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Wife wants a divorce... But I get to keep my Datsun!

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If she is mostly level headed and just going thru something run after her. If she is like this most of the time run away. My wife is the most level headed woman I have ever met and it's been great. I didn't want to try and live with a woman until I met her.

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My advice,, let her go, get some strange, and move on.




Cancel all credit cars.

What you have of value give it to your friends to hold.


If you already own nothing and have no kids YOUR LUCKY!!!!!!!!!File for divorce ASAP




If you love her, set her free. If she comes back, lock the door and turn out the lights, eventually she we get the hint.



Women marry Men thinking the guy will change. Men marry Women hoping the women don't.


The opposite happens.


SO true.


If she wants to leave your better off without her. Like i always say...when a horse bucks ya off, get right back on Another one!!!





Well....I just went through one. 2 kidz. It fucking sucks, but slowly getting better, so I feel your pain and then some.



I watched Eddie Murphy's stand up when I was younger.....he wasn't kidding when he said they'll take HALF your shit....in my case...it more like 60%.



Divorce sucks no matter how you look at it........unless you both hate each other.....the you're FUCT! If you do decide to work it out, I highly recommend finding a Counselor who cares about helping people. Most of the ones around here just want you to keep coming back so they drag out the problems as long as they can at $150/hr. A good one will get straight to the point. I wish you the best of luck!















......I got to keep my Datsuns!! :thumbup:

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haha verry entertaing to read all the replys. My in laws stoped by to find out what was going on cause she won't talk them. They gve me a big hug and said if i love her they'll have my back and aren't going to support her decision or let her stay with them at all. Kinda nice to have some help. And she stopped by the house when i was at work and did all the dishes and laundry and made the bed. Confuses the hell out of me why sh'd do that cause all her stuff is still there but she's also talking to me a bit more and less angry sounding. No clue what i did to piss her off in the first place but all the trouble started a few months ago... she was pregnant and we lost the baby. Ever since i seem to get in trouble easier and easier... partly cause i want to wait to try for a kid again. I got layed off a couple months ago and took a job that has good advancement but less pay to start and don't think it's smart to have a kid we can't afford.

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You just nailed it.


Upset, emotional woman.


If she can't agree with your view on major decisions, keep your distance.


Don't avoid her, or push her away.

And by no means get ultra-close.


She just needs her time to recoup from, what I think, a very tragic moment.

This will give her time to clear her head, and come to terms with your ideals with the situation.


I hope she is reading this thread.

You seem like a stand-up man.

Chin up.


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Sorry about losing the baby. I imagine that's rough on both of you. But, if things work out again between you two, you've got to do something about her pulling this sort of shit of just throwing her hands up and walking out.... especially if this isn't the first time she's done it. She needs to learn to communicate (hell, maybe it's both of you), but walking out the door will never help solve any issues that arise. At least her parents aren't letting her stay there. That is a recipe for disaster when she always has a place to run off to rather than laying it all out and working through the problems. Good luck dude. As others have already said, you sound like a good dude who genuinely loves her. Just give her a bit, and once she's dealt with her emotions of the loss of the baby, maybe she'll come to her senses and realize that you guys are worth fighting for.

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haha verry entertaing to read all the replys. My in laws stoped by to find out what was going on cause she won't talk them. They gve me a big hug and said if i love her they'll have my back and aren't going to support her decision or let her stay with them at all. Kinda nice to have some help. And she stopped by the house when i was at work and did all the dishes and laundry and made the bed. Confuses the hell out of me why sh'd do that cause all her stuff is still there but she's also talking to me a bit more and less angry sounding. No clue what i did to piss her off in the first place but all the trouble started a few months ago... she was pregnant and we lost the baby. Ever since i seem to get in trouble easier and easier... partly cause i want to wait to try for a kid again. I got layed off a couple months ago and took a job that has good advancement but less pay to start and don't think it's smart to have a kid we can't afford.



u lost a baby ... sht that adds a whole new dimension.....sounds lto me like shes got alot of stuff to deal with ... just be supportive and say positive things and tell her if thats what she wants u support her even though u dont agree with it.....man just be htere for her ... sounds like everyone thinks shes making a mistake which u agreeing with her will just get her to understand even more ... just cause u say u wanna give here whats she wants doesnt mean thats what she will doo

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Lost a kid ehh? yea that will toss one's heart and mind on the other side of crazy. Be careful and supportive both then, dont jump into trying again till you stable in both money and relationship. And most of all, check out why she lost the kid, there may be a danger to her and the kid if you try again without addressing the issue first. Or you may have a kid that has severe medical and or mental issues that neither of you can afford. Yes I may sound like an asshole but reality doesn't always care about what you think your plans are.

