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crashed my 510 last night :/


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I think it's soooo gay to go out and drive a car like an idiot on public roads, pushing it well beyond it's capabilities just because "you can". You're lucky you didn't kill someone, pussy.


And as far as not being able to get any "useful informative input from this forum", I sure as hell don't feel like helping someone who doesn't respect his car or other people on the road enough to drive it safely. I'm surprised you got as much help as you did. Give it to someone who will take care of it, and get a Civic, or a Tempo, or a Sebring.

..Better yet, get yourself a bicycle. You're obviously not grown up enough to handle the responsibilities of operating an automobile.

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so what happened was that I was going through this left hand turn and it happened so fast I don't know if my car just understeered or bumped with the road and the weight came off the back and made the car swing wide. the car was heading at like a 45 degree angle for the wall on the passenger side then i managed to get it pretty much straight and just bashed my rims, shot off the wall like in a video game and was instantly on the other side of the road romping the mountain side. the noise from the crash was a lot worse than what happened. i just remember i was like ooo noooo my bluebird grill!!! in my head while it was all happening haha





It's a given something was hit. Describing the hit is a waste of time. What is the damage? Where is the damage? Does it drive, if so what does it do now?



Pictures don't show much at all. How about a shot of the wheels from 30' directly in front and one of each front wheel from 10' from the side? This would go a long way to showing front or rear and side displacement of the wheel.


Damn.. can't even get any useful informative input from one person on this forum


So where's the pictures?


My 510 is my toy. I built it so I can drive it like an idiot. I think its soooo gay and a waste of time, space and money to garage your 510 all the time, drive that shit, its a fucking car pussies!!! Oh and well details on the damage there really is none other than when one wheel is straight the other is toed out, like the front of the tire is at least an inch to and inch and a half over. I'll take some more pics when its not raining out.


I think I know what you mean to say but you're really coming off as a dick insulting every 510 owner and driver. It's not them that fucked up their ride is it? and they're pussys? All I'm seeing is the car being fixed so it can be wrecked worse next time.

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I think it's soooo gay to go out and drive a car like an idiot on public roads, pushing it well beyond it's capabilities just because "you can". You're lucky you didn't kill someone, pussy.


And as far as not being able to get any "useful informative input from this forum", I sure as hell don't feel like helping someone who doesn't respect his car or other people on the road enough to drive it safely. I'm surprised you got as much help as you did. Give it to someone who will take care of it, and get a Civic, or a Tempo, or a Sebring.

..Better yet, get yourself a bicycle. You're obviously not grown up enough to handle the responsibilities of operating an automobile.









+ you have to help us help you.


theres not a single post-crash picture of your car in this thread.



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What is the best way to go about fixing, or replacing the part? Is my car fucked?



Damn.. can't even get any useful informative input from one person on this forum



My 510 is my toy. I built it so I can drive it like an idiot. I think its soooo gay and a waste of time, space and money to garage your 510 all the time, drive that shit, its a fucking car pussies!!! I'll take some more pics when its not raining out.



Well, it appears that you built the car, so you should be able to fix it right??

No, you are not going to get any useful information from anybody here by calling them pussies. And they certainly cant help you if you can't even take a decent OIC.


And, what the fuck is this shit "I'll take some more pics when its not raining out." Speaking of pussy. :baby:

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Well, it appears that you built the car, so you should be able to fix it right??

No, you are not going to get any useful information from anybody here by calling them pussies. And they certainly cant help you if you can't even take a decent OIC.


And, what the fuck is this shit "I'll take some more pics when its not raining out." Speaking of pussy. :baby:


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Look, I'm not here to offend anyone or burn my bridges. so sorry if I pissed you off. let me respond to a few of you.


MicroMachinery- Who would I have killed in the remote mountains at 2 in the morning. Why would someone just be walking around up there. Oh and its not too difficult if you can see to see if a car is coming.. And I have plenty of bikes, thanks. I've already done the no license thing before.


Skib- link to pics is on first page. click it!! "ultra fail" ooookkkaaaayyyy learn to read


Yello620- fix it myself. well I'm not a frameshop.. and why would I take then upload pics during the rain and gloomy weather so I can hear you bitch about the "shitty pics" later???


]2edeye- yes it is raining

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<div style="width:480px;text-align:right;"><embed width="480" height="360" src="http://static.pbsrc.com/flash/rss_slideshow.swf" flashvars="rssFeed=http%3A%2F%2Ffeed1231.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fee516%2Fgtdan%2Ffeed.rss" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" /><a href="http://photobucket.com/redirect/album?showShareLB=1" target="_blank"><img src="http://pic.photobucket.com/share/icons/embed/btn_geturs.gif" style="border:none;" /></a><a href="http://s1231.photobucket.com/albums/ee516/gtdan/" target="_blank"><img src="http://pic.photobucket.com/share/icons/embed/btn_viewall.gif" style="border:none;" /></a></div>



lolz ^ those arnt pics.



and I saw your photobucket link.

it doesnt actually tell anyone much.

people wouldnt still be asking for pics if it did.


the fail boat still sails onward

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It sounds by the way you describe you hit the left front corner? Or just more on the left side. If you pushed the left wheel back chances are that sub frame is a bit pushed back. Not just suspension. 2 ways to do this. Replace lca, tension rod, check tie rods and tie rod ends, generally a hard impact will jam the tie rod and will be hard to take off.

If you replace those and can get a rough eyeball alignment then drive/tow the car to the alignment shop. With the #'s given off the alignment spec you can determine if the subframe/and or strut or anything u didnt replace is still bent. If that is the case next stop frame shop and they pull the frame, if it is off bad. Or just take it straight to frame shop and have them measure it out and go from there. Btw some new frame shops more than likely wont have specs for the dime, being its a classic.

If you struck a curb/object with a side impact with the strut could be bent a bit. It could even be bent the way you hit it. Take the wheel shop and also check for straightness. I may be missing some steps, parts etc. If damage is extensive to sub frame it is gonna be more steps/money to fix.

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Guest kamakazi620

Well after you totally kill that Datsun,I hope you get something a little less sought after like a pinto.

Pintos are rare as fuck and make Great autocross or dragsters,He NEEDS a civic Plenty of them to wreck and their cheap,and can be built to go faster and handle better than a 510 for cheaper

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Pintos are heavy under powered pieces of shit just like the Vega and Astra. When GM and Ford were on top of the world back in the mid '70s and gas went up they made and sold these abortions to us and said "How dare you complain. Look what we've made just for you". My B-210 would eat any one of them on the street and got 30% better mileage too.

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Guest kamakazi620

Pintos are heavy under powered pieces of shit just like the Vega and Astra. When GM and Ford were on top of the world back in the mid '70s and gas went up they made and sold these abortions to us and said "How dare you complain. Look what we've made just for you". My B-210 would eat any one of them on the street and got 30% better mileage too.

Unless you build a 2300cc pinto motor and deck it out or just go for a 460


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