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$5 a gallon predicted by news


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Empty out your trunk. Every pound of junk has to be accelerated up to speed with gas.

Keep tires properly inflated. keep a pocket gauge and check weekly.

Tires aligned.

Switch to synthetic gear oils.

Anticipate stops. look up ahead and slow down gradually. Remember that every time you use your brakes you are throwing away the gas used to accelerate your car up to speed. Easy does it, try to drive without using your brakes. Takes practice. Big savings. What's the rush?

To drive at double your speed requires 4 times as much energy not twice. If it takes 10 hp to push your car through the air at 40MPH it will take at least 40 hp to do so at 80MPH. What's the rush?

Try different grades of gas. Our company truck gets better mileage with high octane fuel than regular. Enough to pay for the difference and save a couple of bucks a tank. This may only apply to vehicles with EFI variable timing.


Drive less. Walk. Get a bike to go to the mail box or convenience store. Slow your life down, there's time to walk or bike, what's the rush? Plan your trips into town and make them count. One big trip rather than several small ones. Take the bus.

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Can't quite bring myself to do it yet, but an electric 510 looks like an interesting project in the future. Here is the "White Zombie", a 1972 Datsun 1200: http://www.plasmaboyracing.com/whitezombie.php

The performance stats are quite amazing.


Max torque at 0 RPM! Excellent fuel economy. However the driving range of high-performance EV's can be garbage and battery technology is seriously lagging in comparison. Plus the price is WAY out of my league. I know some people are starting to dabble in it for performance. Maybe in ten years when I get my fill of EFI and turbochargers (and when fuel is $10/gallon), I may consider it. Regardless, it looks really enticing to those of us who are more electrically talented. I am still learning the ropes of combustion engines, but I went to school for electronics.:D

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There's something to be said for having lots of power and not using it. At 60mph in the 510, I'm running at 3500 rpm. But I'm barely breathing on the gas pedal. It's literally almost at rest. As a result, I'm getting great mileage, far better than with the SUs. And I don't even have the idle switch operational. The ecu always thinks it's in midrange or full throttle. Granted it idles at 13-1500 rpm, so not a big deal there.


A very good simple test for fuel mileage is to let your foot off the pedal at cruise, and feel how close to tip-in you are. Case in point, the D21 4x4 gets shit mileage. And even at 60 mph, I'm into the throttle 1/4 way down just to move the stupid thing through the air. Now, the funny part is I'd lay odds the D21 is actually MORE aerodynamic than the 510, or possibly a wash since it's so high off the ground. However, if I had the power in the D21 and didn't use it, it would take much less effort to move that same mass down the freeway. (Hence why I'm hurrying up with my build of the 9.6:1 KAZ24 motor. Going to get a shitload more compression out of that beast and hope to see mid 20s for a 4x4 with mud tires. Should be possible.


One of the other big things is to change your driving habits. Top gear did a segment on this with the Prius vs. the 400hp BMW or whatever it was. The BMW around the track got better mileage than the Prius that was trying to keep up with the BMW. The point was, it's all in the driving.

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Yeah, it's 10 miles to my work, and it's up on a plateau, so that means a 2 mile uphill stretch. I'm good on a mountain bike, but I won't be digging riding 10 miles up to get to work. Not to mention riding back home along highway 2. That's a great way to get picked off. Might end up getting a motorcycle before this winter is over. Although a Geo Metro or B210 would actually be less costly in maintenance and tires, and get just as good mileage. John at work has this beat ass piece of shit Metro, smells worse than the racecar warming up, raw fuel everywhere, and the stupid thing still gets 43 mpg.

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

Yeah, it's 10 miles to my work, and it's up on a plateau, so that means a 2 mile uphill stretch. I'm good on a mountain bike, but I won't be digging riding 10 miles up to get to work. Not to mention riding back home along highway 2. That's a great way to get picked off. Might end up getting a motorcycle before this winter is over. Although a Geo Metro or B210 would actually be less costly in maintenance and tires, and get just as good mileage. John at work has this beat ass piece of shit Metro, smells worse than the racecar warming up, raw fuel everywhere, and the stupid thing still gets 43 mpg.



Dont have the white nx(I think thats what it is)anymore?

