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Got rear ended on the way home

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So I'm at a stop light waiting to turn right. Then "Bam" I get hit from behind. I look in my mirror and see a piece of shit Suzuki Samuri. Some young kid driving. So he gets out of his car and I'm like WTF!!!!!!


Dude I'm sorry I thought you went so I went. "Are you fucking blind". I ask him. No I was looking up the road and I just went. O.K. let me see your insurance card. Duh I don't have any insurance. WTF!!!!! So I call the cops. Kid calls his dad. Cops come before the dad. I tell the copper I want him to get some kind of ticket or something. She says he has to tell me he has no insurance. Again WTF!! Just ask him for it. Well long story short the damage is not enough to warrant a police report.


So I get the dads phone # and give him mine. He tells me he will pay for the damage.


All it did was bend the bumper a bit, but that's not the point. The little fuck is driving with no insurance.


So I'm going to call him and tell him to give me $500. So I can get it redone. I'll snap some pics and post later.

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Same thing happend to my grandma. Got rear ended by some douche with no insurance. Cop shows up, no ticket no nothing. And he gets back in the car and fucking drives off. My grandma is like 0.o . A night in jail needs to be involved for driving with no insurance. All i know is some shit hits me in my car with no insurance. I think my back which is already fucked up is going to have some more issues that his ass will pay for. Lil shits.

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I was just about to ask if it was the Z or the wagon. The pics answer my question.


Fuck $500, I would be ready to report his ass to the State.


Talk to Bonvo, and by the way: You're Hurt. You better get to the doctor.

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That sucks......

Pretty lax laws down there.... :blink:

Here... that kids 'wheels' would be immediately towed to an impound yard.

Then he would be charged with operating a vehicle with no insurance.

Then the (your) vehicle would be fixed by the insurance company who would then sue and or restrict their license or insurance, on the driver at fault.

Not sure of the amount of time it would spend there.....but they would also have to pay daily impound fees.

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They probably drove around, came back got it and kept going. I would have set fire to it.


Oh I'm sure of that.


And it would have cost more in gas and a match than the car was worth.

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thats really fucked up. I got pulled over the other day and i was driving my dads truck which is insured but i didnt have the paper in the truck and i got a ticket. I didnt hit anyone or anything and i got a ticket for not having insurance in the car...thats really just wrong


I don't see how that is really wrong? The law says you MUST have proof of liability insurance for the registered vehicle at all times. In fact here in idaho when you sign your registration, you are swearing that you will have state minimum liability insurance on the vehicle. You didn't have it, you got a ticket.


Now the good thing is you should be able to take your ticket, and the proof of insurance down to the courthouse and show them that in fact you were insured, and the ticked gets squashed right there.


Not that big of deal. I do however think that people who drive uninsured should be taken off the road immediately and be put through a very long expensive process that will insure that once they are able to get a license again they wouldn't dream of not having insurance again.




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I don't see how that is really wrong? The law says you MUST have proof of liability insurance for the registered vehicle at all times. In fact here in idaho when you sign your registration, you are swearing that you will have stste minimum liability insurance on the vehicle. You didn't have it, you got a ticket.


Now the good thing is you should be able to take your ticket, and the proof of insurance down to the courthouse and show them that in fact you were insured, and the ticked gets squashed right there.


Not that big of deal. I do however think that people who drive uninsured should be taken off the road immediately and be put through a very long expensive process that will insure that once they are able to get a license again they wouldn't dream of not having insurance again.






no i was saying it was wrong to not have given the kid a ticket...i understand my situation...i realize now that the kid was sited...i thought he wasnt when i posted that and was saying even i got a ticket and i didnt do anything half as bad.


i actually only have to go to the police station and show them i have insurance...i dont even have to go to court which is awesome

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Oh ok i see now, i took that the wrong way. Yea here you just need to go to the courthouse and show the clerk of the court's office that you have insurance and they just squash it right there.


Feel free to put my thimbs in a vice and beat me with a rubber hose.





lol no worries...i am really good at wording things wrong too

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yea you have to be able to prove you had the policy at the time you were pulled over here if you dont have the paper in your car



Here... they radio in on the spot to confirm insurance/DL.

If not....your ride is MIA 'ASAP'..... :D

Bonus....You still get a ticket if you cannot provide any paperwork on demand........ :)

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It's possible that if the cop is nice he may just warn you.


My son came through a road check a few months ago and was stopped. He had moved and assumed the insurance just kept coming out of his account. The bank and insurance notices were still going to the old address. No insurance for 5 months. Bad boy for not looking at his expiry date. Anyway he was very sorry and explained it and the cop said you've got one hour to get into town get insurance and get a sticker on the car or it gets towed. Car stays here! He phoned me and we got it done in just over half an hour. My sons a good kid who's an electrician with solid job. The fine for no insurance was over $600 not counting the $70 tow and impound, so he was very grateful.

