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Read today, gas at $4.25 by spring

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Central Coast!!!! Fuck Yeah!!!! I'll pay $20.00 a gallon just to never go back to Texas again!!! :P


Haha another -1 for Texas. Im in SLO daily driving around my work van, says West Coast Detailing on it, I usually wave or thumbs up Datsuns when I see them. Ive seen a white 240 a few times, a nice green 620 parked behind Sunset car wash on Broad, a yellow 210 and a very ratty 620, but no others really. Honk if you see me driving around.

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$4.25 by spring?


Been there, done that.


The massive jump from the average $1.25 a gallon around 2000 to averaging around $3.50 a gallon in 2010 didn't slow gas use down by much, but there are a few more fuel efficient cars on the market. Now, the $6.75-$8.50 a gallon we will see by 2020 might make a big difference, but history shows it probably won't. People simply got too used to basically flat gas prices from 1980-1998, where gas ranged from around 0.79 to maybe $1.29 (and even that spike to over $1.20 was due to the Gulf War). The slow climb from around $1.20 to over $2.00 from 2000-2005 didn't worry people as much as the oil companies thought it would, which is one reason it quickly topped $4.00 after that.

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I'm with Matt, STFU, get the fuck out there and burn as much gas as you can afford right the fuck now!!! The gallon you save now will only be available to some fat fuck in the future who can afford it. Well fuck him! I remember when gas was $0.34 an Imperial gallon for premium. 15 gallons in my 10.5 compression Dart was around $5 and one week of really heavy driving and racing I burned through $30 worth which was about 1/3 of a pay check. Usually it was only a couple of tank fulls. Was it fun? You're fucking right it was... so get out there and get some. If you like driving your Datsun make some memories. Gas won't be around forever.

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I commute from vancouver into portland 5 days a week, plus run around the couve all week on 5 gallons. a tank is almost 2 weeks. Wwgat u wana know,us why my beat up old datsun gets 40+ mpg... Why,dont these new cars get way way more than that.

My moms old dart got 35 mpg on the freeway. A prius should get a million mpg . as for texas, if gas was 35¢ and provailing wages where higher, I might move close.

Id play just the tip with texas, never live there again.

I hear austins nice.

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Cars today don't get substantially better mileage than 70s econoboxes because cars today weigh a lot more, and have a lot more electrical load. Compare a 1977 Civic with today's Civic. You could put the '77 inside the '12.


Europeans get much better mileage than Americans. If Americans today would drive cars without the A/C, power windows, 15 cupholders, power seats, heated seats, automatic transmissions, traction control, ABS, and 2 dozen airbags (all of which adds weight to the cars) you'd have 50, 60 MPG non-hybrid cars out there. They wouldn't need to be Smartcars either.


A Smartcar seats 2 people, weighs 1600 lbs, and gets about 36mpg with a 83HP 1L engine. 36MPG in a Smartcar is asinine. A Geo Metro was a bigger car and got 50 with a 1L engine. Why is that? But newer Metros, particularly the Gen II, got worse and worse mileage as weight got piled on. Part of the problem is mandatory safety equipment, but mostly it's creature comforts. Car makers still don't think Americans would buy a stripped down "Basic" car, at least not for a profitable price. It doesn't cost much to add the creature comforts that jack the sale prices up. so they only sell cars with lots of "features".

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i laugh at people in smart cars, when i get that kind of miledge out of my 76. id have to be getting 100 mpg to sustain the indignity of driving one of those.


i actually think alot of people in the us would be ok driving a modern car without all of the bells and whistles, its just at some point car makers became disconnected with reality and decided that the public would rather have bullshit then style

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Change is slow in the automotive industry. Public perception of what they "need" in a new car is the reason. I see a change in what is being offered by the manufacturers. Sure, they still sell fully loaded gas wasters, but more people are choosing a more basic form of transportation. MPG is a big driving force right now due to government pressure. The use of synthetic oil for that last bit of "simple" gain in MPG is a great example. We will see very creative ways to save weight as well.


Smart cars are Dumb!



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I can only dream of gas (we call it petrol) being only $4.00 a gallon. Our Petrol here in England costs £1.35 a litre for the cheapest grade. That is about $2.06. Our gallon costs us $9.34 . That is not a direct comparison to USA becuase a UK gallon is 4.55 litres, and a US gallon is 3.88, which means a US sized gallon , we pay $8.00 for.


So please spare a thought for us brits when you fill up with your cheap gas and think it is expensive. :)

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Due to a higher demand for diesel, the refiners are going to produce less gasoline. I'm thinking perhaps I should keep my gas saving A series wagon or buy that Versa I've had my eye on.


That's a bogus statement you can't refine more diesel from a barrell of oil without making gasoline. The price of gas depends on how much we can pay and still use up the gas produced. Supply only matters when they want to raise the price. Oil companies own our government and high prices will go higher.

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I'm not too overly worried about it. I figure enough people will eventually switch to alternate forms of energy, so at some point, I'm going to be driving my Datsun around all the electric and hydrogen cars, having a lot more fun. And at that point of diminishing demand, the leftover oil reserves will be mine for the taking!


Another thought: They're already synthesizing oil. Once that's established, how long do you think it will be before they can synthesize a fuel from algae that's similar to gasoline?

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