The FI in the 510 not very good in the mileage dept?

A stocker L can get 27-30mpg thats not too bad.

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The 510 gets as good mileage as the NX with the 200sx EFI, and it's a shitload more fun to drive. :) Plus it's rear drive vs. front drive for the winter. I don't like front drive in winter. I know it handles better, I just hate it. If there were an easy way to convert the NX to rwd, I would have done it already. I've seen the AWD ones, definitely cool, but still a lot of work. And actually the NX is rustier than the 510, so I try to keep it out of the rain. And it has an idle issue I haven't diagnosed yet. The truck is next for work seeing as the 510 is mostly finished. Which means it's never finished, but it's not scheduled down for the moment.

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On level road driving air resistance or head wind will determine mileage. Stop and go driving or hilly terrain, weight will determine mileage.


BMW dabbled with a steam generator using waste exhaust heat.






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Guest 510kamikazifreak

The 510 gets as good mileage as the NX with the 200sx EFI, and it's a shitload more fun to drive. :) Plus it's rear drive vs. front drive for the winter. I don't like front drive in winter. I know it handles better, I just hate it. If there were an easy way to convert the NX to rwd, I would have done it already. I've seen the AWD ones, definitely cool, but still a lot of work. And actually the NX is rustier than the 510, so I try to keep it out of the rain. And it has an idle issue I haven't diagnosed yet. The truck is next for work seeing as the 510 is mostly finished. Which means it's never finished, but it's not scheduled down for the moment.


They are more fun :cool:

You probably good for the long road then. :cool:

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

On level road driving air resistance or head wind will determine mileage. Stop and go driving or hilly terrain, weight will determine mileage.


BMW dabbled with a steam generator using waste exhaust heat.








Weight does for sure as all the other things stated,

But a bit of "detuning" could help(smaller jets or Injectors)

Valve lash plays a huge part too.

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i would just like to point one thing out they predicted that gas would be at 5 bucks a gallon LAST summer you know the one that just passed and look it didnt happen im not saying its not possible im saying that the news is wrond about 60% of the time when it comes to these things

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Funny, I was just talking to my girlfriend about this yesterday...

Back in 2008 when gas was almost up to $5 a gallon here, I actually spent LESS money on gas than I do now. Alot less. I started managing my trips into the neighboring town(getting all errands done in fewer trips), then around here, I just rode my bike or walked. I was healthier, happier, and had more money in my pocket. AND AND AND, it really did make driving(when I chose to) a pleasure, as there were so many fewer vehicles on the road. At times I would drive around and have the road all to myself and not have to drive past a single other car(Made riding my bike on the road alot less sketchy, too).

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Ah the dreaded gas price increase question. Will gas prices go up? Always.


So, checking tire pressure and keeping the Datto tuned is key but what about alternatives sources of fuel? Either using in combination with gasoline or supplemental to gasoline? Options are alcohol-which burns leaner so you have to use more to go the same distance; although it could be made at home with a still. It is cheaper but like previously mentioned you use more to go the same distance. Electric which has already been mentioned in this thread or how about HHo-better known as hydrogen. There are a lot of hydrogen supplemental videos on Youtube- I found one that is Datsun related. What do all you Rats think about adding this to the equation? It is made by splitting hydrogen from water. Quite volatile but effective. I have played with it as a source for welding, also on Youtube. (hho welding for those interested)


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Honda has the right idea with the Honda Clarity FCX ... the Leaf and Volt are interesting, but for long range travel, i think this is the future... they have even made a solar powered quick fill station for them. fills in about 5 minutes i think... no 4 hour charges.

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I've been interested in the HHO for a while. From what I've heard on FI, you put a resistor into the O2 sensor wiring to make it run leaner. I don't know how they figure out which resistor exactly to use, but that sounds sketchy to me. Anybody here using one in their carbureted Datto?

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Great I just bought a high octane LZ22 510 to replace my 89 Suzuki Swift GTi! The GTi goes like stink and has gotten me 42 MPG once (Usually 35.)


Though the PO kept logs and did manage to get over 25mpg with the LZ22. But it requires premium gas. :o


Buuuuut the suzuki wasn't a Daatsun! :fu:


(Plus I work form home as does the wife so we really have no commuting to do!)

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