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Hydrogen Generators

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feel free to add alot more input or videos


if anybond on here has xp. on these i would like to know what you know :)


I've got two extremely high quality ones built by my dad.

The larger one (about 9x3x3) Has so much out put that it seems to boil the water without catalyst. It was only pulling 3 amps. Modern vehicles need a modified efi unit before it will work correctly and anything with a intake 02 sensor needs to be modified because you are also receiving equal parts oxygen. Basically increases the amount of force exerted per combustion thus decreasing the amount of gasoline needed. You can run smaller engines off of only a generator once it is started. I've seen a 10hp honda generator creating the power to create the hydrogen and was perpetual as long as you kept the water filled. Some people claim it may cause engine damage because of water vapor and such but a well maintained engine with good oil will be perfectly fine. I don't think it make a difference running temperatures and some people say it actually helps their engines run cooler.

If you are interested I am sure we could build one for you. It takes very little work to put one on a datsun engine.

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They tested this on Mythbusters. You actually can produce burnable hydrogen gas with electricity and water! But the cost of electricity was more than the gas it saved.


They failed on mythbusters. How can a few amps from your alt "cost" more than better mpg. Also their setup totally sucked. It's all about surface area.

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I can believe that -- mythbusters is not very scientific in the strict sense, even if they are often right.


Can you build one for me too?


They were probably asked (or paid) to "bust" it if you know what I mean.


I've had two prototypes sitting a couple years. Can't get my dad to agree to build and sell them. Wants to get them copyrighted cause he knows someone will steal them. I don't even have pictures of them. If he's not going to do it then I am. I might make a deal with him before I head west to let me build and copyright them and give him a % for a while. He's too much of a (cheap bastard) to save us from the fuel prices.

They weren't cheap to build. The stainless used was extremely high quality. If I can actually work out a deal with him then I will build them and sell them. I'm sure I can produce them with enough output for a datto engine for a sell price under 300$. That's including container and hoses and such. Last EFI controller we bought was for a 2000 chevy 350 and was something like 75$

This threads got me thinking. Had pretty much forgotten about hydro. Heh my college "career" plan is based on "Design and mass produce alternatively powered automobiles for 4 digit prices."

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If this thing worked, I mean really worked and he was that cheap he would have used it. Nothing like having a 'great invention' and then choosing not to use it.


By worked* I mean increase mileage. Of course anyone can make Brown's Gas I mean any mileage increase. By mileage increase I don't mean the 10-20% increase that anyone can get by driving more carefully. Anyone can empty their trunk, inflate the tires, accelerate slower, anticipate stops and slow down.


Seriously, if these things worked (see * above) everyone would be using them. Instead there's a whole industry making money off over eager people, by selling the plans to them.

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If this thing worked, I mean really worked and he was that cheap he would have used it. Nothing like having a 'great invention' and then choosing not to use it.


By worked* I mean increase mileage. Of course anyone can make Brown's Gas I mean any mileage increase. By mileage increase I don't mean the 10-20% increase that anyone can get by driving more carefully. Anyone can empty their trunk, inflate the tires, accelerate slower, anticipate stops and slow down.


Seriously, if these things worked (see * above) everyone would be using them. Instead there's a whole industry making money off over eager people, by selling the plans to them.


Hasn't been used because we've been driving a cutlass full of computers up till I bought the datto. Haven't put it through the test yet to have an exact number but I have seen home made generators add over 30%. Once I have enough cash to put the KC on the road then I will give an exact number for my system. The simpler the engine, the better the gains. It takes a good bit to make a 30%+ mpg difference. Like a liter/min per liter of displacement. My big one with a drop of lye measured 2.5 liter/min drawing 5 amps. If I can get another 10mpg out of an L20B then I'll consider it a success.

You're getting more power from the gasoline, not necessarily replacing it.

I met a guy getting 35 mpg out of a vw bug. I hope to get that out of my 620.

PS most the people trashing the very idea of have neither tried it themselves, don't have any facts or numbers, or bought a 300$ kit with two bolts and some wires then hooked it up to a gm 3800 and expected to get 40mpg.


So if we take your 20% increase from good driving habits and vehicle maintenance, add 30% from HHO, a 25mpg datto should get 37.5?

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I tried this on my diesel trucks, as datzenmike said, you change your driving habits when driving, and that is the differance for the most part, I ran one for just under 3 months, didn't same a dime. Lets get real here, you can produce enough to make a fairly good sized bang with 30 amps in 15 seconds, you know how many times a piston goes up and down in 15 seconds, and you are talking about 5 amps, BTW, there is a lot of drag when an alt. is creating 30 amps, that means less gas mileage, another thing to consider is the parts you go though keeping this contraption operating, I went threw so many relays, there is no way I saved any money, I bought cheap ones($20.ish) and expensive ones($60.+), none could take the 30 amps steady for long. another thing that you have to keep in mind is these things create heat when enough hydrogen is being created to actually make a differance, a lot of heat, to bad that can't be used easily. I made about 3 differant versions, of which two made it into a vehicle, and I did not see any improvement in the hiway milage, but I can't drive 55mph, if I could, there would have been an improvement(diving habits again), I did see improvement in city mileage, but that can be attributed to the change in driving habits also. If this actually worked, it would be on every car made, or someone would have a patent on it, and there wouldn't be all these sites out there on, "how to make a hydrogen generator", and lets not forget about all the nasty chemicals that can be used to operate one of these devises, do you want all your neighbors to have a bag of "lye" at there house, there would be a lot more house fires if there were, the stuff is nasty, and needs to be kept dry. BTW, there is another reason for for having bags of lye around your house, to make "Bio-diesel", the stuff is nasty, you can take a 5 gallon bucket of water, and pour a quart of lye into it, the 5 gallon bucket of water will almost boil given enough time, it gets freaking HOT. BTW, don't do this in your garage.

