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close call

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the things I see, just amazing. I went to walmart in south haven, on my way home I cruising pheonix road remembering a friend that died there about a month ago. I look in my rear view mirror, headlights gaining on me extremely fast, first thought was a cop that really..... really wanted to pull me over for some reason. As the distance gets closer, and closer extremely quickly, I thinking that this car catching me is traveling well over 100 mph. Just as when I thought I was going to get rear ended at a high rate of speed, this guy decides to at the last second pass me. Well he whips the car left barely missing the back of my car, starts to lose control, goes right, barely missing the front end of my car, crosses in front of me sideways, goes off the road, flips about 7 to 9 times, and rests off the road next to a telephone pole. After the first few flips, the car kinda looked like a top, kinda spinning on one end of the car. This happened maybe 1/4 mile from where my friend died. This guy could have ran into the back of me or hit me in the side, either one may or may not have caused me to lose control of my car. This is one of the closest calls of being this close to an accident and not getting touched. I almost thought that the car was going to come back out of the ditch right in front of me.


I was driving my 63 Mercury Meteor Wagon, double checked the tail lights after he wrecked and they were still working.


This is a pic of the car after the wreck.



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He survived, was out of his car and walking.  He works at Arbies, on his way home from work.  He was also not drunk or on drugs, he did this sober.  I did stick around, talked to the cops some.  He told the cops he fell asleep.


I have a dash cam on my car but I didn't have it running, it would have been a cool video to have.

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what the fuck is wrong with people, man!

my first assumption was that it was someone in a european car or maybe a lexus
(based on personal witnesses)

agreed that when you fall asleep, you dont put weight on the accelerator. i hope this guy

loses his license at the least for this.

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