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Ratsun buisness cards

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Here's what I have used the last year. They're 1" X 3.5", which is about the same size of the old school packs of sticks of gum (i.e. Wrigley's gum). They're printed on both sides so below are pictures of each side.


They dispense out of the container they come in with the push of a thumb so it's like you're giving someone a stick of gum when you offer them a card.


Makes it easy to hand over to someone when I'm in a hurry or to put under a wiper when I see another 510 either at the wrecking yard parking lot or wherever.


Now I know it's not Ratsun specific but I do give them my name, contact info, and handle(s) I go by in Datsun specific websites, so in essense telling them where to look.


I've pretty much gone through this set so I need to update my car's pictures but I think the simpler the info the better.


Here's the design I came up with, with a picture of each of my Datsun 510's and info on both sides of the card:



Here's the actual cards printed on both sides:


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I like the first (front?) I think it doesn't need the rat on the back(?).


I agree, the front (rising sun/rat n wrenches) is awesome, but the back needs to have the datsun part more evident. Maybe a logo, or better yet a picture of a car. Something that in 1 second lets the person looking at it know it is about their vehicle.

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Just a thought; Someone suggested using the shot at the top of the page with Fisch's 510. I think this would make a great layout for the cards. EXCEPT, use Skibs front card as the whole top, put the Datsun emblem as the center of the rising sun offset to the left, put a pic of Bobs '68 Rat on the left. A nice heavy black boarder. Now for the bottom two thirds, The Rat-N-Wrenchs on the right with the same words Skib had originally posted just under it. That would make a great template for someone to add THEIR contact info to on the left.

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round two. atm this prob whats going to be sent to the printer, but thats not 100% just yet




Im staying away from having a car on there, it makes it lean to model specific and It needs to stay datsun general.

but thats why it gets that pic of the old school shield, it also keeps the old/grit feel where as I didnt use a hamburger because there pretty much all clip art style images and that just dosent work with any of the design.



theres also plenty of room to write your name/number/whatever in at the bottom.

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Iv been gettin alot of business card gigs (freelance graphic design) as of late so Im all in card design mode :lol:



I was always to lazy to get around to making some before




the rising sun side will be gloss and the text side will be matte so you can write on it with a reg pen.


ordered the GF's cards in all gloss not thinking about it and you can only write on it with sharpie now :rolleyes:

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Did the same with my pinstriping cards. I used to have glossy all black cards then when i quoted someone i never had anything to write on to give them. Backs of my cards now are un-coated with tons of white space.



lol ya theres lines on hers to write in their appointment :P


I just got her a pack of fine point sharpies tho and its all good.




Im gonna order the text side so you can just use a rec bic ball point pen or w/e is around.

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