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Shooting at Clackamas Town Center - Portland Area

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this is more fodder for gun control wackos. if more ppl had concealed carry permits, if someone there had a concealed carry permit, that guy would have been taken out with less casualties.



Clackamas Town Center is private property with signs posted restricting carry.

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Unless it's a school or federal property, the worst they can legally do to you is file a trespassing warning. At least here in Florida. I'm going to carry 24/7 when I get my ccp. And  if they do catch me and give me a trespassing warning, fuck 'em. I'm making damn sure my kids and wife are safe.I'm from the south, I'd be disowned if I didn't. Try to fuck with my family when I'm carrying. Dead bodies can't testify against you. I had a cop tell me once " if you have to shoot someone in self defense make sure that bastard is dead" 

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Unless it's a school or federal property, the worst they can legally do to you is file a trespassing warning. At least here in Florida. I'm going to carry 24/7 when I get my ccp. And  if they do catch me and give me a trespassing warning, fuck 'em. I'm making damn sure my kids and wife are safe.I'm from the south, I'd be disowned if I didn't. Try to fuck with my family when I'm carrying. Dead bodies can't testify against you. I had a cop tell me once " if you have to shoot someone in self defense make sure that bastard is dead" 



Incorrect. Comment again when you've got your CHL.

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Not trying to start a flame war, just saying. Sorry. I know from the event with the Disney employee and from other events they get overturned often in Florida. I am uneducated though on a lot of the concealed carry aspects, so if I am massively wrong I'm sorry. :unsure:


No need to lock

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The Mall Gun was stolen people need to lock up there stuff and not be cheap and get a gun safe

Also sice it was a AR15 it really saved lives since they Jam ALOT like the in the Theater shooting.earlier

If a AK47 there be more people dead. They dont Jam.


persoanlly this is BAD all the way around.

For Gun owners  events like this its hard to say we all need assault weapens, Hi cap mags ect... Which I all have myself! But really I wished the AK, SKS and cheap assualt weapens was never brought in this country. The show the first 48hrs half the killing is Cheap Hi Point pistols and SKS/ AKs. Ok Knives also. There cheap too.

Im sure my M1A/M14 is going to go up in price$$$$ but really it just takes up space in the Attic. Not needed for the American hunter


If there is a gun ban  they can take my AK and SKS matter of fact ill saw them in half before I would sell it to soembody I dont trust. 


I just hit them with my USA made Model 70!



Its just a sad day today with all these little kids getting shot.


Ok back to datsuns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Just horrible.  I used to think the over population in the world would be solved by nature finding a disease or something, like the bubonic plague.  This is just horrific.  Why are there so many people committing these terrible acts?  And how does no one see this stuff coming?  You'd think there would be triggers that people would recognize and say, you know, Bob's just not right, and intervene.  But so often it just doesn't happen that way.

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It's really not a gun control issue at all;


More like an impulse control (lack therof) issue and lack of empathy.


Guns just make it easy for those with misfiring synapses to live out their wildest nihilistic fantasies.


When a picture of that Oregon shooter hit the web it was easy to make jokes;


"Hey bozo what's with the holes in your ears, you're a spoiled suburban dingus not a member of an indigenous South American tribe, the only thing they tell the world about you is that minimum wage is okay..."


But there are no jokes to be had about Connecticut...


The asshole settings on my character defense armor must be set on low 'cause all I am feeling is extreme empathy.


All I see is a pile of little bodies who " [i} do not want to die,  only want Christmas" (in a survivors words).


I see the parents who will never get to see the kids that they dropped off in the morning at school, alive and kicking again.


I can only approximate the grief of being the parent of a murdered child, and it is still horrible, I cannot fathom it x100 or x1000 or x infinity...


This too shall pass...and then it will happen again....

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In response to the ccdw talk,  if you DO carry onto or into a business that has signs posted against carrying weapons the most they can do concerning a 1st time occurrence is ask you leave. If you have your weapon concealed and your not brandishing it, you need not worry anyways.  I carry every single day and 99.9% of the public around me has no idea.  When I carry my full frame 1911 in summer then its a totally different story.  I do have my ccdw license just to keep cocky police officers off my ass should they decide to question me. Concealed or open carry suits me either way.  If It is easily hidden under my normal garments the so be it, if its not easily concealed (1911 hip holster in summer)   then you will see me in open carry.  I also carry concealed to church,  this is one place when I DO try to conceal just to make sure that the congregation is focusing on worship and not my sidearm.  


I have diffused an otherwise physically harmful situation with a firearm before.  In one instance I didn't even have to un holster it from under my jacket.  Just the movement of my hand when the would be assailant moved towards me was enough for him to change his mind.   It was a wise decision on his part. 


Enough rambling,   if your going to carry a gun do it in a respectful manner.  

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