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So, having stayed up until 5am watching BBC's "Torchwood", I groggily answer the phone at 8:45.


"Hi Jason? This is Nancy A. at Adventist.




"Oh, I woke you up didn't I? Want me to call back?"


"*big yawn* No no, I'm coming to. Well we got the results back from your pre-employment screening and everything was excellent. Your references from Joyce were shining. And the staff here loved meeting you. So, I would like to offer you the Endoscopy RN position we've been talking about."


"Hmm; you know, I'm going to have to think long and hard about this. *three seconds pause* Now that's out of the way, YES PLEASE!? ABSOLUTELY!"


"Excellent. Here are some of the details....."






...well, starting September 1st. :D

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Stupid broad is stupid. I wonder how people get the idea that videos like this are good ideas.


Congrats on the job........Too bad I'm not over 40 though, sure could use the company during my Colonoscopies :)


Lol J/k how long did ya have to look to find that position? Nursing seems like the way to go these days.

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Stupid broad is stupid. I wonder how people get the idea that videos like this are good ideas.


Congrats on the job........Too bad I'm not over 40 though, sure could use the company during my Colonoscopies :)


Lol J/k how long did ya have to look to find that position? Nursing seems like the way to go these days.


I've been employed at another clinic on an on-call basis for on a year now. Worked fine when we had two doctors doing procedures, I was averaging about 24 hours a week. When one doc headed north, I got virtually zero hours for the past four months.


so it's taken about a year to end up here after nursing school. Nursing a hell of a field to get in to, but it's rough around here because there's about 7 nursing programs within 100 miles of Portland. This place gets literally flooded with new RNs every few months. I lucked out because I have previous experience in a niche department.


Now I can order my SPEC clutch, and bribe people to come help me build the 450ZQ, or whatever the hell I'm going to call my Z after the VH45 goes into her. :)

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I've been employed at another clinic on an on-call basis for on a year now. Worked fine when we had two doctors doing procedures, I was averaging about 24 hours a week. When one doc headed north, I got virtually zero hours for the past four months.


so it's taken about a year to end up here after nursing school. Nursing a hell of a field to get in to, but it's rough around here because there's about 7 nursing programs within 100 miles of Portland. This place gets literally flooded with new RNs every few months. I lucked out because I have previous experience in a niche department.


Now I can order my SPEC clutch, and bribe people to come help me build the 450ZQ, or whatever the hell I'm going to call my Z after the VH45 goes into her. :)


GOOD. someone on teh internets is actually putting a VH in a Z! noaw i can decide if i wants a VK56 in there.....,,, nom or maybe teh Y engine... :o


EDIT: for those who don't know the Y engine


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GOOD. someone on teh internets is actually putting a VH in a Z! noaw i can decide if i wants a VK56 in there.....,,, nom or maybe teh Y engine... :o


EDIT: for those who don't know the Y engine



I was looking at the VK56, but it has a really REALLY tall intake. Though I guess that would have given me an excuse to of had a bad ass hood scoop. :)


With 300/330 horse/torque on tap, and plenty more to be made with a small turbo/super charger, I think I'm going to have plenty of trouble keeping ass to pavement with it. :D


I need to see if I can borrow some shop space from someone to tear apart the Q45. I really want to try and swap over the entire drive line, minus the automatic transmission, into the Z. And I sure as shit want to get the R200 VLSD rear end out of the Q and into the Z. I would love to swap over the struts, brakes, and 5-lug hubs as well. I like the idea of an old Z car having ABS brakes. :)

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Oh, by the way, in a completely unrelated note; apparently all them black people are invisible in the dark and eat all the chicken.





Stupid broad is stupid. I wonder how people get the idea that videos like this are good ideas.


Congrats on the job........Too bad I'm not over 40 though, sure could use the company during my Colonoscopies :)


Lol J/k how long did ya have to look to find that position? Nursing seems like the way to go these days.


Me thinks Trollbitch is Trolling.


Congrats on the job

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Me thinks Trollbitch is Trolling.


Congrats on the job


She's absolutely trolling. She probably rides the dark matter rocket on a regular basis.


I mean, seriously? "You can't see them in the dark and they eat all the chicken."


Not even people living in the deep south are that fucking ignorant.


My experience as a professional troll tells me she is a rank amateur; utterly without talent or technique.

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You believe her? People will say anything to get attention on U tube..


Apparently it blew up on her and people in her own town have been recognizing her and threatening all kinds of the typical shit when you do something that dumb. Sounds like she also got fired over it.



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My experience as a professional troll tells me she is a rank amateur; utterly without talent or technique.


Apparently it blew up on her and people in her own town have been recognizing her and threatening all kinds of the typical shit when you do something that dumb. Sounds like she also got fired over it.





but it has to be clever and well timed or else its just really dumb, like this girl.







and congrats on the job man :cool:

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Congrats on the job!! That is awesome news! We need to have a celebration, cause I need to drink. Oh the possibilities, and maybe you could hook us up with some iv's for afterwards to help the hangover!


Fuck that, if I'm doing IVs, is SO we can drink! Hardlined Bicardi 151 anyone?

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Fuck that, if I'm doing IVs, is SO we can drink! Hardlined Bicardi 151 anyone?



oh god!!!! thats going to hurt.... i actually first hand watched this kid shoot up everclear " to be cool" i didnt know what was going on till he was screaming in agony. yeah..... people i hung out with in high school at parties were prreeeeeettttyyyyy fuckin stupid........

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