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Osama bin Laden found dead!

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Guest DatsuNoob

I hope nobody takes this as a personal hit because that's not the spirit in which it is intended, but I believe anyone who believes wholeheartedly anything they see on the news or any other form of media is a fucking sheep. Obama's birth certificate comes into question, he stammers, then delivers us Osama? Anyone rule out the possibility of a doppelganger? Plenty of dillusional Osama supporters over there I understand. Anyone else see this as a little more than a coincidence or matter of convenient timing? Not to say that he wasn't killed, I just dont believe everything I hear or see on t.v. Alot of us have certainly been fooled by plenty of govt driven hoaxes in the past.

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Hooray!! too bad we just created a job opening for a new terrorist leader. I still think we would be better off patrolling our borders, and having a strong presence here in the u.s. defending against Terrorist actions HERE, and letting the crazys kill each other over there like we do in the countries that don't have oil. Yeah he may still be alive too, good point datsunoob. This war is a weapon of mass destruction to our economy. My odds with the ladies is better with all the A1 troops away though.....



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Guest DatsuNoob

Hooray!! too bad we just created a job opening for a new terrorist leader. I still think we would be better off patrolling our borders, and having a strong presence here in the u.s. defending against Terrorist actions HERE, and letting the crazys kill each other over there like we do in the countries that don't have oil. Yeah he may still be alive too, good point datsunoob. This war is a weapon of mass destruction to our economy. My odds with the ladies is better with all the A1 troops away though.....




So how do I apply? I could use a sidejob for a little supplemental income :lol: I'd be the happy terrorist that really tried to change things, pay my high ranking guys really well for keeping things quiet, made sure everyone under me had a medical plan, you know that sorta thing.... oh shit! on 2nd thought I think the white house already filled that position. :lol:

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So how do I apply? I could use a sidejob for a little supplemental income :lol: I'd be the happy terrorist that really tried to change things, pay my high ranking guys really well for keeping things quiet, made sure everyone under me had a medical plan, you know that sorta thing.... oh shit! on 2nd thought I think the white house already filled that position. :lol:


Lol...... I think you just made the terrorist watch list ohmy.gif you're fuuuuuucked now!!!!!! lmao You will be missed.....

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Guest DatsuNoob

meh. whatever, I passed a pretty rigorous background check for my current yob. No documented history of violent crime, etc. Just a working class dude sittin back watching the shitshow unfold while everyone buys a front row ticket. Most people dont know when their govt is bullshitting them.

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meh. whatever, I passed a pretty rigorous background check for my current yob. No documented history of violent crime, etc. Just a working class dude sittin back watching the shitshow unfold while everyone buys a front row ticket. Most people dont know when their govt is bullshitting them.


Yep, i'm all about peace, Whichever puppet the power elite pay into office and what they tell the media to say doesn't change who's pulling the strings. Our forefathers that ran away from these things i'm sure would be ashamed they accomplished nothing in the long run. I see more and more people opening their eyes and seeing through the veil especially lately though. Of course knowing the truth in itself doesn't change anything. There's almost never anyone to vote for that would even try to change that, the power elite keep it that way. We need to stop making wars, including the failed drug war, and put that money into constructive things instead. Alternative energy, walk in free rehab for those with problems, better focus on crimes with victims, etc..... I'm sure i'm not telling you anything you don't already know.

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Former President George W. Bush, who was in office on the day of the attacks, issued a written statement hailing bin Laden's death as a momentous achievement. "The fight against terror goes on, but tonight America has sent an unmistakable message: No matter how long it takes, justice will be done," he said
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He wasn't "found dead", he was "made dead"! He was hiding behind his wife, using her as a shield while trying to escape. One of the Special Forces commandos put an end to that by shooting him through the eye. There's a place for markmanship after all.


I vote that he be cremated, his ashes mixed into concrete and used to pour an outhouse pit.

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To the governmental watchdog on foreign and domestic terrorism: The opinions expressed here are not necessarily the opinions of the Ratsun forum management. So please relax your sphincter and keep looking elsewhere.



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I'm calling shenanigans. For 10 years he was said to be hiding in caves, then suddenly he's in a mansion? Why within 48 hours of him being "killed" do they get rid of his body? He was the most wanted person, why wouldn't they keep his body for proof of him being dead?


If he really is dead, good. Now they can start hunting down the real people responsible for 9/11

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^^^^^ I think it's Muslim culture to bury the deceased within 24hrs.


Heard this morning on the news that his compound was like 1000 yards from the Pakistani military training complex. And they didn't know this dude was their neighbor??

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You know, I don't think he would hide somewhere he didn't feel safe from capture. This says volumes about Packistan being a haven for terrorists.


I have to admit that I was slightly relieved hearing he was killed. Similar to hearing a criminal was executed, certainly not happy but sad that it all comes down to his. He put himself and others in harm's way and this is the result. All the hate and death and destruction peddled to others to incite them to acts or evil. He's gone, but do I feel safer now? Not one bit. Did you wake up this morning feeling safer than when you woke up Sunday???

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Actually, I woke up feeling much more positive knowing that evil is gone from this world. And knowing the terrorists now know that they are not invincible, that we CAN get to them. That's worth the price of admission. I mean crap, we've been hunting him since 2001!

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Definitely not any safer. He comes from a culture that loves to take revenge. I can't think of anything he has done in the past ten years beside hide like the gutless coward he is. Now all his lackeys will be gunning for us for sure.

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Actually, I woke up feeling much more positive knowing that evil is gone from this world. And knowing the terrorists now know that they are not invincible, that we CAN get to them. That's worth the price of admission. I mean crap, we've been hunting him since 2001!



Sure would have been more effective if it had happened within a couple of months instead of almost 10 years. I doubt there was any attempt to capture him alive. Dead is easier. The American public wouldn't accept less.

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The other reason they're not showing his body is there is probably a squabble over what to do with it. I'm sure Pakistan officials and others are all fighting for rights. The middle eastern countries may want it to display over a bridge or some sick shit. Probably a red-tape nightmare that has to be done right to not piss anybody off. Just my guess. Or they're using the body as bait for some other al qaeda operatives.

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Sure would have been more effective if it had happened within a couple of months instead of almost 10 years. I doubt there was any attempt to capture him alive. Dead is easier. The American public wouldn't accept less.





Although no doubt, his death has effected the whole world. And most importantly, given closure to the families of the victims of 9/11. And makes all that we've fought for worthwhile.

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^^^^^ I think it's Muslim culture to bury the deceased within 24hrs.


Heard this morning on the news that his compound was like 1000 yards from the Pakistani military training complex. And they didn't know this dude was their neighbor??


Since when does the government follow any rules? Bury that fucker in a case of dirt and bring it back to the states to be exumed for proof. It's convenient that he was disposed of where no one can ever find his body.


I'm headed to the gun store later. They're boosting national security and anticipating an attack, so I will be ready for it, Rambo style

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