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What the hell?!!!

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What the actual fuck?


Some 58 year old dude, drove all the way to my house, busted the rear window out of the truck. I ran out and confronted him, I asked if I could help him with something - he said NO! (Lol), he jumped in his Mercedes as fast as possible and tore ass off up the road. I told my mother to call 911, I grabbed phone and keys and took off after him. He made it maybe 300 yards up my road, and was throwing rocks at a neighbor's car. He hopped back in and took off, mind you I'm doing at least 60mph up my dirt road - I almost took him out, he sped off and almost ditched his car again, I chased him down around the neighborhood until he got up on the highway. Sped up to catch him, hit the speed limiter in the truck at 100mph, but got close enough - mind you without a back window, freezing my ass off, pouring down rain - while on the phone with 911. I managed to get 4 out of 6 digits off his license plate.


He was arrested just as he got to town (6 miles or so). He was hauling ass and was pulled over. He had a warrant out for a contempt of court case, and now he has that charge along with the Criminal Mischief charge from busting out the window. We'll find out tomorrow when I talk to the neighbor if he was successful in fucking up anything of the neighbor's (she has a 2011 Jeep liberty, black - so any marks will show from rocks and shit.)


Guy was absolutely insane!!


To top it off, he has priors from back in November when he tried to screw a 14 year old girl! He posted bail the following day for $15000 cash. The guy is apparently loaded, is ex Vagos (bike gang)...


I'll give myself this much - I managed to keep up with a Mercedes in a 4x4 chevy pickup on wet pavement with mud & snow tires, over 90mph wearing pajama pants while on the phone with the 911 dispatcher while it's pouring down rain with a busted out rear window freezing my ASS off. You guys have NO clue how much adrenaline I have going right now. I'm in 110% beat-down mode.


And he didn't touch the 510. Lucky bastard!


So now, I get to go find out how much a new rear window in a 97 Silverado with privacy glass is going to cost, and we'll be suing this bastard. Meanwhile, my only mode of transportation no longer has a rear window, and it's supposed to be shit weather the rest of the weekend. Awesome sauce.


Now back to cleaning my shotgun.

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For resale value, sure.


I don't want it after all the hot rodding he did in it tonight!!!!!! haha. No joke that was the fastest I've ever driven that truck not on a highway. I gave myself a pat on the pack. I drifted a 4x4 hah.


Oh I dunno what the outcome is going to be. But I'm going to pressure a lawsuit to pay for deductable and cost of repair & replacement, in the least.

I am going to have to see what all broke on the truck... I left the driveway full throttle in 4WD. My driveway is nasty. I bottomed out the 510 many times... like I said, I live at the end of a dirt road. We have 10-12" ruts through a portion of that. Truck can be fixed, but I wasn't letting that son of a bitch get away. I succeeded in that, so fixing the truck is just extra to deal with. Whatever.


Come to think about it, I'm not sure I ever took it OUT of 4WD... probably should check that tomorrow.


Actually come to think about it it's a good possibility that noise it was making was a CV joint. Sigh. FUCK ALL.

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Deductable is $100, going in tomorrow to get it fixed. At least to get the ball rolling.


Today I hopped in to drive to the store, and noticed there are 11 chips in the windshield where he was attempting to break it. Also some more of the window visor broken, so it looks like he attempted to get in the driver's side window first. It was already broken, but it's broke more and there is a piece just hanging on now.


The dude is in jail for a few Restraining Order violations, and he was given Criminal Mischief - 2nd Degree for the window job last night.


Here are some pictures. If you pat attention, you can see my 510 up on jack stands in my nice muddy yard, lol.







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Well, If I walked out with the shotgun the worst that can happen is I go to jail and I go to court and I make it nice plain and simple, I had a firearm that I own, on my property, and I will brandish my firearm on my property if I God damn please. :) What are they going to do?

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Well, If I walked out with the shotgun the worst that can happen is I go to jail and I go to court and I make it nice plain and simple, I had a firearm that I own, on my property, and I will brandish my firearm on my property if I God damn please. :) What are they going to do?


... and stick a knife in his dead hands.

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A shotgun with bean bags would be very effective. If the cop asks what happened as he pulls up to the bloody mess, tell them the truth. "He tried to run away and fell!" ;)

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So, new windshield and rear window is installed.


I forgot just how nice new windows in a vehicle are.


Prepped and sealed since we have a break in the weather after last night's snow.


Good luck, water spots. :)

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