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So I'm gonna be spending a few years in the UK

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Is it really worth the money to take your Datto over there?


I say take a few years off from the datto and store it, and while you are over there start seeking out all the rare bits that we didnt get over here. Then the cars can be even more baddass when you get back.

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Is it really worth the money to take your Datto over there?


I say take a few years off from the datto and store it, and while you are over there start seeking out all the rare bits that we didnt get over here. Then the cars can be even more baddass when you get back.


Unfortunately they didn't get anything over there that I can't get here for my roadster.


Cost of shipping it and such is still cheaper then buying a lot of cars over there, and from what I've found I can keep my american registration long as I'm a US citizen but I'll find out all the details later. I'd rather have my roadster then a Skyline if that says how much I love my datto.

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what part of the uk would you be going to?

hit me up & i'll put you in touch with a guy who'll find you a cool uk ratsun :cool:



Will be living in cornwall, I'll have to double check the town as they aren't sure on which one yet. Pretty much if I don't bring my roadster over, I'll just import a JDM car, thinking something like the Honda Beat or Suzuki Cappuccino.. Though the GT-R hasn't left my mind completely just think I'll be in a sea of them over there.

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They're going to shit themselves when they see a left-hand-drive car roaming their streets. :)


Think of the drive through folks; they'll be trying to figure out how the hell an empty seat just ordered a tea and crumpet.



Plus the roads are making me drool to drive the roadster on, I'd be in from what I've been told one of the better places for a romp on country roads.

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:lol:Some of the replies ^^^ make me laugh, great sense of humuor on ratusn.


There are about a dozen or so road legal roadsters on the UK roads already. Its not going to be a pioneering sight to have another one:rolleyes: . UK roadsters have been around for 15+ years and so many of the classic car shows have had the pleasure of a roadster visit.

I dont really follow the roadster scene here but if yours is a RHD, then it will get thelove :cool: (.being rare). Majority are US imports(LHD). I understand that there is a RHD 67 roadster on UK roads which is a south african import. Its true though that the average brit will be slightly confused on seeing one and naturally benchmark against the inferior mg.


Oh and seeing a LHD car will not be a shock...thousands of LHD cars drive into the country on a daily basis from Europe, so common as muck ! what is highly amusing is seeing drivers in LHD cars approach a parking barrier to insert tickets/coins etc. Same applies to drive through type restaurants. It can be a pain...



Plus the roads are making me drool to drive the roadster on, I'd be in from what I've been told one of the better places for a romp on country roads.


The roads in that part of the world are certainly great for driving. Lots of narrow,bendy roads with cambertastic elevation and drops. Huge fun in a roadster (when its not raining!)


Also lots of oddball JDM imports like the capuccino? can be had for not a lot of coin...no need to import, available locally but all RHD if you decide against taking your car.


Personally given the choice, I would take a 510 into UK. Again this is a rare car but driving in damp wet freezing winter conditions will be more bearable and better sale prospects when you return to US, assuming you want to leave the car behind.


Good luck!

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:lol:Some of the replies ^^^ make me laugh, great sense of humuor on ratusn.


There are about a dozen or so road legal roadsters on the UK roads already. Its not going to be a pioneering sight to have another one:rolleyes: . UK roadsters have been around for 15+ years and so many of the classic car shows have had the pleasure of a roadster visit.

I dont really follow the roadster scene here but if yours is a RHD, then it will get thelove :cool: (.being rare). Majority are US imports(LHD). I understand that there is a RHD 67 roadster on UK roads which is a south african import. Its true though that the average brit will be slightly confused on seeing one and naturally benchmark against the inferior mg.


Oh and seeing a LHD car will not be a shock...thousands of LHD cars drive into the country on a daily basis from Europe, so common as muck ! what is highly amusing is seeing drivers in LHD cars approach a parking barrier to insert tickets/coins etc. Same applies to drive through type restaurants. It can be a pain...





The roads in that part of the world are certainly great for driving. Lots of narrow,bendy roads with cambertastic elevation and drops. Huge fun in a roadster (when its not raining!)


Also lots of oddball JDM imports like the capuccino? can be had for not a lot of coin...no need to import, available locally but all RHD if you decide against taking your car.


Personally given the choice, I would take a 510 into UK. Again this is a rare car but driving in damp wet freezing winter conditions will be more bearable and better sale prospects when you return to US, assuming you want to leave the car behind.


Good luck!


Fortunately, I got the hardtop for my roadster and waterproofed it already :P At the moment I'm talking to shippers and seeing what can be done.. Also been talking to a few folks I know over there on the MOT and all that jazz just in case.


I'm actually planning to swap the engine out to a newer miata 1.6L, and have most of the things on the car upgraded beyond factory spec, I need to probably poke around on the UK datto forums and ask them a bit of info too. I'd consider selling the roadster but I love it too much. Also since I have less in it then it would cost for me to buy another one over there, I'd just rather spend the cash to ship it over. Plus, leaving a drivable car like this in storage for possibly 5 or more years would be a crime in my opinion.

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Say, you might have a snag with the whole car idea. It costs a lot to get a license in Britain, and there are many hoops to go through. I'm not sure they'll grant you a license at easily as a visa, but I don't know. I'm just saying check it out before you make plans.


