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what makes a datsun a ratsun

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Has anybody really got a great explanation?


motavated gave me a really good one


What is a datsun for me.


A little car that I can fuck around it. A go kart for an adult with over 200 horsepower. Oh nice supra! How much did that car cost your FATHER?! Want to race? Sure! I pick they alley. Oh the paint on your car is going to get scratched. Boo fucken hoo and cry me a river. For the mean time let me burn donuts around you as my tires hot burning rubbers sticks on your face...


yeah... That is what a datsun is for me. AKA ratsun.

im sure he doesnt mind me sharing this

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oh shit skibs afraid of ratsun goign hipster.....



lol. just sayin you dont have to have a specific look with your car to be a Ratsuner.



theres a lot of really nice cars here and a lot of super rad rats here.


its about our common mentality......... and somewhat fucked up humour :rofl:

Ratsuns great because its our community.

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Ratsun? hell, i think Skib and Mike hit it pretty well on the head.


I think that that word defines a community of close nit Datsun enthusiasts. I wrecked my truck, posted a thread, and before I even knew it had people offering me parts trucks on the cheap! (BTW Dat Lurka I'll be getting with you shortly!) Everyone here is so helpful in the best ways and has the ability to make the best of any situation.


I'm proud to associate with you dysfunctional assholes. Society gave us Datsuns and in return we give them lulz cool.gif


I've been on Ratsun for about 2 years and was hooked instantly. I'm here for life: It's in my blood. If you don't believe me look at my post count.





This thread makes me think of this song.



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Hell we have members without a Datsun that are big time ratsuners. It's an attitude.... and more.


(do ya think that was mater that +1'd me? :lol:)


I'm one of the 3 at this time.


So when(yeah, right!) Raymond gets a Datsun-will Ratsun be ruined?

Or is that too late?



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My Datsuns are just my Datsuns. I'm Ratsun because all your Datsuns are your Datsuns and we get to come here and say :fu:, :lol:, :cool:, :rolleyes:, and :poke: eachother. And dream of sammiches.



Oh, and share the wealth of knowledge about these cars and trucks that can't be found anywhere else.


And the lulz.

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