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Not to call you a slacker or anything BUT  you do realize he pulled that thing out from under a tarp that it sat under for ten years,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, about the same time you pulled your motor??    Fully disassembled and in primer also... Hell the engine it has was in a D21 sitting in a cow pasture less than 2 months ago .






Could have been.. around 1020esh.
Pulling some goofy little thing.





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Annnnd does he have a normal job?


Do I have a car lift?


Have I done a number of motor swaps before? Yes but not quite like this...


Do I have an unbelievable amount of tools at my Disposal??


Doesn't he have more moneys then I do?

Annnnd isn't he a little more skilled?


I mean I'm skilled but he's probably got 30 years of experience on me..






Is mine turn key any time I want.. yes.. 'After I hook up the battery'

Do I need exhaust work and a fan? ? Yes...

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So your excuse is he's older and doesn't have a job and he spent money on tools ??  :P


Weren't you out of work most of the year?


Do you realize how much harder working on cars is when you're "not young"  he turns 59 in July ?? 


He has only had that lift about 10 years,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, so ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, most of this "experience" you speak of ,, was wallowing around on the greasy floor like the rest of us.


If it matters he "makes" about $1400. a month on disability and gets $500. from renter ( sometimes since renter was truck driver and got DWI lost his job)  ,,, and i think his mortgage is something like $900.  so not exactly Bill Gates. :lol:






Excuses bro  .. Or is this where we invoke the "to many hands in the pot" rule for stuff not getting done

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ANYWAYS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,  me and Fuckin Ted freaked out a young dude and his lady driving a light blue KC 720 last night in front of Han's burger in Lacey,,,  don't know if they will ever come out to have a burger with us though....  If you ever saw Ted eat you would know what i mean ,,, it was like a special sauce horror show.



If you are out there,,,  you two should roll with us sometime.




FYI Han's may be dirty as fuck restaurant but they are cheap juicy burgers.......... A++ will trade again.

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If it matters he "makes" about $1400. a month on disability and gets $500. from renter ( sometimes since renter was truck driver and got DWI lost his job)  ,,, and i think his mortgage is something like $900.  so not exactly Bill Gates. :lol:







fuck i wish i made 1900 a month 

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Not to call you a slacker or anything BUT  you do realize he pulled that thing out from under a tarp that it sat under for ten years,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, about the same time you pulled your motor??    Fully disassembled and in primer also... Hell the engine it has was in a D21 sitting in a cow pasture less than 2 months ago .












Annnnd does he have a normal job?


Do I have a car lift?


Have I done a number of motor swaps before? Yes but not quite like this...


Do I have an unbelievable amount of tools at my Disposal??


Doesn't he have more moneys then I do?

Annnnd isn't he a little more skilled?


I mean I'm skilled but he's probably got 30 years of experience on me..






Is mine turn key any time I want.. yes.. 'After I hook up the battery'

Do I need exhaust work and a fan? ? Yes...



So your excuse is he's older and doesn't have a job and he spent money on tools ??  :P


Weren't you out of work most of the year?


Do you realize how much harder working on cars is when you're "not young"  he turns 59 in July ?? 


He has only had that lift about 10 years,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, so ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, most of this "experience" you speak of ,, was wallowing around on the greasy floor like the rest of us.


If it matters he "makes" about $1400. a month on disability and gets $500. from renter ( sometimes since renter was truck driver and got DWI lost his job)  ,,, and i think his mortgage is something like $900.  so not exactly Bill Gates. :lol:






Excuses bro  .. Or is this where we invoke the "to many hands in the pot" rule for stuff not getting done



3 mouths of no income so I couldn't spend a dime on anything other the rent and food..


My fucking back feels like I'm about to be 59!!




And the things said weren't exactly excuses. More or less facts.



fuck i wish i made 1900 a month 



Sometimes there is so much cackling going on on this forum you'd swear it was a female only retirement home...

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Truck driver getting a DUI = fucktard



He was the lead school bus mechanic for the district ..  He worked there so long he simply retired at full benefits anyway,,,,, but ex wife gets something like $4000. out of that check so he's still broke as fuck.


Now he just hangs out between UAs listening to AC DC at ear splitting volume.


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He was the lead school bus mechanic for the district .. He worked there so long he simply retired at full benefits anyway,,,,, but ex wife gets something like $4000. out of that check so he's still broke as fuck.


Now he just hangs out between UAs listening to AC DC at ear splitting volume.


It's only ear splitting for us.

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