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Most stressful day ever.. need to vent

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To be honest selling all your stuff to move there because she wont be able to concentrate enough to graduate isn`t good..You two are far to young to NOT be able to live without each other for a short time..My wife and i have been together since we were very young and after graduation we went to different colleges very far apart, and this was before all the fricking technology you guys have..After we FINISHED , ,get that FINISHED, college, we got jobs local to each other found a place to live ..and we are 45 years old this year..Be honest with yourself if your relationship hinges on you knowing what each other are doing every second of the day and not just trusting that you love ( eewww ) each other no matter what the distance then , you should really think about where your at in life / lives..


Just a observation from an old dude .....

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Stay calm ... document everything ... police report sure...


Listen to her uncle ..... obviously he cares .... ive been in that position many a time .... <---- if he is a reasonable and methodical/wise person of judgement and character ... than this is by far the best course of action ...


Most healthy outlook is good .... hostile environment hinders positive life outlook and ability to learn at school or cope with stress. ... period!


Keep one eye on your spouse and two eyes on yourself ( do what's best for both of you! )


Sometimes these things are very unclear as to what caused what or who was entirely at "blame" ... but all focus needs to be on healing and where you as individuals wish to be in 1-5-10 years from now ... :)


There is no shame ... if free greif counseling is needed ... it provides healtheir outlooks on life especially at the critical age before 21 :) ... encourage it .... more so than not ... she just will want you right there ... its all about how she feels ... and not what is said ... most of the time.


Its more important ... that you as a co dependent role model ... stay very very calm ... and encourage her that this is just a stepping stone .... better things to come, and not to waste time dwelling on it.keeping in mind safety is priority.


Its best to be able to not have to talk about or focus on these things if you can help it ... that is hard ... but doable with effort .... think of things challenges rather than difficult or stressful ... when people admit stress or rant ... it is almost leaning the pendulum to the defeated side ... not that you said that ... just positive psychology.


Money is money ... cars are cars .... family supercedes all in my book! Some friends are family to me!


Hope things are better for you two.




I Pms you mm47 ... u basturd ... make her some sammiches for the next few days

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To be honest selling all your stuff to move there because she wont be able to concentrate enough to graduate isn`t good..You two are far to young to NOT be able to live without each other for a short time..My wife and i have been together since we were very young and after graduation we went to different colleges very far apart, and this was before all the fricking technology you guys have..After we FINISHED , ,get that FINISHED, college, we got jobs local to each other found a place to live ..and we are 45 years old this year..Be honest with yourself if your relationship hinges on you knowing what each other are doing every second of the day and not just trusting that you love ( eewww ) each other no matter what the distance then , you should really think about where your at in life / lives..


Just a observation from an old dude .....



solid advice old dude....

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Hang, thats my new avatar! LOL Give me about 20 minuets and I'm setting it.




To everyone else, it's just very stressful. And Hitch, I'm not selling the truck so don't come beat any sense into me laugh.gif


Her dad called today, and tried to tell her that she was over reacting. That was the end of the line with him. I don't think I need to go into detail, but I think she is solidly disowning her father. Very sad, but I think it will be a wake up call for him...


She's moving back down to Florida with her mom in the next few days. She's going to be able to graduate on time, be around people she loves, get her drivers license, a car, and a job. She's going to be supported financially, and emotionally.




Bananahammuck, I wish i could say that I had the patience for years or even months away from this girl, but I know right now with the situation she's in she needs me. I'm the only person that's been there for her and knows how she feels, so I need to stay close. I am, however going to be away from her for a few months while she finishes high school and I can get the truck more road worthy.


Her mom has offered to borrow an F350 and a flat bed trailer to pull the truck the 8 hours to Daytona where she lives and offered me a spot. There's an Autozone 5 minuets from the house that I'll be looking at transferring into. She's offered to pay my bills until I can get back on my feet if transferring isn't an option, but I'm no free loader. I refuse to let her do that, because she's done so much for me already.



I feel so bad for this girl. I can't look at her and tell her that it's going to be a month or two before I move down there because she'll cry. It's hard because I know she doesn't understand, and maybe I don't either.


HRH, she HATES cold weather so I know she wouldn't be up for that. I'd love to, but now's not the best time. Pretty much roasted ANY hope of Canby. My birthday is the day of Canby.



Either way, DTP, Banana, HRH, Hitch, Mike, and EVERYONE you all give solid advice.



BTW DTP, she's got me making her sammiches now unsure.gif Fawk lol

Edited by metalmonkey47
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She has one awesome mom if she supports you two and offered to help get your truck down there. Do what you have to time away from a loved one can be a real test but can be for the good I dated s girl in Vegas for 2 years and I lived 500 miles away it was tough sometimes but I would see her every few months and it made me appreciate the time together so much more.


Good luck with everything you'll get it figured out

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This whole situation has kind of calmed down a bit.




Monkeygirl stayed the night with me last two nights. Her mom came up from Florida to pick her up, and she moved 9 hours down to Daytona, so I'm kinda bummed and lonely but it is a better place for her. She'll be able to graduate on time, and hopefully be okay and stress free.




She's decided she doesn't want to press charges. It will only put more stress on her having to drive 9 hours back and forth to court up here just for them to give her a slap on the wrist. Step-bitch is just gonna continue living her sad, miserable life with her shitty husband and terrible father.






Monkeygirl is beyond stressed at this point since she's farther away from me then she's ever going to be for a long period of time. At this point, I don't even know when I'm going to see her again so it's a total bummer............

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As sad and upsetting as this situation may be, it solidifies my belief that this forum is one of the best ever, everyone on here is very supportive and are just good people. I havn't met any of you, nor have I really been on this forum all that long, but I feel like if and when I finally DO meet you all, it will be like a family reunion.


Stay strong MM.






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^^^^^^^ isnt that why skib moved to cali... to be closer to his woman....wierd he posted up a kini shot of her... he is very protective...


metal.....good job rescueing your girl....im not good at keeping a level head.... I get all "kc phirus at the drop of a hat"....but nice to know u got some people pulling for you in fla...thats a nice 620.....and im not a 620 guy...



last was it u posted a video of there brother freaking out about his show tiburon... some reason that rings a bell...any way best of luck to you...datsuns come and go....heck, women come and go... but the love you have for either lasts forever....


datsuns and i broke up and tried a long distance elationship for ten plus years now were back going strong....turns out the datto is a poligimist....i got two


can t wait to see how this turns out

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As always thanks for the support guys.


Jrock, that vid was more for lulz then anything. blink.gif Guess no one else found it lulzy.





Anyways, things have been okay. Not bad for our second Valentines day 9 hours apart. I'm trying to get a lot done so I can move down there in a few months. This girl never fails to impress me. She's working her ass off in school down there trying to get out. I know that if things keep up, one day I WILL marry this girl.



She sent me this today:









Made my day. Hell, made my YEAR. The last 10 seconds of the video were PURE GOLD.



Reminds me of the time I surprised her on new years day 2011 on her way back from Florida. She thought I was at work LOL




Edited by metalmonkey47
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