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SR 510 crushed by cops in CA

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lol suck it phil lol. I was waiting for someone to mention the time, and i havent taken my pills yet so :-p. I love washington state, when i move back to oregon all the cars will be reged at my dads house. Not looking forward to moving back to beaverton next year :( i love vancouver.


Phil you get a rep point for your powers of, OBSERVATION!!!!! Your one of the few i let poke at me because i know your a good guy so ;)


Why are you moving from my city to Beavers,OneTon (aka land of FAT bitches)?

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Fuck California regardless if it's true. Fucking broke-ass NAZI anti-car state. I've only heard about them crushing cars found street racing or with illegal parts on them. But you never know.


I have a little news flash for ya. THE WHOLE FUCKIN COUNTRY IS going broke and look at our President...... NAZI. :fu:


And as far as Cali crushing your car. DON'T DRIVE LIKE A FUCKIN MORON and you will have no issues.

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I'm so happy I could shit rainbows!


I've heard of them crushing cars in Cali before though, but only for felony stuff. No state in America is going to crush your car because of a little tire screech. Maybe if you're like Fast & the Furious doing 130 blowing welds on intakes and such, in a 25mph zone.. but only because of the Fast & the Furious stuff. :)

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ok news flash they will not crush your car for an engine swap it will be a fix it ticket if its not smog legal and you have to have it bar reffed thats it really no that big of a deal the guy who told you this is full of shit i know this because i knew a few people into that scene down there with swapped hondas and such they wont take and crush your car for an engine swap

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Hahaha yep.

510>crushed car


710s are my bag, cant argue with 40 mpg tho, go sunny go!

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I always wondered why they never called 710 and 610s ....dimes

evalution/inflation , or becouse the 510 was first. I call my 710 my dime but i dont refer to her as so. If i could afford it id get a 510. I like the 4 doors one solid color with chrome. Might get one if i stumble on a deal.

Wont race around acting a fool in anything, probly not going to get anything crushed by the popo, mybe by some out the kitchen type reading a book on her ride home.

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Cuz Dime is the shortened name of Nickel and Dime...Five Ten...510... get it?


Well being twice as old as you i think the name came from little stores called 5 and dimes ie.. Woolworths ,, but we used to call them dime stores.

But there is a 10 in the other two names also.


And instead of switching engine out all the time why not leave L motor in and as Hot Tuna once said



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And Redbanner i was just kidding you,about the B210 thing,, if i could have found a hatch worthy of fixing in my price range i would already have one. Why else would i be knowledgeable of mustang rear bumper almost being the right shape



Or three

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Ollz, "or three" im never realy that serius, i thought it was funny, i imagined the ______ as the kt line ollz

I looooove datsuns , love em, datsuns and jokes.

But every ones got a FAVERITE car, and im just as willing to share my opinion as every one else


@phil, you seem so chill in person, you seem so serius in the world wide webasphere.

Serius? Not serius? What have we talked about? Only dimes? I remember talking about how they are throw away cars, low class... Well i know for a fact theres ben a fair share of dimes tossed out as well. You like yours (so do i) i like mine too. win win win :D :D :D

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Well This thead when crazy haha. I feel better about my choise to spend a stupid amount of money and i can sleep a little better know it most likely won't get scrapped for simply existing. I'll try not to be to my of a d bag driver but with over 350 who it will be hard hahah

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