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Did you hook up the crank case breather to the intake mani? I'm having a hard time tuning my SU's and cant help but think that thing is one big vacuum leak. Oh, and I have a twin choke cable if your interested. its not a factory one but it worked well when I had it on.

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I cant hook up my crank case breather to anything at the moment. The breather tube is pointed directly at and touching the rear float bowl.


I do have a piece of duct tape covering the PCV. I do notice a slight change in idle speed with it covered vs not. I just used one of those simple vacuum gauges to sync my carbs.


I would be very tempted in the choke cables. I dont know how, but I have managed to have my car running great all winter so far, even with cold starts.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well driving around this weekend, my shoulder started to hurt. I then started to pay attention to my shifter, and how my arm was at full length to grab 4th (dogleg). Sure I could bend the shifter some more, but my elbow was already pretty far back in 1st, 3rd or 5th.
So I decided short shifter it was!  Grab some scrap metal from work before I left and then headed straight to the garage.
First I made the bracket. Once I felt comfortable with that, I moved onto the shifter itself.


This is the extension for the shifter. Noticed the turned down ends? (I put the piece in my drill, while I also used my grinder...)




Holes to bolt to existing pin hole on tranny.


Shaved the top the bolts to gain some clearance.


Once I had but my shifter, I drilled some holes, so that the extension could slip in... (dont mind the off center, it actually turned out to be beneficial)



Extension in place in the shifter. Right after this I hammered the pieces together some more.


Erm, this is like the 3rd thing I have welded... camera didnt want to focus... Hey, atleast I stress tested this by banging it on the cement floor like 5 times as hard as I could.



And this is the shifter and bracket on my spare dogleg.



This is the shifter in 3rd gear (back)


This is in 2nd gear. Just less than a 4 inch throw!!!


Now I just need to put in the car to see how it feels.

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Welding tip, when welding two pieces of metal together like you did, you grind the ends of the two pieces of metal at a 45 degree angle, so that when you but them up next to each other there is a small valley/groove, that groove will be filled when welded, and can be ground down/turned so it will not even look welded.

The groove is to promote deep penetration, it is hard to get deep when your just welding something butted together.


I would be interested in hearing your opinion on the ease of using this modification, I have found that even bending the shift lever to the side even 3 inches makes it hard to find the different parts/grooves of the shift pattern.

Good for you, this is just the start of all the things you are going to think of making now that you have your welder.  :lol:

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Thanks guys! And yes Wayno, the things I will do now that I have a welder...


I went to go install this in my car, and then I remembered my shifter hole is really small. When I originally cut the hole, I made it as small as possible so that I would have to cover less in the future... Well now its too tight, and I wouldnt be able to even get over to the left or right gate.


Add one more thing to do tomorrow!

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So wanted to give +2 for awesome amount of enginuity and effort but i had to deduct 1 for welding splatter,,, :lol: ,, beveling the parts as Wayno suggested is a great way to disguise poor welding skills ,, because you can grind all the nasty-ness off,, refill , grind smooth and no ones the wiser...


but seeing the not quite finished product is better than just seeing it done for me.. :thumbup: :thumbup:

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So wanted to give +2 for effort but i had to deduct 1 for welding splatter,,, :lol: ,, beveling the parts as Wayno suggested is a great way to disguise poor welding skills ,, because you can grind all the nasty-ness off,, refill , grind smooth and no ones the wiser...


but seeing the not quite finished product is better than just seeing it done for me.. :thumbup: :thumbup:



Thanks!  Well I cant just post done pictures, thats like cheating, and doesnt explain anything to anyone.


As far as welding, I need a better grinding disc. It takes forever with the one I have! Its faster to just use a cutoff disc.


And like I said, I gave the shifter 5 hits to the ground as hard as I could, and nothing moved.   Its part of the reason I made the peg and hole, to help distribute the load a little better.

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just a hint ... when dealing with thick metals or solid rod u can turn up the voltage to get it to burn in better.... but  thinner metals this will just blow it the fuck out....all i can say is practice we all been there at one point...i was welding some solid rod the other day and the guys from the hydralic shop next door who  build rams from scratch gave me the hint...another trick u will learn from practice is voltage and wire feed settings ....after a while u wont have to look a the cheat sheet...since its not always real world ......i can tell my welder is set right by the sounds it makes while welding ...there is a very distinct sound to a properly set up welder layin down beads..people make fun of me cause i don't run a gauged regulator on my spray guns...i can set up a gun by sight and sound anymore i done it so much...(plus its one more thing hanging off the gun to drag in your paint job...lol).like the short shift....so hows it feel ....

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very interesting.. wide14u told me to come check this out.


i like the idea. i wonder how well it will last over time with the parts bolted together.


Im definitely switching to Nylocks, just didnt have any laying around.


And I am hoping the ridge on the tranny will help keep the bracket from moving. Right now it seems solid.

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So I forgot install pics today. Kinda been in and out all day.  First order was to enlarge the hole for the shifter, as it was too tiny for even the stock shifter technically (rubbed in reverse). Once I got that done, I installed the shifter. And I got to feel it for the first time!
So first impressions. My motor/tranny were cold. I have a slight hill out of my driveway (up the road), and I have to wind 1st out a little to allow for enough power in 2nd, just when cold though. I also have synchro issues, with 1st 2nd and 3rd gears. 1st gear synchro is gone, 2nd likes to crunch a lot when cold, not too bad when up to temp. 3rd likes to play games. Anyways, Reverse to First was very quick, almost didnt even feel like it went into gear. Anyways I took off, went for second, and 2nd refused. Im not sure if its because of the added effort required, or if its the synchro or both, but it wasnt having any of that. Finally after the car dropped down to like 4 mph it allowed 2nd (I cant get into 1st until Im just crawling/practically stopped, really sucks in traffic).
Anyways, I left for Home Depot to gather some more hardware. Immediately I notice 2nd to 3rd and back is so very quick. Its just like, BAM you are in gear! Get it out on the faster roads, and it goes to 4th nicely, and just to see how it felt I got to 5th.
The shifts are fast and hard. A little effort is required, and it makes you do quick shifts. I quickly got the hang of it again, and it felt natural in no time. To make the shifts feel crisp, I would need to not have synchro crunch. 4th and 5th feel awesome, 3rd does most of the time, 2nd feels like rubbish, and first well I just need a new tranny (good thing I have one)
What I have learned. Bad synchros and short shifters are not friends. And if I were to do this again, I would only do a 1" extension on the shifter, not 1.5", and then shorten the stick 1" to match. I would say the effort is a bit much, but not bad. To put another way, its a bit much for a commercial product, but as a built to order its awesome.
I like it a lot, 4th gear is no longer so far away! This mod is gonna stick around, and once I feel more comfortable with my welding, I will probably help a few friends do it as well. I have a new design in my head for that though.


One thing to remember. This will not take lessen the side to side movement. That I do not believe is possible.



TL;DR :  The shifter is awesome! you should do it.


Anyways, I made the bracket look a bit better. I filled in the gaps, rounded a couple corners, then primered and painted.




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Lols. Thats the image Datsun Religion originally shared. I think it got around a bit.


Glad others think its nice!


On a side note, Datsun 510 Peru is kinda lame, I have seen like every photo ever on their page, they just copy from other blogs and google.

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