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B210 nightmare!

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Well f*** me, haha, some of you might have read some of my threads, as i was having trouble getting my 1980 210 to get going. The other day i had it reassembled and started and had it running for about 5-8 minutes, but was experiencing some timing and idle issues. Which was when i posted a couple threads concerning the issues. Today i was getting set to correct the timing and idle speed bought some gas and was feeling pretty good. I popped the hood and was underway with the usually tinkering, had to minus the gap on my plugs just playing around with a few things to get my 210 running smoothly. I cranked it over, and had it on for a few seconds before it died. Now some of you might remember i had claimed their was a mysterious metal rattling sound that was apparent whilst the ride was running. Now after that first start and die i proceded to re-fire the ol boy, and then it went boom(wtf) engine sieze and a FML. Now it won't crank, so its investigation time. I begin by taking the rocker cover off, no bent pushrods, hmm.. Next outcomes the plugs starting with #4, then #3 etc.. until wait what is this?? #1 is bent shut, lets shine the flashlight down and see whats up.. OH S**T, piston tops all the way up against the head, and to wrap it all off its cracked and holding a giant ass hole in the middle(hello crankshaft). So after months of work, parts on and off, the whole damn engine is coming out most likely need connecting rods and new pistons and seals, (don't even know where to find these parts!) but im sure thats only the begining! So the nightmare is complete. Im f'd out of my only ride, theirs no way i will have enough money to rip that beezy out and throw down a rebuild. Cuz if im going to do it im buy all new parts, so im screwed. If only the previous owner didnt have his head up his ass and just gave it a little tlc every once and a while this rare care would be just fine. So mistreated. In conclusion my amigo's if your in the pacific northwest of the states and have any used dats or nissans for sale get at me your input would be appreciated.. This will probably be my last post for a long, long time..........

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Sorry to hear that ,,,


Find another engine ,,, don't keep picking at this one if it's truly screwed , but do not throw away ,,, u will need parts or could be a-ok to go through !


at idle it just seized ? no knocking ? nothing ? don't these have timing gears ?


Better Days Ahead my friend :D

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Yea no knocking nothing just boom and done. Yea i am pretty sure they do have timing gears. Im currently pricing out a master engine overhaul kit for the bottom end, I know the head, the intake, manifold, exhaust manifold, carb and distributer are golden fer sure. Im pull this beast, and check out what happened. I think if i do this i im going to get this rat bastard on the road. Haha theirs no way i'd throw this classic away she's a pain but i wont be tamed haha. thanks man! A Master engine rebuild kits if anyone knows where one might be able to nab one of these help a brother out! haha

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And this is the Ratsun family coming together to help out a fellow Ratsun. I agree with HRH about tossing the whole motor, unless your going to send the whole dang thing into a machine shop and it check over reallyreallyreally good, don't use any of it. Trust me, I've my butt biten quite a few times and lost more money in the process. Good luck man, we wanna see pic's of car back on the road!



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The A-series rod bolts are reused over and over by most people. No problems so far...except for revving over 7,500 RPM I have heard of no problems.


If you put flat-tops pistons in they may have hit the valves (or maybe even the head) at higher RPMs. That could break piston and bend valve. Mixing and matching heads can also be a problem. Need to measure the piston-to-head clearance even with stock pistons if you fit a different head.

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