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SWDP bbq 4th annual in Fontana CA.

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Hey Guys, gals, kids and "special masked guest". Thanks for making this another very special year!!!! Even despite the warm weather, You guys all showed up and proved again what a great turnout You all make!!! I want to thank ALL of You for Your help!!! This Year was the first time two original SCDP members have seen each other in a very long time!! Those being Steve Vaughn and Ron Mangus. They were members in the beginning and got to visit together because of the passion We all share for Datsun pickups!! You can see them sitting together with Ron looking at the Truckin' feature of His old truck, Orange Plus. You will also note the ORIGINAL SCDP plaque that Ron has saved all of these years!! This might very well be the only one still in existance!! Just to hold it was such and awesome feeling!!


This year We awarded a plaque, such as was presented long ago by SCDP to honored members, to Amy!! The honary member plaque went to Ron Mangus. Ron has supported Us and was the person that graciously loaned Me His super8 movies from truck runs in 1974 and 1975 that I had made into DVDs.


We had members drive over from Phoenix, Lake Havasu Cith, Bullhead City and even SFV. This shows how much You all like how this event is becoming!!


Thank You all again and for those that could not make it, We know You were there in spirit!!! ;)

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we got back around 7pm last night. i got a few zzzz's along the way back and we did a prank on nick ( initiation to the datsun club) and he damn near put a hole in my roof in my truck yesterday after we left coachella after we filled up on gas. between coachella and blythe me slamdat and tom were screaming while nick had fell asleep and he just about jumped thru the roof and his eyes got all big (creepy)!! and slam kept on waving at people while wearing my green mask and purple pimp hat..LMFAO and got tears in my eyes from all the laughing. really good turnoutat the SWDP show, food was great..

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Another awesome bbq & kickback event this year! Thank you ALL who showed up & helped make this event what it is...a fun one ! A HUGE thanks to all the SWDP guys who donated thier free time so that others can relax & enjoy good food & of course Datsuns. To the PHX guys what can i say...what dedication to make the long drive & TY :thumbup: Were hoping to make next years equally as special & hope for as good as turnout. Also..I did get some pix that ill post in the coming days so stay tuned :thumbup:

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Awe yall are making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, I have got to get another 620. Thanks to all of yall for making me feel so welcome even tho I have been away from the Datsun life for far to long. Mark and Mike, I have got to come up and see yall as soon as I get a chance, yall do owe me a Datsun boat ride you know!!! It feels so good to be back in the community. I HAVE MISSED THE HELL OUT OF ALL OF YALL!

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These photos pretty much sum up the most important event that happened yesterday to Me. As I said earlier, it has been many, many years since these two guys visited together. To see these views almost makes Me get goosebumps. Such a magical thing, the SCDP plaque, Ron Mangus and Steve Vaughn. All I can say is..... Wow.




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Another awesome BBQ! Was nice hanging out with old friends & meeting new ones!

The day was hot,but the Datsun's were out in full force!

Thanks to everyone involved in making this event happen. Also a big thinks to

everyone that BBQ'ed the food. Good eating!!

I know a couple trucks had to be towed home. Hope everyone made it home safe.

Was nice BS'ing late into the night back at the WigWams. See everyone next year!


Here's a link to my 146 pictures.

My link

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Hey Brad, it was great meeting you,had a good time as well.I made it home with no problems other than feelin like a frog in a microwave in that bare metal tin can! I'd like to see all your photo's but the link wants a password.Anyway,see you at a meet soon,Moody.

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