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I think some people are just really stupid...

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Faaaarrrrk, what the?


Over here steelies for 510's are becoming harder to find, though not impossible. Not a huge market for Z stuff in my neck of the woods.


Average price I've ever paid for a steel rim is $10 aud each.


I think the seller might have been smokin too much of de ganja mon!


Might start searching for these "rare" items over here.


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The 14" x 4.5" is not common since Datsun substituted 14"x5", then 14"x5.5" on later Z cars to enhance stability. Only a purest would be interested in the 4.5" width wheel. I have a set on my 240Z with a 175(80)R14 tire.


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The 14" x 4.5" is not common since Datsun substituted 14"x5", then 14"x5.5" on later Z cars to enhance stability. Only a purest would be interested in the 4.5" width wheel. I have a set on my 240Z with a 175(80)R14 tire.



Good point, missed they were 4.5".


Still, $500 is a little on the steep side IMLTHO.

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Oh man!..Rare, but damn! 5 Benji's?!!....



this guy came into the shop yesterday talking about selling his 72 240z he had brought in only one time. My boss came out and asked if I was interested....."How much you askin'?"






.............$10,000.........holy fuck!! Unless this guy had restored his car since it was in, it wasn't worth more than 4k. In fact, just looked up history in the database....it came in cause him and his buddy JACKED the wiring to the starter and melted half a harness. :rofl:





Then, all I had to ask is if was in better condition than mine.(I pointed to it outside the shop window).....takes a look and starts backpedaling and nit-picking shit about his. I think I shot his hopes and dreams. Sorry. Really hurts sometimes. He said he might bring it in for an evaluation....if he does....I'll take pics.



Trippin'.... :no:

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I think some outlandish prices are driven by the economy. Someone needs to get fed or pay the rent and they have very little and are just doing some wishful thinking.


Btw, a few years ago I tried to sell my original spare (good original tire "Made in Japan", clean wheel, no rust, etc) from my 240Z for close to a month for $50 on craigslist... not one response, so in the metal dumpster at Ecology it went.

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Some people are stupid to actually pay those high prices. I want a Chevelle SS so bad, it's my dream car. But dumbass rich yuppies have killed that dream. Now even a rustbucket in a damn field is too high. Old Datsun Z cars are getting the same way. I guess the old saying is true, " A fool and his money are soon parted"

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I couldn't agree with you more, JoeCool....I wanted a 61 impala soooooo bad....still do! But the chances of affording one are not realistic on my salary....I need to hit the lotto for one of those now.



I looked at one about 10 years ago in the Auto Weekly......$11,000 for a primered shell....no engine...no trans....no wiring.....GOD DAMN!!!

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Some people are stupid to actually pay those high prices. I want a Chevelle SS so bad, it's my dream car. But dumbass rich yuppies have killed that dream. Now even a rustbucket in a damn field is too high. Old Datsun Z cars are getting the same way. I guess the old saying is true, " A fool and his money are soon parted"


PT Barnum also was credited with saying... "There's a sucker born every minute."

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Then there's the adage of "Markets are driven by what people are willing to pay". I know... it sucks and I can relate... my dream '65 Mustang fastback has always been just a little out of my reach and only continues to climb in price for a nice one. Fact is there is a percentage of people who desire a certain car/boat/motorcycle/house just like the rest of us, yet they have done a bit better in life than me or you financially (or willing to go further in debt than us !), so they get the prize. Sucks for me and I can shout at the wind all I want, but it is what it is.

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Then there's the adage of "Markets are driven by what people are willing to pay". I know... it sucks and I can relate... my dream '65 Mustang fastback has always been just a little out of my reach and only continues to climb in price for a nice one. Fact is there is a percentage of people who desire a certain car/boat/motorcycle/house just like the rest of us, yet they have done a bit better in life than me or you financially (or willing to go further in debt than us !), so they get the prize. Sucks for me and I can shout at the wind all I want, but it is what it is.



Then there is shit that everyone thinks is wanted by everyone else. That aside, the early Mustangs were ok (Me and a friend rolled his '65 fastback GT, when was that? '69?) Myself, I liked the '67 looks better. This '65 was blindingly fast with a HiPo 271 hp motor.

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Anybody cruise Ebay for Datto parts on a regular basis? If so, have you noticed the escalation of the prices for jdm/oem S30 headlight covers?


It started about a month or so ago when someone had an NOS set which sold for $1300+, and then every Tom,Dick, and Harry that had a decent set suddenly wanted $1200 for their used ones. Problem is for years decent used sets were going for $400-$600 and I was just waiting when I had the spare cash. Now suddenly the market is demanding twice that! I don't think it's a permanent high water mark, but it will take a while for the prices to settle down though. If not, I don't see why someone doesn't do a run of some decent repros in the $500- $600 range, seems like it would be do-able at that price point.

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This is a good example.....





I was gonna post that on the CL for sale section but then to think of it the person doesn't deserve the publicity anyone can appreciate the work done to it but it's way over priced without a paint job.

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