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Rick-rat down but not out

Guest Rick-rat

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Guest Rick-rat

Haven't been on for a while,just got out mof hospital today. went for an operation for a popliteal anuerysm on my left leg. This was on the 14th of December, was supposed to be a pretty straight forward operation. Well the operaton went great and leg is healing nicely, Had one small complication from this, had a stroke either during the operation or in the recovery room. The only ill affects from this stroke seem to be speech and some swallowing problems so I cant eat at this time, feeding tube through my nose. If this doesn't get better they will put in a port directly to the stomach which has a bigger tube and works better for when you need to eat through a tube. Maybe I mwill be able to start eating some real food before going to the bigger tube. Can't wait to take my truck out for a spin, Went to start it this afternoon and it fired right up and the truck was ready for a spin, probably be a couple more weeks before I will be able to drive


I hope you all had a great christmas, mine was very well with just my wife by my side in the hospital (she is a wonderful woman and I know she wanted to be with the kids and grandkids) Will be making that up with our Family Christmas soon. We want to wish all of you a very Happy new Year

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Sorry to hear that...Hope your swallow comes back soon. I had to have a a feeding tube through my nose for about 2 months what a pain in the ass that was. I finally got the g tube put in my stomach and life was much better after that. I needed the tube for about a month after that. I was soo happy when I could eat real food. If your gonna need the feeding tube for much longer I would really push your doctors to get the stomach g tube.

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Guest Rick-rat

Sorry to hear that...Hope your swallow comes back soon. I had to have a a feeding tube through my nose for about 2 months what a pain in the ass that was. I finally got the g tube put in my stomach and life was much better after that. I needed the tube for about a month after that. I was soo happy when I could eat real food. If your gonna need the feeding tube for much longer I would really push your doctors to get the stomach g tube.

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Glad to hear you are doing well now, sorry to learn of the complication, it sounds like your doing better though and on your road to recovery. So we all hope to see you and Paco out at the next Ratsun gathering....Take care my friend!!!!

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