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Power = Money = Power .. they are interchangeable. Everyone wants one or the other and the best at accumulating either will rise to the top. There are very few ways to accumulate Power/Money in a moral manner. You could inherit it or earn it but the easiest way is to get by immoral means. Lets just say, less than honest. The higher the stakes the more dishonest the method. Since the majority of people are basically honest, they are easily separated from their small savings (money/power) by those that are better at accumulating it by fraudulent and dishonest means. Wolves and sheep.


Where ever there is money, there is someone willing to take it from you. Wolves and sheep, remember? If you give it away, it's on you to know where it's going, why and if it gets there. Sometimes it feels so good to give that these questions are glossed over so always be informed and ask yourself "where is my money going?"


So yeah Doug, fuck this thread, fuck KONY, and most of all fuck Angelina.

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Take over Africa. Use resources (diamonds, oil, gold, etc.) Support America. I see people starving here. I see children getting kidnapped.

Sam Kinison said it well:




They live in the desert. They've been starving for thousands of years. If they can't figure that out then let them keep pumping out babies and dying.

Yeah I'm a cold hearted SOB. Been doing charity my entire life. I strongly believe in helping my fellow man. As long as I have food and shelter I have always helped others achieve the same.


I don't give a fuck what happens to a tribe in Africa, I really don't. You really shouldn't either. The USA is pretty shitty right now. You're getting blinded by these dumb campaigns and dirty media telling us "HEY GUYS AFRICAS STILL STARVING!" Bitch, we know. Get off our dicks. And if you really care, that million dollar commercial could have fed some african babies, ho.

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There is something that you guys are missing. If this kony 2012 campaign works it puts the power back in the peoples hand. If every one of our social media generation comes together for a united cause and there is a completed successful outcome then it may turn on energy costs or violated amendments or dare I say it the overdue overthrowing of a corrupt government system. Now that im on the FBI watch list, just realize this may evolve into something greater.

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There is something that you guys are missing. If this kony 2012 campaign works it puts the power back in the peoples hand. If every one of our social media generation comes together for a united cause and there is a completed successful outcome then it may turn on energy costs or violated amendments or dare I say it the overdue overthrowing of a corrupt government system. Now that im on the FBI watch list, just realize this may evolve into something greater.


I guess you forgot about SOPA/PIPA...

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So did I mention I now have a ringtone of a flyby of a 510? Sounds badass, even though it is a VG 510, but none of my sound files were good enough for putting on the phone. When I eventually get the new motor together, I'll definitely have to make some good sound files. Datsun.

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This has got the be the funniest not funny thing ever. Like so much lulz from faceboobs posting their support of the faptivist to how none of this shit can be taken seriously. This is one of the best and most mainstream wins the Internet has made and the actual cause was blunderfucked in a matter or days hahahaha.

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