the actual source of food, the better for you.  Keep fruit around the house, for snacks.

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Start juicing! Seriously... My lunch every day is fifteen pounds of vegetables and fruit. Don't replace every meal, just one a day is good and much better than nothing.


Give up the soft drinks. I haven't had a soda in more than seven years. Through high school I probably drank my weight every week... Not good! Drink tap water especially if your on a community system. Bottle water is over priced (by about %100) and a total scam... Most of it is straight from the tap anyway.


Find something physical you can do every day. I'm a general contractor (the hands on type not a paper bitch) so plenty of ladders and miles daily but that's not enough. Find something fun that keeps you moving. In the summer I play paintball like you used to for a team. Practice ever other after noon and tournaments on the weekends. If your any good, find a team with sponsors and they pay for your paint and air ;) and during the winter find a cross fit trainer. Typically these classes aren't expensive and they change up the exercise in un conventional ways to keep it interesting. Or hell just get a bike and put down some miles :)


Outside that, make sure you resists putting processed shit food in your mouth and you'll do wonders for your body and mind.




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Best thing to do is roll out of bed, hop into some running shoes, shorts, and a hoodie, do some leg stretches, then out the door. Your brain won't even be awake and have a chance to argue with it until you're half a mile down the road, and by then, it's too late. Remember to stretch when you get back, too. Chances are once your heart rate is up, you'll want to do more(push-ups, sit-ups, whatever).


I was working out a couple hours a day a few of years ago, went on vacation, and never got back into it for some stupid reason. Shameful. I recently decided that I need to get back into doing SOMETHING, so that's what I started doing; setting my alarm about a half hour earlier, going for a 2 mile jog(Cardio first thing in the morning gets your metabolism up for the rest of the day; atleast 21 minutes). Painless, inexpensive, and you can do it anywhere.


Like was said before, drink lots of water as well.

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Fuck, I need to do this too. I got to the Y to shoot hoops every once in a while. I eat like total garbage though.. I'm going to work bit harder on this. I'm 6' and weigh 187-190 would like to get that down to like 170-175.

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I have lost 50-ish pounds over the last six months ago.  It wasn't too tough, actually.  The nice thing is that I have kept it off.


Changing your eating habits is a biggie.  I have oatmeal and some fruit for brackfast with non-fat milk, or I have a bowl of cereal like wheaties or bran flakes.  Don't get Cap'n Crunch or any sugary cereal.


A simple lunch change made a huge difference.  I'll have chicken and have some fruit for dessert.  Non-sugar Jello is also good for the sweet tooth.  I'll also have sandwiches on wheat bread using mustard instead of Mayo. I'll have chicken, roast beef, or turkey with lettuce, tomato and mustard.  NO Chips or Sodas!


Because I cut back on all the bad stuff during the day, I splurge a bit on dinner.  Again, chicken, steak, fish, or any lean meat and veggies is the plan.  You can eat until you're full (not stuffed) and be fine.  I have a sweet tooth, so Jello non-sugar pudding cups or no-sugar Jello is tasty for dessert. 


I even have a Coors lite a couple times a week after dinner, (only 1 per day) and still was able to drop 2-3 pounds per week.


I've been doing this for 8 months now and don't feel like I am on a diet.  I fall off occasionally and have a big, crazy meal.  I don't beat myself up over it, and go back to sensible eating the next day. 


I would caution you to go easy at the gym.  When I work out, my appetite goes up immensely.  Sensible workouts with sensible diet changes for a gradual change is the way to go.  There is no quick, easy fix.


Anyway, good luck.  If I can drop 50 lbs. at my age, it should  be easy for you.

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One note on joining a "health club"

DO NOT give them automatic access to your checking account.   Once they have that attachment to your money, it is to thier advantage if you do not come in, so there is no incentive for them to have you come in.


I just pay $6 every time I go. No membership.

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I need to get in gear too I'm probably the heaviest I've been in all my life, and I used to be very active and in shape also did a lot of weight living. Its pathetic I can't lift myself anymore, I only have one weakness and that's my lower back been in quite a few car accidents and being overweight does not help my back. I've had 3 different chiropractors fix my back and need to do once again can't even sleep.

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See that thing your staring into????   Push yourself away from it , trust me,, in  the late spring when the twins  can start going outside again ,, i drop 20# without doing anything at all but getting off of it and walking around.....BUT rain and cold weather comes ,,so does pounds....

