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Baby seat in the front

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not exactly the safest but you gotta do what you gotta do, at least there is no airbags or any of that other bs. should be fine but i would check my local laws.


The only safety issue with a front seat child seat is in cars equipped with airbags. In the case of our Datsuns I see no problem but cops will be cops, check your local laws.

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The only safety issue with a front seat child seat is in cars equipped with airbags. In the case of our Datsuns I see no problem but cops will be cops, check your local laws.


What he said...

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this is from a CHP site...http://www.chp.ca.gov/community/safeseat.html



Child Safety Seats

Buckle your child in a safety seat every trip, no matter how short.


Remember: All children under the age of 16 must ride properly buckled up.


New law beginning January 1, 2005 Children MUST be secured in an appropriate child passenger restraint (safety seat or booster seat) IN THE BACK SEAT OF A VEHICLE until they are at least 6 years old or weigh at least 60 pounds



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The only safety issue with a front seat child seat is in cars equipped with airbags. In the case of our Datsuns I see no problem but cops will be cops, check your local laws.





you must not have children, the reason to put them in the rear is so you can put them in the middle, this way if there were an impact from both sides or either side, the child would have a better chance at surviving, its kind of the same concept as taking shelter in the center of your house in the event of a tornado




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There'd definitely be a problem if she was buckled in the drivers seat :) Fuck California is up tight, I just can't see how that's any less safe then the back seat. Do you realize how big a collision it would take to drive a plastic dashboard back that far?!!!! Will she even fit if there was an added seatbelt in the middle of the back seat?

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I for one would NEVER put my child in a datsun and feel that would be safe. If you get nailed by some ass hat in a full size SUV what do you think the out come would be.

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I think it's only legal for two-seater vehicles/trucks.


A cop is going to pull you over and obviously say why is there a child in a vehicle with a roll bar.

take the R seat bottom out...


never had a cop question why my son was strapped in a 4pt harness.





It is legal.But the seat must be facing backwards.


rear facing.


Can't afford any more tickets.

i told you not to open the trunk!

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The only reason they want kids in the back seat till age 6 or over 80 pounds is because of the airbags. It can kill because their bodies can not sustain the impact from the bag. Your child is in a car seat, properly buckled, with no airbag. NO PROBLEM.

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I for one would NEVER put my child in a datsun and feel that would be safe. If you get nailed by some ass hat in a full size SUV what do you think the out come would be.



Was it safer in the 70's with all the big cars and trucks then than it is now?

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Well, I see almost everyone here make some decent points.


My daughter is almost three, no need for rear facing as she's too big. Since there is a roll bar, she can't sit in the back: which makes my car a two seater.


I understand its not the safest. I try to only pick her up from daycare in my dime, which is only a 1.5 miles from home/work.


A few cops in my area have seen us cruising with no issues for now. Was just wondering if anyone had any experience with getting pulled over for this.


Anywho, happy mothers day to all the single parents out there!!

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I remember standing on the driveline hump behind the front seat in my parent's 50 Chevy.airbags? Seat belts? Hell,we didn't even have a radio! We had a nice unpadded metal dashboard too.

Man,that makes me feel old..


Around here (IN) either they ride in back,or the seat faces the rear.

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This is taken from the California DMV site. Here's the link.....http://www.dmv.ca.gov/pubs/hdbk/seatbelts.htm





Any child under the age of six years and weighing less than 60 lbs., must be secured in a federally-approved child passenger restraint system and ride in the back seat of a vehicle.


Proper child passenger restraint system installation can be checked by contacting local law enforcement agencies or fire departments, that may provide this service or refer you to a Child Passenger Safety (CPS) Technician in your area. As your child grows, check with these agencies to confirm that the car seat is the correct size for your child.


A child under the age of six years, and weighing less than 60 lbs. may ride in the front seat of a vehicle only in the following instances :


There is no rear seat or the rear seats are either side-facing jump seats or rear-facing seats.

The child passenger restraint system cannot be properly installed in the rear seat.

All rear seats are already occupied by children under the age of 12 years.

A medical reason requires the child to ride in the front seat.

A child may not ride in the front seat of an airbag-equipped vehicle if the child:


Is less than one year of age.

Weighs less than 20 lbs.

Is riding in a rear-facing child passenger restraint system.

Children ages six years and older, but less than 16 years, and children under age six years, who weigh more than 60 lbs., must be properly secured in an appropriate child passenger restraint system or safety belt which meets federal safety standards.

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