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Ratsun facebook page

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I haz no facebook. I is uniformed about all my friendz. Oh wait, no, I have email, the telephone, and ratsun. Hmmmmm, don't think I need facebook. (Mom loves it. :rolleyes: ) Don't even get me started about "friending" or "unfriending" shit on that site. Like fing high school. How come you don't like me, wwaaaaa! Chicks get downright upset over the crap. (Not my mom, but other females I know.)


I do have a myspace page though. Bullied into getting it. Says go to my website, that's about it. :D Edit: I think they might have purged it, but I can't find it anymore. I feel so alone!

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  • 2 years later...

Hey guys, my first post so hello. 


I need some help joining this site's facebook group.  I sent a request to join last night, and when I checked today it appears as someone has blocked me from the whole ratsun.net facebook group.  I didn't even get to post anything at all so I'm not sure what's up with that. 


I even just tried sending one tonight under my girls facebook account and within 5 minutes she was blocked too.  Is someone playing games with people asking to join the group?  I would really like to have this site in my news feed.  Can someone that is an admin on there check it out for me.  My name is Dave Gi***n.


I even tried posting in a related Z group asking for someone to add me cause it wasn't even coming up in the search.  Which is how I found out that I got blocked because they couldn't add me.


Thanks in advance for any help

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Hey guys, my first post so hello. 


I need some help joining this site's facebook group.  I sent a request to join last night, and when I checked today it appears as someone has blocked me from the whole ratsun.net facebook group.  I didn't even get to post anything at all so I'm not sure what's up with that. 


I even just tried sending one tonight under my girls facebook account and within 5 minutes she was blocked too.  Is someone playing games with people asking to join the group?  I would really like to have this site in my news feed.  Can someone that is an admin on there check it out for me.  My name is Dave Gi***n.


I even tried posting in a related Z group asking for someone to add me cause it wasn't even coming up in the search.  Which is how I found out that I got blocked because they couldn't add me.


Thanks in advance for any help




Have you even read this thread? We don't really do f/b here. Ratsun f/b is in no way or manner whatsoever, connected to Ratsun.net. It was started and run by someone else using the Ratsun name only.  If you feel the need to f/b, fly at it. If someone didn't 'like' you, ask them.


Ratsun.net is for the serious Datsun/Nissan enthusiast to meet and discuss our obsession and trade info and parts with other like minded enthusiasts. We don't really have time to waste for f/b

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Thank You for the warm welcome.  I agree that Facebook is a great site and that I wish I could spend more time on there being productive with my frirends.


In relation to my previous post, The problem has been corrected.  If the person that corrected it is on here and reads this, thank you

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Fuck f/b and all the posers. "there're so cute, I'ma get my dad to buy me one for grad" or "just seen one and want one like it. what's the best way to lower it and put big brakes on it for under $100 so I can drift it?" "just saw a 510 truck and want one. call me if you gots one...." or "need info for putting LS1 in my 5/10, well.... after I get one" or " just got a 510 coupe and need info to switch it to RHD" or better..." just picked up a Datsun car..... why does it say Nissan Motor company all over it?"


Why put up road signs to ratsun? Any real Datsun enthusiast will fine his/her way here. Noobs are weeded out and sent home crying to their mamas within a few posts, way add to the workload? Those that make it usually end up as members, some as fine contributors to Datsun knowledge.


FUCK YA DMIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

best thing I've read all year.


Unless one wants to drive up the price of datsun and be located by a recovering alcoholic  then hell to the no on facebook!

If you wanna chat on a site that is cracked with statefarm insurance ads and turdle wax pop ups  go to GSXR.com. IT SUCKS

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Ratsun.net is for the serious Datsun/Nissan enthusiast to meet and discuss our obsession and trade info and parts with other like minded enthusiasts. We don't really have time to waste for f/b



Yeah, man, we get raw as hell up in here lolz

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How is it possible to be more productive with friends on f/b anyway? Certainly it can't have anything to do with Datsuns.


It's garbage to deal with, I've seen it and it's confusing

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How is it possible to be more productive with friends on f/b anyway? Certainly it can't have anything to do with Datsuns.

Main Entry: sar·casm audio.gif

Pronunciation: primarystress.gifsär-secondarystress.gifkaz-schwa.gifm

Function: noun

Etymology: from French sarcasme or Latin sarcasmos, both meaning "sarcasm," from Greek sarkasmos "sarcasm," from sarkazein "to tear flesh, bite the lips in rage, sneer," from sark-, sarx "flesh"

1 : the use of words that mean the opposite of what you really want to say especially in order to be funny, to show irritation, or to insult someone

2 : the use of sarcasms <this is no time for sarcasm>




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Lultz on that!


posted on f/b:...


Mr. Majestik Drift:.... "halp halp...I stuck in Prospect Purgatory on Ratsun and can't get out."

Your Civic Duty: .. .. "did you try posting pictures of yo hella flush shit?

Mr. Majestik Drift:.... "haf to get out of Purgatory in order to post pictures"

Your Civic Duty:..... "oics, man"

Mr. Majestik Drift:.... "wtf???"

Your Civic Duty:..... "oics, man, oics!!!"

Mr. Majestik Drift:...."O I See? wat??"

Your Civic Duty:..... " forget it.... you get a datsun yet or give up?


I would happily be placed in the prospect group. And I would probably find a way to post oics.


Althought I don't really plan on doing any huge swap or anything so I might be perma prospect

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Thank You for the warm welcome.  I agree that Facebook is a great site and that I wish I could spend more time on there being productive with my frirends.


In relation to my previous post, The problem has been corrected.  If the person that corrected it is on here and reads this, thank you



No there is not.  However there is a group on FB that is named "ratsun.net"  that happens to be full of older datsuns



Actually we are kinda loosely affiliated, pumpkn210 started the facebook page when there was a little drama in the projects thinking he would escape the drama.... He found out later by naming his page ratsun.net that he became a moderator of the drama as well. ooops :lol:


Anyways you can PM him here if you have any issues with the facebook. I'm sure he will help anyone out, he's kinda like that. 


Sorry Dave :rofl: 



PS lots of the same guys that frequent here frequent there...the internet turns out, it a small world after all. 

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