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Today she said she's getting an apartment soon and she's never comming back. She's been telling me she was staying with her parents which i know is bull cause they are still talking to me and won't let her stay there then yesterday Her mom was looking for her and she might not even be staying where she told them she was. Sounds like I'm just screwed. Probably try to get a room mate or 2 cause I'm tired of being a loner. She's been gone 2 weeks and I've been keeping the hope up but seems all screwed to shit now

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yeah trump her bullshit bring epople in..... thta will show her u are taking her serious....sounds like game central.... either shes got another dude.... sorry no fixing that.... or shes just trying to get u to fight for her....meah acn be nice but womeon should try just telling us as apposed to gaming it into our minds....i dunno man this is tough....let her go see how much a appt is.... frist and last and what not is tough to come up with anytime let alone alone.... u should post a pic of her so we can see what your fightng for ...remmber this women are gonna say what ever that pops into there mind to get a reaction... the bes treaction is just ok and go on .... they wont know what to do when u dont wanna fight them ....try not to read to much into what she says 90% pf it will be just to hurt your feelings... once u dont react to said feelings hurting that will slow up ....man i been thinknig but shes kinda young..... maybe like was said earlier u need t let her go to get her back... let her go see how great the single drinking life is..... ask anyone as fun as it is, it gets boring and if it doesnt get boring u probably have a problem that requires serious help...for woman it gets boringer faster....just dont react and tell her things like ok u win i will give you what u want... once shes won .... she will get bored with being pissed ....then start being active in your relationship ..... if you gotta road test the datto from some work... ask her to come with ...grab some ice cream or walk in the park....numbe one thing dont engage in the fghting she wants to do... do question where hshe really has been staying just say im glad u got a place to stay....it doesnt matter if shes tellig the truth or lieing.. all that matters is u be supportive and positive dont let her train wreck of emotuions drive u.... now dnt be dismmisive and distant just be u ....

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yeah trump her bullshit bring epople in..... thta will show her u are taking her serious....sounds like game central.... either shes got another dude.... sorry no fixing that.... or shes just trying to get u to fight for her....meah acn be nice but womeon should try just telling us as apposed to gaming it into our minds....i dunno man this is tough....let her go see how much a appt is.... frist and last and what not is tough to come up with anytime let alone alone.... u should post a pic of her so we can see what your fightng for ...remmber this women are gonna say what ever that pops into there mind to get a reaction... the bes treaction is just ok and go on .... they wont know what to do when u dont wanna fight them ....try not to read to much into what she says 90% pf it will be just to hurt your feelings... once u dont react to said feelings hurting that will slow up ....man i been thinknig but shes kinda young..... maybe like was said earlier u need t let her go to get her back... let her go see how great the single drinking life is..... ask anyone as fun as it is, it gets boring and if it doesnt get boring u probably have a problem that requires serious help...for woman it gets boringer faster....just dont react and tell her things like ok u win i will give you what u want... once shes won .... she will get bored with being pissed ....then start being active in your relationship ..... if you gotta road test the datto from some work... ask her to come with ...grab some ice cream or walk in the park....numbe one thing dont engage in the fghting she wants to do... do question where hshe really has been staying just say im glad u got a place to stay....it doesnt matter if shes tellig the truth or lieing.. all that matters is u be supportive and positive dont let her train wreck of emotuions drive u.... now dnt be dismmisive and distant just be u ....


Good God! a little spell check or graduation from the 6th grade would certainly help here!!!!!! You are not being charged by the letter so please proof read before exposing yourself to the world!

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One thing's for sure. Thinking that having another kid will fix this is just plain wrong. Don't fall into that trap. Sort things out and make a decision to stay or go. This crap has set your relationship and trust back years. Years of relationship building will be needed to laugh this off, if at all. Become separated and prepare to move on... in time get a divorce so that when the right person comes along you'll be free.


Christ, two weeks and you're tired of being a loner????

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Haha yea mike i was tired of it after 2 days. Most of my friends have moved away andwork has been slow so i spent the first week at home by myself all day and night. I was fla broke so didn' even have money to do anything. been hangin with my buddies a bit this week but they don't know she left. Kinda don't know how to bring it up. My boss knows cause the first day she took off with our only running car and i had to call into work Fixed my 620 after that so i could make it to work

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Good God! a little spell check or graduation from the 6th grade would certainly help here!!!!!! You are not being charged by the letter so please proof read before exposing yourself to the world!


i phone is too hard to go back and change shit sorry....besides if uknew me u would know theres a thread with decoding my typing.... search ....gives no shitz....


ps i passed the six grade, your mom passed me once she saw what i am packing


skib.... thanks that is fitting...but im not canadian...know what im saying

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ps i passed the six grade, your mom passed me once she saw what i am packing


skib.... thanks that is fitting...but im not canadian...know what im saying



.....once u make all her victoria secerts pages stick together then u wont be over come with lonely.....errr at least for a hour or two


The above...

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