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I tried this on my diesel trucks, as datzenmike said, you change your driving habits when driving, and that is the differance for the most part, I ran one for just under 3 months, didn't same a dime. Lets get real here, you can produce enough to make a fairly good sized bang with 30 amps in 15 seconds, you know how many times a piston goes up and down in 15 seconds, and you are talking about 5 amps, BTW, there is a lot of drag when an alt. is creating 30 amps, that means less gas mileage, another thing to consider is the parts you go though keeping this contraption operating, I went threw so many relays, there is no way I saved any money, I bought cheap ones($20.ish) and expensive ones($60.+), none could take the 30 amps steady for long. another thing that you have to keep in mind is these things create heat when enough hydrogen is being created to actually make a differance, a lot of heat, to bad that can't be used easily. I made about 3 differant versions, of which two made it into a vehicle, and I did not see any improvement in the hiway milage, but I can't drive 55mph, if I could, there would have been an improvement(diving habits again), I did see improvement in city mileage, but that can be attributed to the change in driving habits also. If this actually worked, it would be on every car made, or someone would have a patent on it, and there wouldn't be all these sites out there on, "how to make a hydrogen generator", and lets not forget about all the nasty chemicals that can be used to operate one of these devises, do you want all your neighbors to have a bag of "lye" at there house, there would be a lot more house fires if there were, the stuff is nasty, and needs to be kept dry. BTW, there is another reason for for having bags of lye around your house, to make "Bio-diesel", the stuff is nasty, you can take a 5 gallon bucket of water, and pour a quart of lye into it, the 5 gallon bucket of water will almost boil given enough time, it gets freaking HOT. BTW, don't do this in your garage.


I don't have a clue why you were going through relays and such, or what they were used for. Lets get real here. If you produce enough in ratio to engine size and are pulling a small amount of amperage then you will have success. What sort of truck? Seen a cummins six getting over 50%. It really works better on diesels than gasoline engines. The generator was the size of a desktop computer. Lye isn't even considered as a good catalyst, it was convenient. Squeeze a couple lemons and you get a good level. Using lye and methyl and other shit isn't "bio-diesel". It's messy and expensive. Dumping veggie oil in a mercedes with a preheater is the way to go.


How often do you need to add water to the jar? With the stainless steel case, kind of hard to know when you need to refill


Use clear polypropylene containers with a suspended core.




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I said, "I tried this on my diesel trucks", the relay is to connect it to the battery, you do not want it connected directly to your battery, you need a relay, you definately don't want to put this threw your key. For any datsun application, there isn't enough room for a desk top computer in the engine compartment, anything that size would cost a fortune, and be a bomb in the eyes of the US government. We are talking about a generator for a datsun, the average size will be maybe 8 inches tall, and about 5/6 inches round, 5 amps will not produce shit, but 30 amps will do what I said, about every 15 seconds you can produce what would be called a small shotgun going off, that would be about 750 times the engine turned with an average 3000rpm in that 15 seconds, so now you just need to figure out how to produce it 749 times faster, but my diesel rpms are a little slower though. You will start a fire in your car, trying to put 30 amps threw the key without a relay, headlights draw less, and they have a relay. I tried vinegar, baking soda, salt, and lye, vinegar being the easiest to work with, then you also need the distilled water, ect. It just is not cost effective, you do not save any money.

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There is no free lunch.


You cannot get more energy out than what you put in.


If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is.


All of these fit the bill for these contraptions. You would be better off figuring out how to manage spark control effectively to run a super lean fuel mixture at cruise speed.


Got your tinfoil hat on tendril? ;)


(If you really want to save gas, ride your bike to work)

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Why create electricity to convert to hydrogen to burn when you can just drive an electric car? My bro dailies his electric. It yields 250 miles for the price of one gallon. It also looks bitchen!!







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Hey even a steady 32 would be awesome.

My dad swears his 75 with an L20B, 5 speed, and 4.10 rear got 30+ off the lot.


That wouldn't surprise me. I've heard tons of people claim their 620's in stock form get 30+ mpg when driven conservatively.


My '76 does pretty close to 30 when I'm driving it right.

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My buddy and I built some of these because we were getting so many questions about them in our classes. The Fire Department is concerned about these things under the hood. They are dangerous. Hydrogen is very flammable guys. You tube has many examples of what can go wrong. Try watching some after you have had a few beers. It is very entertaining!


We found that there was not enough production to make enough difference, even when it was a good design. Heat issues, high amperage issues, flammability issues.


Not woth it


Go full electric if you really want to save money.

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I saw once on Oregon Public Broadcasting TV a car that ran on hydrogen and nothing else...it was powered from an outbuilding station on the property that had a solar panel on top that powered the system that separated oxygen from hydrogen in water, and the car was hooked up to rotating tanks as needed with quick coupler connections. I can see that as being feasable, but why not connect it to a tied grid system anyway during prolonged times when you're not driving around or cloudy/winter days when there's a lot less direct sun? You might as well think about bottling the pure oxygen and sell it to a medical supply or welder's supply store.

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