Honestly, I'd just buy a RHD roadster when you get over there.

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Say, you might have a snag with the whole car idea. It costs a lot to get a license in Britain, and there are many hoops to go through. I'm not sure they'll grant you a license at easily as a visa, but I don't know. I'm just saying check it out before you make plans.


Honestly, I'd just buy a RHD roadster when you get over there.



Already checked that part, since being mobile is a requirement for my job they have me covered. Only true snag I've found is finding out which mods are legal and which are not. I'd also rather not have to sell my roadster here to get one there as what I'd get for mine is only a fraction of what one there would cost.. A lot of Europeans import their roadsters from the US cause its cheaper.

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I need to work out the multiquote facility on this board, so excuse the replies...


To respond


- No RHD roadsters available for sale here. This will have to be a japanese import and likely to cost > US$15k. Hence the idea of coming here to find a RHD roadster is an expensive one


- Like wise V6 capris were only South African spec AFAIK, other old skool Ford now command high prices so not a cheap run about any more.


Already checked that part, since being mobile is a requirement for my job they have me covered. Only true snag I've found is finding out which mods are legal and which are not. I'd also rather not have to sell my roadster here to get one there as what I'd get for mine is only a fraction of what one there would cost.. A lot of Europeans import their roadsters from the US cause its cheaper.


A Miata engined car should not have any hassles for MOT. Other mods like suspension upgrades, bigger brakes are all ok. Major issues arise when you have substantially altered the chassis ( done a space frame build etc etc). So long as it meets the safety standards and car is not dangerous and rusty, you should expect an easy MOT pass. Main issue would be to declare all the modifications to the insurance company so in the event of a claim, they know what has been done to the car !


I believe that it can be driven on US plates for a max of 12 months, I could be wrong though. Foreign plate cars are generally frowned upon by the authorities as it is very hard to trace owners when the driver has been caught speeding / other traffic infringments.


Pre 1972 are tax exempt- this means you dont need to pay annual licence to use public roads. Classic insurance is probably in the region US$ 200-500 and MOT US$50-70. Cheap motoring save for the cost of petrol !!


Happy to help if you have any further q's :)

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I need to work out the multiquote facility on this board, so excuse the replies...


To respond


- No RHD roadsters available for sale here. This will have to be a japanese import and likely to cost > US$15k. Hence the idea of coming here to find a RHD roadster is an expensive one


- Like wise V6 capris were only South African spec AFAIK, other old skool Ford now command high prices so not a cheap run about any more.




A Miata engined car should not have any hassles for MOT. Other mods like suspension upgrades, bigger brakes are all ok. Major issues arise when you have substantially altered the chassis ( done a space frame build etc etc). So long as it meets the safety standards and car is not dangerous and rusty, you should expect an easy MOT pass. Main issue would be to declare all the modifications to the insurance company so in the event of a claim, they know what has been done to the car !


I believe that it can be driven on US plates for a max of 12 months, I could be wrong though. Foreign plate cars are generally frowned upon by the authorities as it is very hard to trace owners when the driver has been caught speeding / other traffic infringments.


Pre 1972 are tax exempt- this means you dont need to pay annual licence to use public roads. Classic insurance is probably in the region US$ 200-500 and MOT US$50-70. Cheap motoring save for the cost of petrol !!


Happy to help if you have any further q's :)



Thanks mate, I intend to hit up the local car shows and stuff and soak up all the culture while I'm there.


I'm also sure get some stares I'm sure running a vintage 1968 license plate thats like pumpkin orange. I also had been looking into insurance and I noticed the insurance over there wants to know every little thing done, which I'll go ahead and do to keep things by the books since this car wont be daily driven over there but just my little weekend escape. I have intentions of an Aprila RS 125 for most travel.

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be honest if raodster is beat get rid of it and enjoy England if your going to be there long.

Most people will wipe out a car with in a year anyways being its the other side of the road.


bring back soemthing cool if possible

I loved Capri's Cortinas, and 2st gen Escorts.Yes these were cheap cars at the time dont know if alot of money now.Maybe


English women are Homely that I seen. They are not like Elisabth Hurley!!!!!!!!!!


Get a 84/85 Yamaha RZ 500 or RZ 350 from the 90s bring back of not a Aprillia 250!!!!!!!!!!

Land rover 110!!!!!!!



Tons of Roadsters up here in washington. see them in backs of yards rotting out

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be honest if raodster is beat get rid of it and enjoy England if your going to be there long.

Most people will wipe out a car with in a year anyways being its the other side of the road.


bring back soemthing cool if possible

I loved Capri's Cortinas, and 2st gen Escorts.Yes these were cheap cars at the time dont know if alot of money now.Maybe


English women are Homely that I seen. They are not like Elisabth Hurley!!!!!!!!!!


Get a 84/85 Yamaha RZ 500 or RZ 350 from the 90s bring back of not a Aprillia 250!!!!!!!!!!

Land rover 110!!!!!!!



Tons of Roadsters up here in washington. see them in backs of yards rotting out



I'd call it far from beat now, I've spent the last 3 years piecing it together lol I want to actually enjoy it for longer then a month. lol

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