...I can verify the weight because having heart surgery a long ass time ago my doctor and cardiologist bring me in for weighting like a steer on more than a regular basis .. The doctor told me to go to nutritionist  but  they don`t have one on the rez that`s close by so i have to go all the way up to the Muckelshoot Rez to see her..And that`s just to damn far



(edit) although if you lost 20#  my 14 year old son would probably be bigger than you

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Honestly a little motivation can go a long way.  4 years ago when i was just a junior in high school i was absolutely tiny.  i was 6' and barely weighed 150lbs.  I told myself that i wasnt going to be picked on anymore and that i was going to end up bigger and better than those guys.  Well sure enough 4 years later i am sitting here in my junior year of college and i weigh 195 lbs now and never gained a single ounce of fat.  I hit the gym hard every day for at least an hour started to watch what i ate.  Never took a single steroid and did it the natural way.  I went from maxing bench press in high school of barely 135lbs to about 325 now.  A little work can go a long way as long as you are adamant about it. 

Push ups and crunches are a great start... buy a jump rope and do that inbetween sets for some cardio... If you have the money, buy a gym membership... but actually use it. 

here is a link to a vid to help you out


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I played tournament paintball four times a week...



I was hardcore into paintball too.  Its all I thought about for about 4 years. My team and I played in the World Cup back in 2002 in Orlando Florida.  I was shooting a Team Lockout Freeflow Autococker.  Those were the days.......

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Thanks for all the tips guys! I appreciate all the responses. Theres a lot of good info in here. Im just going to take it slow and see how it goes; I think if I overexert myself when I start then Im going to get burned out immediately. Ill slowly ramp up what Im doing. A little bit of running, push-ups/sit-ups, then a bit of eating healthy, then some weight training.


Ill keep posting in here with how it goes. Hopefully if I regularly give updates, it will keep me on track.


(edit) although if you lost 20#  my 14 year old son would probably be bigger than you

Ha possibly. Im 6'1'' and 165lbs. I dont normally measure health by just weight, but Id like to lose about 15lbs. of the fat I have around my middle and then gain about 30lbs or muscle. So in all actuality Id like to gain 15lbs. overall.

I was hardcore into paintball too.  Its all I thought about for about 4 years. My team and I played in the World Cup back in 2002 in Orlando Florida.  I was shooting a Team Lockout Freeflow Autococker.  Those were the days.......

Sweet! Living in Cali I played XPSL and NPPL a lot and then I joined the Navy and moved to South Carolina so I played CFOA. Ive been shooting all shorts or guns since I started but my main choice is an AKA Viking with some sort of Ego backup. Ive been building a custom Viking for the last like 5yrs. Ive only really quit since there are no real fields local to where I am.

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Good on you.

I just started my routine again 2-weeks ago.

Skibs red x on the calender and micros idea are both good .. I may utilize both.

I try to exercise first thing in the morning or after waking up. Even a few minutes.


Without repeating I will just agree with nearly everyone.


Cut ... most proccessed foods , heavy carbs (unless you're working out a lot) , sex , pop , very minimal natural sugars ,


5-small meals a day kicks up your metabolism a bit.


Look into atkins , and paleo type diets.


White meat over dark meat.

Organic lean hamburger.


Cardio will be fastest way to cut as we all know.

Workout partner always works great.


DON'T weigh yourself after initial.

Don't think of numbers.

It's all psychological.


Make sure to start a core/abdominal workout yesterday.

Same with arms and legs.


I would advise against attempting to run a lot AND trying to build muscle via weights at the same time.

Some people can do it and others not so much.

Light weights hig reps with a cardio routine would be the way to go .. then build.

Change your routines and exercises .


Pushups situps pullups ... make sure to do at least 3 variations of each.

Abs should be about 10 variations.


Sugar and carb intake and burn ability is extremley varied depending on personal

You know your metabolism best.


Do your routine right and it will be secojd nature (again) to you.

Do it wrong ... you won't want to do it most the time.


When lifting weights ... lift SLOWLY as in stretch is just as important as contraction.

5 correct slow and good form lifts will build and retain muscle. 50 bad lifts wont. No matter the weight.


Free weights can be done while watching tv.

(Look into p90x)

I did my jogging or HIT training on the eliptical machine at about 4:30-6:30 am or 30min-hour after wakeup.


Get as much sleep as possible


This is a core workout that works for me (got plenty of love handle hear as well haha )

If you can do 30-50 reps of each ... and its easy without good burn ... well either need to move up or redo



I wouldn't exceed 45 minutes - 1 hour a day. It can be counter productive DEPENDING on exactly what you're doing.

Obviously burn out fast as well.


Don't watch the eastern euro chicks workout videos on utube... gets really distracting :lol:


This may or may not be right but all this works for me.


Good luck.


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