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I have been stopped(illegal left turn, I went to the right lane in that left turn) and sited for not being able to show a insurance card, I had several years of cards, just could not find the one for that year, I went to the court house the same day with proof of insurance and the ticket was dropped. This kid came around the corner at the clark co. fairgrounds entrance about 30 to 40mph and hit me head on while I was sitting in my lane, I seen him coming and just stopped before he hit me, I was in my 1965 datsun 320. It was totaled. Sadly, the funny thing was he was going to motorcycle training thing put on by the police so he could get his MC indorsement, he showed an insurance card for the truck, guess what, he had no insurance, it was his brothers truck he had borrowed with his permission, so what his brother had done was to get ins. for that truck, after the card came in the mail, he canceled it on that vehicle and transfered it to another vehicle till the card came in the mail, and so on till he had cards for all his vehicles. I told the guy how much I wanted and he came back with, "I have to fix my truck", I told him I was going to submit a accident report, he didn't care(stupid man), I did and then I submited a claim with my ins. company for uninsured motorist, they came out and totaled it, I bought it back(A15, dual SUs, 5 speed trans.) cause it was worth more than I could get from my ins. What happened next is why I submitted the claim, they did not show financial responsibilaty, and they both lost there lic. to drive, a few years later they called from arizona whining about not being able to get a lic. As far as I know they cannot a lic. in this country till they pay my ins. co. Nothing would have happened to them with no claim. wayno

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I having insurance is being responsible, its their because people are dip shits and do shit like this. Could you imadgine if their was no insurance and how screwed over people would get, and how much killing there would probally be. I would rather the government gets involved and do something to take these people off the road like they SHOULD untill they man up and pay their shit every month. Im not running insurance on my dime right now, yet you dont see me out there driving it around the street unless i call and activate my insurance.


But as usual, cops dont do what they should do to these people. The day someone hits me with no insurance especially if i have my kid in the damn car, well all i can say is is that they are going to regret it.

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My point is, if I'm the one hit, I want someone else to pay for the damages, however severe. I don't care who pays as long as its not me. If I hit someone, its on me to pay for them. Whether by my insurance or out of pocket. I have insurance on my vehicles, but if I'm in a fender bender, I'll probably pay to fix it myself rather than raise my insurance rate.

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Liability Insurance is there to protect you from financial ruin if you are at fault.


Say you're heading down the freeway minding your own business and you have a tire blowout, causing you to make an unexpected and virtually uncontrolled lane change. You hit the car next to you, that driver panics from being suddenly unexpectedly sideswiped, and they hit the guard rail. You got bounced back into traffic and hit another car, which then caused a 7-car chain reaction pileup.


7 people, including yourself, are injured. 2 of them seriously enough that their medical bills are in the hundreds of thousands. 5 cars are totalled, one of them was a Mercedes CLS worth $85,000. And that's one of the ones you hit directly.


The courts end up assigning blame, you're not assigned ALL the blame for the ensuing pileup, but you get hit with 85% liability for the initial car, 90% for the second one, and 50% for the chain-reaction that involved 4 other cars.


Your share of the medical liability, not counting your own injuries, is $285,900, and your share of the property damage is $116,300.


Who here can pay out over $402,000? Not many. In fact, I would suspect that most of us don't have insurance that would cover that amount, not with "State Minimum" insurance. Washington is $25,000/$50,000/$10,000, about in the middle. Some States are as low as $10,000/$20,000/$10,000. You're still on the hook for anything above what your policy covers. If you don't care about your credit and don't have anything for them to take, and can handle garnished wages for decades to pay it off, then by all means carry minimums.


It's one thing to take responsibility for your actions. But driving a car has the potential of causing far more harm than you can personally pay for. That's why there's insurance.


In the broadest sense, insurance is there to pay for losses you couldn't feasibly pay for yourself. The problem is that it's grown to cover normal, payable amounts. Even worse is you get some places where the car insurance is "no-fault", which means you get your damages paid by your insurance irregardless of who was at fault. No-fault makes it simpler (on paper) but does remove most personal responsibility.


I carry 100/300/50, which is barely enough even though it's well over the State minimum. The only person I know who carries State Minimum the proper way also has a "blanket liability" policy on top of the Car policies. For people in his situation that's the way to go.

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O.K. I just got off the phone with the kids dad. He told me he would make it good. Now I just need to find another euro bumper or a shop that can fix the one I have.


He is a car guy also. Said he wanted to talk to me on Sat but he could see that I was pissed. Duh!!!!! And the kid now has coverage.

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